Sid: Only firings in U history worse than Tubby was Stoll in 1978 and Mason in 2006

Because Sid and the "M Club" boys wanted one of their own as Head Coach to take them back to the "Glory Days". "One of ours" as Coach followed by a move to that shiny, new HHH Dome Downtown was all part of that plan. If you want to be fair to them, if you look at 1960-67 as still being part of those years, they weren't that far away. A short enough time that people could have fooled themselves into thinking that by just changing the Head Coach and getting a new stadium, the Gophers would be heading back to Conference Titles and Rose Bowls that happened in the previous decade.

Others on the thread have dealt with the records. Only would add that, as was mentioned a couple of posts back, when you look at what teams Stoll faced in the Non-Conference season and the teams that Mason faced, Stoll's record looks a whole lot better and Mason's looks a whole lot worse.
+1 Lived through it and would not wish it to happen to football again and it sickens me how basketball has fallen so low in terms of reputation.

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I think Mason would've been revitalized in the new stadium. He was a very big reason the stadium bill got passed. Remember, Mason was hired by Mark Dienhart, then in term director Tom Moe, and finally Maturi. Glen did not get along with Maturi whatsoever. Maturi wouldn't loosen the purse strings to keep ass't coaches Gibbs and Hudson. People bad mouth Mason because he said: " If the phone rings I'll answer it" Ironic that all the home spun bs Kill said about living in in Minnesota he and mama bolted immediately. I talked with Kill at the Craguns Golf Outing and he gushed about how much he loved living in Minnesota. Rebecca never said a word. Btw....Mason still lives here.

People bad mouth Mason because he said: " If the phone rings I'll answer it" Ironic that all the home spun bs Kill said about living in in Minnesota he and mama bolted immediately. I talked with Kill at the Craguns Golf Outing and he gushed about how much he loved living in Minnesota. Rebecca never said a word. Btw....Mason still lives here.

Bolted. That's rich. He went back to a state where he lived for 10 years and the home he is living in was bought years ago for two reasons: vacation and retirement. It also moved them back closer to their oldest daughter. You are allowed to love living in more than one place. In fact, it's quite common.

Glen Mason stayed in a state he lived in for 10 years, had connections with the big money elite in town, had easy access to Chicago, with a wife who had a successful dental practice.

Bolted. That's rich. He went back to a state where he lived for 10 years and the home he is living in was bought years ago for two reasons: vacation and retirement. It also moved them back closer to their oldest daughter. You are allowed to love living in more than one place. In fact, it's quite common.

Glen Mason stayed in a state he lived in for 10 years, had connections with the big money elite in town, had easy access to Chicago, with a wife who had a successful dental practice.

B.S. I'll never forgive Doc.

Regarding your last comment, it sounds like you are suggesting Mason is the perfect candidate for AD.

Had Salem been able to keep his staff together he might have done better. We could say the same thing about Mase. Had he held onto Greg Hudson or David Gibbs most would think things would have been different? Maybe. I was having this conversation with a Wisconsin fan I work with and he said "it seems like Minnesota always fires a competent coach with the goal of getting to the next level only to end up worse off." There is a time to fire a coach and it's not after a win in the NCAAs or a trip to a bowl. It's when like Wacker they've not won more than 4 games in a season or perhaps when they've turned in the worst season in school history accompanied by the disgrace of bad behavior on the part of the players.

So fire Pitino.

I'd be curious, what's everyone's over/under on how many years before a Gopher coach has victories over Ohio State, Michigan, Penn State, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Michigan State (like Mason)?

I hope it's soon but I won't hold my breath. Mason should not have been fired.

I'd be curious, what's everyone's over/under on how many years before a Gopher coach has victories over Ohio State, Michigan, Penn State, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Michigan State (like Mason)?

I hope it's soon but I won't hold my breath. Mason should not have been fired.

How about a coach without a loss to a school with dakota in its' name.

I'd be curious, what's everyone's over/under on how many years before a Gopher coach has victories over Ohio State, Michigan, Penn State, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Michigan State (like Mason)?

I hope it's soon but I won't hold my breath. Mason should not have been fired.

Maybe by 2042. We got what many demanded.

I'd be curious, what's everyone's over/under on how many years before a Gopher coach has victories over Ohio State, Michigan, Penn State, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Michigan State (like Mason)?

I hope it's soon but I won't hold my breath. Mason should not have been fired.

Give TC 10 years before comparing this.
Firing Mason was the one thing Maturi got right.

ANY coach who lasts 10 seasons as Gopher fb coach has survival skills that are to be admired. Hope TC and his STAFFERS last 15 years or more! I'll bet it really frosts some of you foolish people's butts that GM lasted 10 and then collected all that ca$h from the overmatched administrators at the U through that contract he forced them into that they had to buy out. Only part of GM greatest victories incuding wins over tOSU, Michigan, MSU, PSU, wisky, iowa, Oregon, Alabama, Arkansas, et al...and the incompetent admins...

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