Sid: There is a group in town pushing to name Glen Mason as Gophers AD


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per Sid:

• There is a group in town pushing to name former Gophers football coach Glen Mason as the new school athletic director. According to that scenario, interim AD Beth Goetz would stay in her previous position and Mason would try to convince university President Eric Kaler to find an associate AD position for former football coach Jerry Kill. While Mason has been quoted as saying he wasn’t interested in the job, the word is he would grab the position if offered. I still believe Goetz is the leading candidate for the job. … One person rumored to be interested in the job is Mike O’Brien, who has been the vice president and athletic director at the University of Toledo for 14 years.

Go Gophers!!

Sid has endorsed like 24 people, some of whom don't even want the job.

I'm sure Sid thinks there is a group pushing everyone of them too....

I really don't think the coach to AD jump is all that logical.

I would have no problem with Mason as AD. I would have all sorts of problems if he turn brought in Jerry Kill. You don't need two football guys with no AD experience.

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This is the first scenario that Sid floated that I kind of like. Maybe there would be too many cooks in the kitchen with Mason and Kill on staff, but I like the idea of finding a place for Kill.

This is the first scenario that Sid floated that I kind of like. Maybe there would be too many cooks in the kitchen with Mason and Kill on staff, but I like the idea of finding a place for Kill.

I wouldn't say "too many cooks in the kitchen", I would say "two too many with zero experience". That is worse.

I get some folks like Mason and Kill, but for AD and associate AD. Yuck.

Would Stein, Carter and Najarien also be part of this aristocat administration?

I wouldn't say "too many cooks in the kitchen", I would say "two too many with zero experience". That is worse.

I get some folks like Mason and Kill, but for AD and associate AD. Yuck.

That is a fair point that neither has AD experience. They have however been collaborating with ADs over the years, and they have been at the table with a fair share of both fundraising and contract negotiations. Kill especially brings national recognition to the department. Goetz would have to be a part of this team for it to work.

This is the first scenario that Sid floated that I kind of like. Maybe there would be too many cooks in the kitchen with Mason and Kill on staff, but I like the idea of finding a place for Kill.

I suspect Mason as AD, even if I think it is a bad idea, wouldn't fiddle with football. He's outright said he has been out of the game too long to make day to day football decisions.

The real problem as Spoofin said is zero AD experience. That's a big department to run, and not like being king of the castle like a coach is. I like the idea of giving Mason a shot at one day doing that job, but that would mean starting at some lower level AD job.

That is a fair point that neither has AD experience. They have however been collaborating with ADs over the years, and they have been at the table with a fair share of both fundraising and contract negotiations. Kill especially brings national recognition to the department. Goetz would have to be a part of this team for it to work.

My guess is if Goetz doesn't get the job, she will get the bulk rate on the number of resumes she'll be sending out the day after the new person is named. I've worked with a number of schools over the year and you see a similar pattern with school superintendents. If an internal candidate makes it to the final set of choices and doesn't get the job, they usually pack up and go at the first opportunity. Unless they tell Goetz up front she's not in the running for the big chair, I can see the same thing happening here.

As for this scenario, please no. This is a 24/7/365 job.

BA as AD at WI seems to be doing an adequate job after leaving as head football coach.
Richter was a player but had many more years in business.
Some folks just can't let go of Kill.

I suspect Mason as AD, even if I think it is a bad idea, wouldn't fiddle with football. He's outright said he has been out of the game too long to make day to day football decisions.

The real problem as Spoofin said is zero AD experience. That's a big department to run, and not like being king of the castle like a coach is. I like the idea of giving Mason a shot at one day doing that job, but that would mean starting at some lower level AD job.

Yep; no worries at all about him "fiddling" with Facebook. Between the time spent on golf courses and his annual disappearance act from January to July, with a swing by for Spring Training, he wouldn't have time to fiddle with much of anything.

That aside Mason would never take the cut in pay.

Sid is just trying to make sure that no matter who gets the job, he can say "I was pulling for you!"

So in this scenario, Mason and Kill would get the prestige and the higher salaries and Goetz would do all the work?

Not sure she would hang around for that.

Mason would never take the cut in pay.

The Gopher AD job is likely going to pay north of $600K/year. How much do you think Mason is making that he'd take a pay cut to take the Gopher AD job? What job does Mason have outside of BTN?

