Ski U Mah Cheer


Active member
Sep 3, 2009
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I thought it went really well this week. Some were a little slow to figure it out. A few more times practicing before the games and we might be able to pull it off in a game. The students really did their part. If they keep pushing it by next year it should be pretty fun!

I thought it went really well this week. Some were a little slow to figure it out. A few more times practicing before the games and we might be able to pull it off in a game. The students really did their part. If they keep pushing it by next year it should be pretty fun!

I'm glad to hear they kept trying it out this week. Did they only do it before the game? Or did they try it out at other parts of the game too?

It was way better this week but I can see it even being more intimidating in the future.

It was way better this week but I can see it even being more intimidating in the future.

I'm saying! By next years night game versus USC you'll be able to hear "SKI. U. MAH." For miles!

It was louder today but there is not much one can do with something so dull and slow. Can't somebody add a cheer with some imagination? I think the crowd wants to learn.

the band did a "ski-u-mah" chant/cadence while marching around the stadium last week before the kick-off with Wisconsin. It was really good and I think it would be a welcome addition. Do any of the band members here have an mp3 file with it?

I think the student section and season ticket areas could pick it up with some leadership from the band, spirit squad(s), etc Might take some work, but it would be a much more unique chant than the current effort and could be a signature chant that would stand out.


It was clearly heard before the kickoff on TV. Very nice work -- keep it up!

It was louder today but there is not much one can do with something so dull and slow. Can't somebody add a cheer with some imagination? I think the crowd wants to learn.

Um...what kind of "exciting" cheer would you prefer? It can be plenty loud. OH-IO, I-O-W-A, etc are not exciting or fast, yet they get plenty loud (and are greatly enjoyed by the fan bases that say them). Hmmm...

I think it will just take a couple more weeks to catch on fully. I wish they would have began it during the jazzed up crowds of the AF and Cal games. Then it would have been huge by now. The cold really sucks people's willingness to be loud and participate.

Is it just me, or is the -Mah! part the weak link of the three? Step it up North-siders.

I think it will just take a couple more weeks to catch on fully. I wish they would have began it during the jazzed up crowds of the AF and Cal games. Then it would have been huge by now. The cold really sucks people's willingness to be loud and participate.

Is it just me, or is the -Mah! part the weak link of the three? Step it up North-siders.

Agreed felt the Mah was the weakest. We held our own with the U

I thought it went really well this week. Some were a little slow to figure it out. A few more times practicing before the games and we might be able to pull it off in a game. The students really did their part. If they keep pushing it by next year it should be pretty fun!

it could be heard loud and clear on the espn broadcast. nice work! let's keep it up.

It worked because they didn't incorporate the scoreboard...instead they had the cheerleaders waving the flags so each part of the satdium knew when it was their turn. Last week they had the scoreboard telling us but it was off and it screwed everyone up.

I think we have a nice tradition in the works.

Go Gophers!!

Ya The "U" student section really held it down. The "Ski" south siders caught on after the first couple. But my "Mah" side barely eeked out a C for their efforts. We will do better next time.

Glad you could hear it Bronko! Although I'm sure the crack squad at ESPN 2 thought it was some reference to skiing

Makes no since to me ... what does it mean?

I asked everyone in my section within my reach and nobody knew what it meant or if it has any meaning at all. So ...............??????????????

From Wikipedia - "Ski-U-Mah (pronounced SKY-YOU-MAH) is a cheer that has been used at the University of Minnesota since 1894. Two rugby players, John W. Adams and Win Sargent, created the cheer by combining "Ski", a Sioux battle cry with "U Mah" for the University of Minnesota. The cheer is used in the Minnesota Rouser, Go Gopher Victory, and Minnesota March."

Thanks Diehard

Thanks ... I'm sure we were not the only ones in the dark on the cheer.

Yeah I knew only very little about it. I knew some part of it was from a war cry but it was a nice, interesting search.

