Simmons penalty


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2008
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B.S. After that I twice saw when Db's got up right in Decker's face with plenty to say and no call.

Yeah, Decker absorbed a lot of jawing. I can only assume that Simmons said something highly objectionable that an official overheard...

Today sucks.

I hate this penalty. It's unevenly enforced, sometimes they chose to ignore it, sometimes they choos to enforce it for the most piddly of things.

No Play Traye is sure not backing up his pre season talk at all. All Big Ten, err a um? Was Floyd in there at all today?

Royston should have had TWO taunting penalties for what he did. What a joke.

Than both coaches were equally bad

Becacuse the taunting went both ways and was only called once old one.

Infantile for a "star" in his biggest game of the year...on the coaching from Brew down.

Did he taunt or did he hit someone?

i thought he got called for hitting the WR after the tipped pass. That is a BS call. If he taunted someone, that is different.

Went to the game today (section 108)....thought the refs sucked but I decided to hold off judgement until I watched the game. Upon further review, they were worse than I originally thought:

1. Penalty on the opening kickoff on Thomas....absolutely non-existent. Even the TV guys commented on that one.

2. BPT's unsportsmanlike conduct call....ARE U FRICKIN' KIDDING ME???? This is after Toom is jawing on every catch and UW's free safety flexes after taking a shot at Decker! WTF?

3. The hold on #26 on Stoudemire's 3rd long return.....where? It's NOT there.

4. The chop block? NOT THERE. TV guys commented on this call. I've watched football for over 30+ years and I've never seen a chop block called on the 1 yard line. BRUTAL. Cost Gophs points.

5. The holding call on McGarry (sp?) in the 3rd quarter is the type of hold that could be called on every play. The flag came out after it Eskridge was tackled for a 1st and goal at the 2.

6. I counted 3 times that UW's offensive tackle moved call.

7. Hauden was borderline roughed on his punt out of the endzone early 2nd call.

8. Decker clearly interfered with on the long pass in the 1st call.

9. Wisconsin 200+yards holding calls on running plays. Give me a break.

Probably didn't cost us the game, but this crew should be relegated to 9 man football games.

I just re-watched the game as well. You are correct on #1, #3, #4, #6, and #8.
#2 was iffy.
#5 was a hold...and it happened right as Eskridge ran by the guy being held.
#7 was either a punter flop or a 5 yard penalty for running into the kicker. It wasn't roughing and a 5 yard penalty wouldn't have given us a 1st down.
#9...I didn't see any obvious holds by Wisconsin that were missed except a couple early in the 1st quarter when the tackle was holding the ends. But nothing obvious in the 2nd half when they were running over our line.

two thoughts

1) on BPT's penalty - I may be wrong but didn't he also have simialr penalty called on him last year in Madison - I think it was a late hit

2) on the chop block - bush call but why put the guy in that situation - first and goal on the 1 and we call a fade route - try pounding it in with a run there - then that O lineman is not in a situation to have that call - maybe he's flagged for holding though

ground hogs day though - stupid penalties (and bad call penalties) have haunted us for years - go back to the dome - interference calls in OT vs both Penn State and OSU - holding calls in OT vs OSU - continious false starts by the O line - it aint Brew - this stuff has been here for years and it just never gets fixed

I've got to say, the personal fouls for taunting are the dumbest penalty ever. Watch SEC football, tell me those guys keep their mouths shut all game, I'd really like to see this enforced only in there is some sort of physical movement attached to it, like standing over a guy and not letting him up, or getting into his face. For god's sake it's an emotional game, let them jaw all they want.
This is something that is obviously made and emphasized by old geezers who have probably never played a game of football in their lives.

B.S. After that I twice saw when Db's got up right in Decker's face with plenty to say and no call.

After Decker's TD he went and chopped down the goal post. I think the refs gave the Gophers a warning and the slightest sh*t talking made them call the penalty.

It probably was a BS call, but for a guy who hasn't done much all year, he shouldn't have been talking.

With all that being said, I still think these penalties are dumb. I think they need to be more blatant and outrageous if they're going to be called.

Ole, I would say it is emphasized by the old geezers who didn't have to worry about rules like unsportsmanlike conduct. They didn't have to jaw. They could just punch, pinch, twist, clotheline, horsecollar, or anything else they wanted to do to make the other player think twice about coming their way again. Talking was for people who couldn't back it up :).

Ole, I would say it is emphasized by the old geezers who didn't have to worry about rules like unsportsmanlike conduct. They didn't have to jaw. They could just punch, pinch, twist, clotheline, horsecollar, or anything else they wanted to do to make the other player think twice about coming their way again. Talking was for people who couldn't back it up :).
Love it, very true also,
We tailgate with a former Olinemen from the 70's, he was saying that after the hit on Decker when he was bleeding against Cal, there needed to be retribution made, a cheap shot for a cheap shot, different mindset, but I love it. I wonder when this changed.

I don't know. It wasn't too long ago a team i was coaching got penalized for hitting the qb after faking an option. Even though it was in the rule book, and I coached our players to always hit the qb (make sure they were on their assignment, and of course to remind the qb someone will always be there), we were penalized for unsportsmanlike conduct.

Love it, very true also,
We tailgate with a former Olinemen from the 70's, he was saying that after the hit on Decker when he was bleeding against Cal, there needed to be retribution made, a cheap shot for a cheap shot, different mindset, but I love it. I wonder when this changed.

I think the mindset changed when the players wore helmets with face masks!!

1) on BPT's penalty - I may be wrong but didn't he also have simialr penalty called on him last year in Madison - I think it was a late hit

2) on the chop block - bush call but why put the guy in that situation - first and goal on the 1 and we call a fade route - try pounding it in with a run there - then that O lineman is not in a situation to have that call - maybe he's flagged for holding though

ground hogs day though - stupid penalties (and bad call penalties) have haunted us for years - go back to the dome - interference calls in OT vs both Penn State and OSU - holding calls in OT vs OSU - continious false starts by the O line - it aint Brew - this stuff has been here for years and it just never gets fixed

Regarding #1 I believe that was Tremaine Brock.

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