Simple Question: Are you more excited for Kill's 3rd year, or Pitino's 1st Year?


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Nov 24, 2008
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Lot's of excitement to share with this question:

Are you more excited for Kill's 3rd year, or Pitino's 1st Year?

No dissertations needed, just your pick.

Pitino's first. For sure.

interesting question. i think its different types of excitement for me. i am eager to see the progression under kill for year three, but hope springs eternal and nothing sells hope like a new coach and new beginnings so ill take pitino if i have to choose one.

Kill's 3rd year.

Bigger Football than B-Ball fan.

While both make my pee pee tingle, to be honest I will go with.................................................

While both make my pee pee tingle, to be honest I will go with Kill in year 3.

Kill's 3rd year for me too, but I'm more of a football guy than basketball.

Mr. Kill's 3rd season- Pitino is enticing, but until he gets "his guys" the results may not be pretty.

Pitino. There's greater upsides and downsides in both recruiting and on the court. We could make the NCAA's again and win a couple games. We could end up in last and not even make the NIT.

The football team will almost certainly win between 5 and 8 games, most likely 6 or 7. Kill's got them on the right path, but stability is not as exciting.

Gotta be Kill's third - coaching will out. If he can win six or seven games it will be a miracle, given that schedule.

Kill shot

I would take a Rose Bowl trip over the Final Four any day. It has always been football for me. I like Pitino and I have followed the Gophers since the Dick Garmaker and Chuck Mencel days. But watching Paul Giel was much more exciting. I have big hopes for a great year with my man Killer.

By the way, Doc, why don't you prescribe something for the tingly dingle

I would take a Rose Bowl trip over the Final Four any day. It has always been football for me. I like Pitino and I have followed the Gophers since the Dick Garmaker and Chuck Mencel days. But watching Paul Giel was much more exciting. I have big hopes for a great year with my man Killer.

By the way, Doc, why don't you prescribe something for the tingly dingle[/QUOTE]

Because i feel strongly both ways.

I am so excited, pee in Depends excited, I am almost out of control

I would take a Rose Bowl trip over the Final Four any day. It has always been football for me. I like Pitino and I have followed the Gophers since the Dick Garmaker and Chuck Mencel days. But watching Paul Giel was much more exciting. I have big hopes for a great year with my man Killer.

By the way, Doc, why don't you prescribe something for the tingly dingle[/QUOTE]

Why should I prescribe something to pups?

I would take a Rose Bowl trip over the Final Four any day. It has always been football for me. I like Pitino and I have followed the Gophers since the Dick Garmaker and Chuck Mencel days. But watching Paul Giel was much more exciting. I have big hopes for a great year with my man Killer.

By the way, Doc, why don't you prescribe something for the tingly dingle

It is not up to me to be a right hand or left hand, It is up to the stud to decide.

Very excited for Pitino's first year. It's probably because basketball teams are smaller, and so getting a few good players can have a big impact in a short amount of time. The way Pitino has been recruiting has made this one of the most exciting basketball off-seasons in quite some time. I'm not nearly as big a critic of Tubby's recruiting as some are, as most of his fall recruits turned out be good contributors, but as far as off-season anticipation goes, it's hard to get super excited over landing mostly 3-stars with a few 4-stars (which I suppose is about what Kill is getting for the football). I mean it's kinda cool to get a commitment from any recruit, but seeing Pitino squaring off against teams like UCLA, Indiana, Syracuse, and Louisville for recruits is exciting. Every couple weeks it seems he offers some new top 50 recruit, in fact off the top of my head I can think of about 4 or 5 different 5-star recruits that the basketball staff is currently pursuing.

Not to discredit Kill, but improvement in the football program seems to be going more slowly but surely, like this year is just another step in the process whereas I think a quick meteoric rise is much more likely in basketball if Pitino is able to land a few of those top shelf recruits he's going after.

Also basketball has simply been better than football every year since I started following the teams in 2007 when Brewster and Tubby were hired. The basketball team has gotten to .500 in conference, made the NCAA tournament multiple times, even winning a game last year, beating down UCLA by 20. The basketball team beats Wisconsin sometimes, has beaten Iowa quite a bit. They've recorded at least one win over a top 10 team each of the last five seasons I think, and gotten two of them in a few of those. They crack the top 25 from time to time. There's just less of a feeling of futility in basketball IMO, it's not a struggle to look at the conference schedule and find a few likely conference wins. I also felt that in the 2009-10 and 2010-11 seasons that we were on the brink of greatness but significant personnel losses held us back. (The 2009-10 team could have won the Big Ten with Royce White and Trevor Mbakwe on the floor.)

Basically progress seems to be a lot slower in football than basketball just by the nature of the two sports, and with how well Pitino seems to be recruiting right now, rapid improvement seems a lot more likely on that front. I did just buy Gopher football season tickets for the first time this morning though, and so I'm very excited to attend my first ever Minnesota/Iowa and Minnesota/Wisconsin football games this year!

Gotta be Kill's third - coaching will out. If he can win six or seven games it will be a miracle, given that schedule.

I'm assuming you're being sarcastic?

The MN Gophers NC schedule is ridiculously soft and they get their 2 biggest rivals at home - and both of those programs are trending downward.

Most MN Gopher fans are predicting at least 6 wins but now it's a miracle if they win 6?

I'm assuming you're being sarcastic?

The MN Gophers NC schedule is ridiculously soft and they get their 2 biggest rivals at home - and both of those programs are trending downward.

Most MN Gopher fans are predicting at least 6 wins but now it's a miracle if they win 6?

Im hoping the wheels fall off in Madison, I really hate those assbags! But gopher fans have been claiming the down trend of the badginas for the last 5 yrs. we were pounded last season by Iowa and wisky, we need to beat someone to be trending up IMO. I don't care what "experts" think, the proof is in the pudding. Time to win some games, otherwise we are just a bunch of homers talking noise. It all starts with unlv, can't wait to watch our boys beat the crap out of them!

Football for me. This is a Viking State. Before I visit the " Sky Pilot " I want to see that reversed.
Pipe dream?, maybe, maybe not.

Easily football, I don't see the basketball team being very good, I hope I'm wrong.

good question. I am a football fan so i'd like to see if JK has a disciplined team that plays with 60 min of effort.

Kill & Co win 8 games and see a New Years Day bowl. Next year - ROSE BOWL.

Ricco and the boys might make the dance. But next yer - SWEET SIXTEEN.

Football breaking through means much more to the U and would go along way to funding $190 athletic Kill for me and none for you!

Absolutely Kill's 3rd year. Football is the biggest way our AD will re-shape its image and engage with the average Minnesotan. We have a wonderful home slate with Iowa, Wisconsin, and Nebraska (along with PSU). An 8 win football season would excite me more than an NCAA appearance by the bball team.

Right now = Jerry and his 3rd year.

December = Pitino.

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