
Sid bashing is getting old. I will stand up for him.

Yes, he should retire but the guy is hanging on as long as he can and his boss's still tolerate him. Take him for what he is; a 92 year old icon hanging on to what he loves. Why not leave the guy alone and let him finish things out.

Sid is probably still working trying to recover the money lost in the Madoff Ponzi scheme.

Sid is probably still working trying to recover the money lost in the Madoff Ponzi scheme.

Sid's probably still working trying to recover the money lost in the Great Depression......:)

Monty Burns: "Confederated Slave Holdings. How's that one holding up?"
Smithers: "It's...ah....steady!"

Sid is probably still working trying to recover the money lost in the Madoff Ponzi scheme.

As Sid said when the Madoff scheme news broke: "Madoff was peanuts compared to the money I lost on McClatchy [newspaper] stock that I was stupid enough to hold until the end."

Sid is probably still working trying to recover the money lost in the Madoff Ponzi scheme.

+1 The best and funniest comment on this very boring and repetitive string. I expect Sid was a close personal friend of Madoff before Madoff's house of cards collapsed.

He is 92 years old, and still working at a job he loves. I don't love my job every day. Do you? As an aside, I have met the man several times,and he really is a decent fellow. I remember him taking hockey recruits to fowl play, and it was both awesome and funny at the same time, and he knew it. Long live his split infinitive.

exiledinduluth said:
Oh yea, guys like Bob Knight, Steinbrenner and all the others just go on a laughingstocks program for kicks. The dude worked his butt off and kissed a lot of butts to get his connections. The man is in his early 90's and puts in more hours per week attending games and events than most people work. A little respect for the legend called Sid


p.s. - If I win the Powerball this week, I promise to donate $10 million as the lead donor to the new Hartman-Dpodoll football training complex adjacent to TCF.

GoAUpher said:
Thank you Freud. I didn't know that not caring about often inaccurate writing made me unhappy. I'll be sure to read more of his columns to make my life better.
You're just filled with so much hate towards the elderly!

Outside of Minnesota, Sid is a laughingstock.

The only reason he still has a job is because the Strib and 'CCO are afraid of age discrimination lawsuits. He hasn't "written" his column for years. He doesn't attend 90% of the sporting events he "writes" about. My old man told me stories about how he would make up fake interviews back in the 60's -70's with a tape recorder.


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