Sid is just trying to make sure that no matter who gets the job, he can say "I was pulling for you!"


I laugh at everybody who took shots at Mason for " picking up the phone" Yet he maintained his resident in Minnesota and is still connected to the football program. I think he would be a good hire.
BA didn't have any expierence, and Mason did work with 3 AD's and 3 Presidents while he was here. Not an easy task.

With two searches going on at the same time, this is what you get. Compare this search to USC.

I laugh at everybody who took shots at Mason for " picking up the phone" Yet he maintained his resident in Minnesota and is still connected to the football program. I think he would be a good hire.
BA didn't have any expierence, and Mason did work with 3 AD's and 3 Presidents while he was here. Not an easy task.

Not that it would help his qualifications any, but how is Mason still "connected" to the football program?

Don't you have to actually apply for the job to be offered the job? So is Glen saying he applied or has been in contact with the search group?

BA as AD at WI seems to be doing an adequate job after leaving as head football coach.
Richter was a player but had many more years in business.
Some folks just can't let go of Kill.

No gap for Alvarez. He went straight to being AD. He also hand picked his football coach.

I suppose you could say technically there's a group of people hoping to hire anyone. A group is technically more than one person. So if Grinnin' Glen and his wife are in favor, technically that constitutes a group...

I'd be far more interested in the VP of Toledo than Glen. Glen ticked off virtually every high school coach in the state, was incredibly abrasive to the media and started mailing it in three years before he was canned. That's what we want for an AD???

My buddy and I ran into him in Applebees by the stadium after the 2013 home opener against UNLV (he announced for BTN as the Gophers won 51-23). My buddy saw him walk in and stood up and shook his hand and said "big win today, right coach?", Glen got a smirk on his face and said in his most belittling voice possible "well, it was a win..." and walked away. Again, that's who you want for AD???

My litmus test for anyone like this is if they hadn't coached/played/lived/were born/GM'd/whatever here and had all the same background, would you even consider them? In Glen's case it is an emphatic no. Happening to live in the same area code shouldn't be a qualification for a job like AD.

No gap for Alvarez. He went straight to being AD. He also hand picked his football coach.

Wisconsin football and basketball were both highly successful and well oiled machines that the time. He just had to keep things running. Big difference between that and the current state of Gopher athletics.

While I wouldn't mind seeing someone like Mason in the AD role I find it really hard to believe he would be interested in working that hard. He is 66 and has a nice gig with BTN where I assume he is making very good money and not working all that hard most of the year. Sid has floated a ton of people for the job but I really don't see this latest speculation on his part having any legs to it.

Curious about Mase? Here's his twitter feed: tOSU football, complaints about the price of water at Airports, Dan Barreiro, Gopher Football, vacation shots and for those of you who wonder if he reads this page, Gopherhole. Oh, and no reference to the A.D. job. Too bad Curt Schilling didn't listen to ESPN the way Glen listens to BTN?

I'm sure the semi-retired Glen Mason is dying to work 60 hour work weeks.

I suppose you could say technically there's a group of people hoping to hire anyone. A group is technically more than one person. So if Grinnin' Glen and his wife are in favor, technically that constitutes a group...

I'd be far more interested in the VP of Toledo than Glen. Glen ticked off virtually every high school coach in the state, was incredibly abrasive to the media and started mailing it in three years before he was canned. That's what we want for an AD???

My buddy and I ran into him in Applebees by the stadium after the 2013 home opener against UNLV (he announced for BTN as the Gophers won 51-23). My buddy saw him walk in and stood up and shook his hand and said "big win today, right coach?", Glen got a smirk on his face and said in his most belittling voice possible "well, it was a win..." and walked away. Again, that's who you want for AD???

My litmus test for anyone like this is if they hadn't coached/played/lived/were born/GM'd/whatever here and had all the same background, would you even consider them? In Glen's case it is an emphatic no. Happening to live in the same area code shouldn't be a qualification for a job like AD.

My guess your buddy was cocked to the gills. Haters going to hate......

Is not Glen in the financial business as well? That, plus the BTn job, sounds like a nice situation for him.
I don't think he would change.

Not that it would help his qualifications any, but how is Mason still "connected" to the football program?

I wondered the same I'm pretty sure I've heard Glen himself say he hasn't had contact with the football program....

Some of the stuff that gets posted on here is weird.

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