

Pretty Sure You are Wrong
Jun 4, 2009
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Sid has been on the 'cco gushing about the Gopher Football program nearly every morning. Every time Dave Lee asks him a Gopher football question, he starts spewing about how much better everything is. Some of his comments about position groups, player talent, etc. have been bordering on 'tall tale' level, even for the most optimistic Gopher fan. I'm wondering if this is perhaps the worst news the program could have? I've kind of grown accustomed to Sid being wrong. :)

First off, Sid really does deserve a thread of his own. Maybe even a sticky?:)

As we all know, Sid has been saying the same thing every year.

I believe it was last night on The Sports Show, Sid was saying the same thing when Max and Patrick made the point about that's what he always says. Sid responded by saying he doesn't really know much about football and all he knows is what the coaches tell him.:confused:

I don't put much stock in what Sid says. He's a homer, that's they way it is. However, I wil put a ton of stock in what the BTN guys said. They said that they could see a marked improvement in the team from the last time they were at camp and I'll take their word for it.

Sid has been on the 'cco gushing about the Gopher Football program nearly every morning. Every time Dave Lee asks him a Gopher football question, he starts spewing about how much better everything is. Some of his comments about position groups, player talent, etc. have been bordering on 'tall tale' level, even for the most optimistic Gopher fan. I'm wondering if this is perhaps the worst news the program could have? I've kind of grown accustomed to Sid being wrong. :)

Keep" wondering" Schnauzer, you seemed to have cornered the market on that word

Sid is a "Grade A" homer and I think bordering on senile. However, I guess we need someone to balance out all the hate coming from elsewhere.

All of you picking on "Grandpa Sports". So he loves his Gophers! One day when he's gone you will all be commenting on how sad it is that we just lost a Minnesota sports icon.

All of you picking on "Grandpa Sports". So he loves his Gophers! One day when he's gone you will all be commenting on how sad it is that we just lost a Minnesota sports icon.

We will? I'll feel for his family when that happens but that's it. In the meantime, I would not be bothered if Sid chose to retire. Icon or no, he brings nothing of real value to the sports marketplace at this point.

We will? I'll feel for his family when that happens but that's it. In the meantime, I would not be bothered if Sid chose to retire. Icon or no, he brings nothing of real value to the sports marketplace at this point.

100% correct, he has not be truly relevant in several years. His current position in sports media based on percieved previous credit. Honestly, I have never been very impressed with him as a sports writer any way.

All of you picking on "Grandpa Sports". So he loves his Gophers! One day when he's gone you will all be commenting on how sad it is that we just lost a Minnesota sports icon.

Well stated, Parski. Maybe it's just me, but I believe if a fan is sick and tired of Sid, both in broadcasting and newsprint, don't listen to him or read his column. That way you don't have to be complaining about our Sid.

Well stated, Parski. Maybe it's just me, but I believe if a fan is sick and tired of Sid, both in broadcasting and newsprint, don't listen to him or read his column. That way you don't have to be complaining about our Sid.

And I don't for the most part. I don't care that he loves the Gophers (seriously, good on him...he's seen a lot of good and bad in his time). But that doesn't mean I will suddenly have to miss him as an icon when he's gone or respect him more right now for the nothingburger he delivers in his column.

GoAUpher said:
And I don't for the most part. I don't care that he loves the Gophers (seriously, good on him...he's seen a lot of good and bad in his time). But that doesn't mean I will suddenly have to miss him as an icon when he's gone or respect him more right now for the nothingburger he delivers in his column.
WOW. You seem to have sensitivity issues - you really sound like an unhappy person. Sid has respect in this town...just not yours...Oh well.

If it was up to Sid, we'd still be playing in his beloved Dome.

Outside of Minnesota, Sid is a laughingstock.

The only reason he still has a job is because the Strib and 'CCO are afraid of age discrimination lawsuits. He hasn't "written" his column for years. He doesn't attend 90% of the sporting events he "writes" about. My old man told me stories about how he would make up fake interviews back in the 60's -70's with a tape recorder.

The days are long gone, but well remembered when WCCO would broadcast Today's Sports Hero. Sid at the top of his game could get anyone. And it became common place his 2-3 minute interview with Jack Nicklaus, Arnold Palmer, George Steinbrenner, Bobby Knight, George Brett, et al. He was Sports Center 20 years before ESPN. You of the the past 10-15 years have no idea of his cache. It is sad at this point, much like a boxer who fights on. Someone, his son should stop this. Hold a big retirement party. Why not? CBS Minnesota would have nothing without him. If you think Mike Max can take over, think again. That punk couldn't have sharpened Sid's pencils.

Listening to Sid now, yes, he comes off quite senile. But if you're into Minnesota sports and have some time to kill, it's worth it to read his book. (!)

He's a guy who really came up from nothing and became a nationally known reporter. Is he guilty for staying too long at his post? Probably, but in the age of layoffs and part-time, seasonal work, good for him.

Sid has been on the 'cco gushing about the Gopher Football program nearly every morning. Every time Dave Lee asks him a Gopher football question, he starts spewing about how much better everything is. Some of his comments about position groups, player talent, etc. have been bordering on 'tall tale' level, even for the most optimistic Gopher fan. I'm wondering if this is perhaps the worst news the program could have? I've kind of grown accustomed to Sid being wrong. :)

I like Sid as much as anyone. But this thread could have been made almost every year for the last 35 years. I remember hearing what great strides Whacker was making too. And the senility is reaching the tipping point. He referred to Adrian Peterson as 'Jackson' multiple times yesterday and Maxie needed to 'interpret' for him. Oy.

