Sitting Trevor and Austin with 2 fouls was idiotic


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Jan 8, 2009
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Austin played 4 minutes in first half(finished the game with just those 2 fouls). Trevor played 7 minutes in first half( finished with 3 fouls). It was obvious which starting 5 was better. I blame Tubby's useless assistants for not forcing him to put them back in when wheels were coming off. Mav, Welch and Otto couldn't play for St. Thomas.

Good post. Team is good but bench is not very strong.

Austin played 4 minutes in first half(finished the game with just those 2 fouls). Trevor played 7 minutes in first half( finished with 3 fouls). It was obvious which starting 5 was better. I blame Tubby's useless assistants for not forcing him to put them back in when wheels were coming off. Mav, Welch and Otto couldn't play for St. Thomas.

I know, right? Guys who average 10.5 points a game in a Big Ten season and shoot 43% from beyond the arch cannot play in D3.


You Can't blame the "assistants," when Tubby picks 'YES MEN' for assistants. Also, just how were the assistants suppose to "force" Tubby to put Austin and Trevor back in the game?

Agreed. It was a big mistake. Someone else said in another thread that it was similar to fouling out our own players. In the first half, it completely deflated us. In the second half, only Trevor fouled again......once.

I agree that you have to be able to trust your senior to not pick up a 3rd foul in the first half like that. Just idiotic to not put him in when things were getting out of hand.

I don't see Norwood letting somebody else's hire sully his reputation. This house is getting cleaned after this season.

Marcus tweet: Tubby on Mbakwe and Austin Hollins sitting most of first half with foul trouble: "Looking back, I probably should have played them both."

Go Gophers!!

............................I wonder what gave that away.......the fact that we went down 12 points? Maybe that we turned the ball over on damn near every trip down the court? Possibly because Illinois kept getting easy baskets during this stretch?

I have come to the conclusion that Tubby has lost it.

I wish him a long, healthy, and happy retirement.

Austin Hollins is a smart player. If you can't trust him to play with 2 fouls, who can you trust? This is nothing more than Tubby's stubborness, and it's cost us chances in more than a few games this year.

Austin Hollins is a smart player. If you can't trust him to play with 2 fouls, who can you trust? This is nothing more than Tubby's stubborness, and it's cost us chances in more than a few games this year.
Like Iowa when Andre Hollins sat the remaining of the first half and there was a -14 point swing in Iowa's favor.

Like Iowa when Andre Hollins sat the remaining of the first half and there was a -14 point swing in Iowa's favor.

And the Michigan game...and the Purdue game. Would we have won any of those? Who knows. Would we have won today? Probably.

Tubby makes poor decisions most on a game-to-game basis. Just add this one to the growing list of bad decisions he's made during the past two months.

i hope if and when we make the tourney he at least goes down swinging playing his starters even if they get in foul trouble (i'm not saying stupidly like if a guy gets 3 in the first 5 mins). this bench doesn't have enough to get it done so christ, if you're gonna go down, go down with your best players out there fighting it til the end.

An inbound passing play might help, too...

I think the logical thing would've been to take both out for 7-8 minutes than put them back in not until the second half, we were clearly the better team and would've won by double digits had we done that. Especially with Hollins at least upfront EE is serviceable when Mbakwe is out, but Mav and Welch are useless against guards who like to play up tempo

Marcus tweet: Tubby on Mbakwe and Austin Hollins sitting most of first half with foul trouble: "Looking back, I probably should have played them both."

Go Gophers!!

Well at least he held himself accountable for coaching like a fool. This is progress. The next and final step would be to retire.

Marcus tweet: Tubby on Mbakwe and Austin Hollins sitting most of first half with foul trouble: "Looking back, I probably should have played them both."

Go Gophers!!

I love this. Do something in every situation all year, then when the season is over start to question its usefulness.

The thing I don't understand is, he's watching the same thing we are. The bench (other than Eliason) has proven time and time again that they can't hack it, especially when more than one of them are on the floor at the same time. Mo literally can't guard anyone. I just keep shaking my head when he continually puts guys in position to fail.

If you'll recall, the bench was shortened significantly vs. Indiana. It worked brilliantly. How does Tubby respond? Change the starting lineup, including starting a guy who didn't even play vs. the Hoosiers. Duh.

And the Michigan game...and the Purdue game. Would we have won any of those? Who knows. Would we have won today? Probably.

and the Indiana game in bloomington.
he should experiment early in the year when guys get 2 quick early fouls to see how well they avoid the 3rd and how well they play... so in games like these, you know exactly whether to sit the guy or play the guy and for how long.. <<<< (nothing that a 5th grade pony league coach doesn't do.)

Well at least he held himself accountable for coaching like a fool. This is progress. The next and final step would be to retire.

I can't decide if I agree with you, or if I feel even more frustration that he would make the most obvious observation long after it can possibly matter.

Austin Hollins is a smart player. If you can't trust him to play with 2 fouls, who can you trust? This is nothing more than Tubby's stubborness, and it's cost us chances in more than a few games this year.

I don't really agree with what happened today, but you do remember Austin Hollins fouled out with 11 minutes left in a game this year.

Austin's second foul was just a dumb play, reaching and overplaying way out past the three point line. Trevor's second foul was a terrible call. Not a charge

I'm not arguing the premise of the thread, but this thread is rehashed every time this happens. Tubby has an absolute rule of never playing anyone with 2 in the first half so this shouldn't be a surprise.

Tubby's in game decisions this year are about 15 for the good and 215 for the bad. His stubburness (trying to make a point to Mbakwe and Austin) may finally be the final nail in his coffin...we can only hope.

If you'll recall, the bench was shortened significantly vs. Indiana. It worked brilliantly. How does Tubby respond? Change the starting lineup, including starting a guy who didn't even play vs. the Hoosiers. Duh.

I assume you're referring to starting Welch against Penn State. He's a senior, it was senior day, a home game against the worst team in the Big Ten, Welch put up something like 10 points, 7 assists, and 0 turnovers, and we won by 29, so I don't think the decision is as stupid as your making it out to be. Maybe you're referring to Nebraska though, where the announcers said that Welch was starting, but then corrected themselves when he didn't actually start.

As far as playing Trevor and Austin more in the first half, I agree, I would have liked to see them back for even the last 5 minutes of the half, but I feel like the whole "they only ended up with 3 and 2 fouls respectively" thing is 20/20 hindsight. As I recall, people were tearing Tubby a new one for leaving Austin in with four fouls and 10 minutes left in the game at Northwestern when he fouled out despite, as I recall, being a safe distance away from the guy he got called for fouling.

The strategy worked. Austin and Trevor played the whole second half. The end of the game meltdown and lack of stategy to inbound the ball lost it for us. We didn't close it out.

Biggest tubby problem was his insistent use of the bench - most of them are not very good and when they all come in at once - you may not score for 8 minutes (see Ill game) Eliot and Mav are OK when used with other starters,,,

The strategy worked. Austin and Trevor played the whole second half. The end of the game meltdown and lack of stategy to inbound the ball lost it for us. We didn't close it out.
I don't know that you can call the outcome of scoring 16 points in the first half a successful strategy for winning the game

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