Ya The "U" student section really held it down. The "Ski" south siders caught on after the first couple. But my "Mah" side barely eeked out a C for their efforts. We will do better next time.

Glad you could hear it Bronko! Although I'm sure the crack squad at ESPN 2 thought it was some reference to skiing

me too. i will be there on 10/31 (msu) and 11/7 (illinois) as a southsider doing my part on "SKI"

Agreed felt the Mah was the weakest. We held our own with the U

As a north-sider, I would like to say that yes, the Mah was the weakest, but it was not due to the fans, it was due to the weak-armed Mah flag waver. He kept waving it a bit late each time so it was out of cadence and awkward. We demand a stronger Mah flag-waver!

I liked it...

I thought our MAH was OK, not great like the Uuu but then Uuu is easier to make sound tough than MAH is. We will get it eventually. I think we were the equal of the SKI though, but then I was amongst the MAH's and it always sounds louder when your closer.

The MAH flag waver was a big part of our problem. He needs to get snappier.

I like it The phrase has a lot of history to it and its a nice way to include it into the game. They should do it before each quarter. It will just take some time for it to catch on and some stronger flag wavers.

Look at post #7 on this thread:

Wonder where they got the Ski-U-Mah idea? Were they reading this????

Two Parts

Our Flage Dude was not on time with his flag. Seemed too worried about clocking someone not paying attention to where they were. He, or whoever is next to do it, Needs to do it with more authority.

It would be a great help if this could be done as the band exited at half-time too. It would help educate the late comers. There is no reason why this cannot be done while people are walking to their seats.

We north siders need to do better. b(If we are equal to the SKI part then both can be improved.)

As a north-sider, I would like to say that yes, the Mah was the weakest, but it was not due to the fans, it was due to the weak-armed Mah flag waver. He kept waving it a bit late each time so it was out of cadence and awkward. We demand a stronger Mah flag-waver!

Our Flage Dude was not on time with his flag. Seemed too worried about clocking someone not paying attention to where they were. He, or whoever is next to do it, Needs to do it with more authority.

It would be a great help if this could be done as the band exited at half-time too. It would help educate the late comers. There is no reason why this cannot be done while people are walking to their seats.

We north siders need to do better. b(If we are equal to the SKI part then both can be improved.)

He aborted once so he didn't hit the Purdue players coming out for the coin flip

I really like the slow Ski-U-Mah chant before the game and yesterday I could hear it from the bathroom. Much improved!!!

I was in the MAH section as well and felt the same way regarding the flag waver. I believe that they should use signs instead of flags. Signs are easier to time then flags.

The MAH section is disadvantaged...

You also have to remember that we in the MAH section have the disadvantage of having to deal with visiting fans. They don't help us at all.

Even so we will improve!!!

Ski-U-Mah cheer a great idea

I really like the Ski-U-Mah cheer and the other poster is right it worked way better with the flags thsn the score board. The flags actually allowed the sections to be coordinated. The cheer will only get better over time.

I wish it was incorporated more during the game then just before it, but then again maybe the program wants to perfect the cheer before bringing it out during games.

My Theory:

As it's now done, this cheer runs counter-clockwise and that throws people off. The old "Min" "Ne" "So" Ta" cheer always ran clockwise. Clocks run clockwise. It's the way God intended people to cheer. ... ;)

Start the cheer with the North side (us sun-baked ones) and then to the student section and then the South side (those shivering ones). Much easier to say "Mah" when your teeth are chattering than "Ski" (or "Sky" in phonetics speech). Much more intuitive.

BTW, the handful of people sitting in those bleachers by the large scoreboard -- can they say "rah" at the end of the cheer? Hate to leave 'em out of it. ... :D


Scoreboard end

We can let the 10 rows of people below the scoreboard help out the North siders cheer "Mah". Not because you all arent trying, but to even it out a bit with the south siders; since you all have the visiting fans on your side.

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