That had nothing to do with Floyd leaving, but it isn't necessarily a bad thing to be the only game in town.
There's a basic difference - and people don't fully understand it. So, I'll explain it.
A kid in Iowa dreams of growing up to be an Iowa Hawkeye. They want to be the next Chuck Long or Tim Dwight or Robert Gallery or Dallas Clark. So, when Kirk Ferentz walks into the high school and offers an Iowa kid a scholarship, Ferentz has just made that kid's dream come true. And, ONLY Kirk Ferentz can make that dream come true. A kid can't have his dream come true by committing to Notre Dame or USC. If Seantrel Henderson were a player at Iowa City West High School, he'd likely already be an Iowa commit.
A kid growing up in Minnesota dreams of growing up to be a Minnesota Viking. They want to be the next Fran Tarkenton or Chris Carter or Adrian Peterson or Brett Favre. So, when Tim Brewster walks in, he can only make this kids dream come true by helping him get drafted by the Vikings. And, any good college coach can make that kid's dream come true. He can go to Notre Dame or Iowa or Wisconsin and still have his dream. I know some would even argue he could go to those schools and have a better chance to becoming a Viking. Thus, a Seantrel Henderson is tough to nab, even if he lives ten miles from campus.
Until that culture in Minnesota changes (and it will take years, if ever), then keeping in state kids here is different than keeping them in Iowa, etc.