Oh yea, guys like Bob Knight, Steinbrenner and all the others just go on a laughingstocks program for kicks. The dude worked his butt off and kissed a lot of butts to get his connections. The man is in his early 90's and puts in more hours per week attending games and events than most people work. A little respect for the legend called Sid

Outside of Minnesota, Sid is a laughingstock.

The only reason he still has a job is because the Strib and 'CCO are afraid of age discrimination lawsuits. He hasn't "written" his column for years. He doesn't attend 90% of the sporting events he "writes" about. My old man told me stories about how he would make up fake interviews back in the 60's -70's with a tape recorder.
Sid's column is there because it's pretty much a brand name at this point. He's one of the most respected, well-connected local sports journalists of all time. Every time I watch the Wolves on TV, there's Sid in press row. I've seen him at Williams, TCF and the Dome. The guy's a fossil and he still gets out. You might want to check your math.

Outside of Minnesota, Sid is a laughingstock.

The only reason he still has a job is because the Strib and 'CCO are afraid of age discrimination lawsuits. He hasn't "written" his column for years. He doesn't attend 90% of the sporting events he "writes" about. My old man told me stories about how he would make up fake interviews back in the 60's -70's with a tape recorder.

He attends plenty of sporting events. Your old man telling you stories about fake interviews and I suppose he told you Santa Claus was real too. You never have one single good thing to say about anyone. You are worse than a laughingstock on this board.

Re: Asinine Comment

Outside of Minnesota, Sid is a laughingstock.

The only reason he still has a job is because the Strib and 'CCO are afraid of age discrimination lawsuits. He hasn't "written" his column for years. He doesn't attend 90% of the sporting events he "writes" about. My old man told me stories about how he would make up fake interviews back in the 60's -70's with a tape recorder.

Art, that's total BS; outside of Minnesota no one really cares about Sid. He's 92. Give the guy a break. He's been a bigger Gopher fan over the years than anyone you know.

People still read his columns, they still listen to him on the radio.

Sid may be saying good things about the Gophers, but the difference is that a lot of other people are saying good things about the Gophers these days.

People still read his columns, they still listen to him on the radio.

Sid may be saying good things about the Gophers, but the difference is that a lot of other people are saying good things about the Gophers these days.

I do feel that there is good reason to be positve. I think for the first time in a while we have a well coached team. The talent level still isn't up to par but they should compete for a bowl game in the next season or two.

WOW. You seem to have sensitivity issues - you really sound like an unhappy person. Sid has respect in this town...just not yours...Oh well.

Thank you Freud. I didn't know that not caring about often inaccurate writing made me unhappy. I'll be sure to read more of his columns to make my life better.

Outside of Minnesota, Sid is a laughingstock.

The only reason he still has a job is because the Strib and 'CCO are afraid of age discrimination lawsuits. He hasn't "written" his column for years. He doesn't attend 90% of the sporting events he "writes" about. My old man told me stories about how he would make up fake interviews back in the 60's -70's with a tape recorder.

As opposed to you who is a laughing stock inside Minnesota?:confused:

As opposed to you who is a laughing stock inside Minnesota?:confused:

Actually, I think that Sid is currently the laughing stock of sports media in MN. He's so totally irrelevant now yet has his lofty perch and columns...ect. Everyone knows if he wasn't as famous as he is in the state and you just looked at his current work without his name by it that he wouldn't have a job.

Sid bashing is getting old. I will stand up for him.

Yes, he should retire but the guy is hanging on as long as he can and his boss's still tolerate him. Take him for what he is; a 92 year old icon hanging on to what he loves. Why not leave the guy alone and let him finish things out.

The guys 92 years old, it's not like he has a big impact one way or another on much, either enjoy him or ignore him, it's as simple as that.

I've spent a lot of years listening to Sid, probably more than the majority of the people on this board. The problem I have with him is he doesn't seem like a very nice man. His idea of journalism appears to be built on a history of azz-kissing. He is fiercely loyal and lauds the sports personalities that accept his nose in their hind quarters, and dismisses or is critical of individuals that don't play along. It doesn't seem like journalism. It often seems like some sort of twisted junior high popularity "close personal friendship" contest. yes, this a-kissing has lead to some scoops and inside information over the years (more in the distant past, when he built his reputation than in the present, or even recent past). It also has led to a lot of inaccurate opinions and columns on Sid's part. His ego appears to be massive and his personality appears to be prickly, at best (after hearing him rip on callers to his own radio show on Sundays, and bluntly argue with other WCCO hosts each morning, for decades). Some people simply look for their journalists and columnists to be fellow rah rah fans. For that reason, there will always be people sticking up for Sid. His cranky arguing and close personal friend ego driven style becomes secondary to people like this. So be it.

I don't understand why people can't recognize Sid for the legend he once was and simultaneously deride him for the joke that he has become. For example, Michael Jordan is the best basketball player in history, and that's not even up for debate in my mind. If he were still playing now at age 49, he would be castigated as a laughingstock, and rightfully so. I will always have the memories of him at the top of his game, but he would be a joke as an athlete right now, just as Sid is currently a joke as a media personality. He doesn't even write his own columns anymore, and he is simply unlistenable on the radio. I'm supposed to give him kudos because he attends a bunch of games every week? Big deal. Any one of us would give our left nut to have his job, and any of us could probably do better on the first day with zero training.

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