Sid: Maturi offered Tony Dungy a $2MM per year, 10 year contract


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per Sid:

• The word is former Gophers athletic director Joel Maturi, who is now teaching at the school, told his class he offered Tony Dungy a 10-year contract at $2 million per year to become Gophers football coach and Dungy, the former Gophers player and NFL coach, turned it down.

Wow! He was offering "Tubby-like" compensation to Tony Dungy to clean up the Brewster mess? You have got to wonder why Tony didn't snap that offer up?

Joel can't seem to realize his time in the spot light is over.

Lets see, you need a coach and there is a former Gopher with accolades from every one. He retired from Pro Coaching and you offer a 10 year contract? Do you think any retired coach would want or need or be viable for 10 years? And 2 million per year. That is not going to get it done. I don't know what he is teaching at the U, but it cannot be contract negotiations, economics, or sports management.

I saw Dungy at the Minneapolis airport that week....

Someone better inform Sid that none of these little tidbits about Maturi are at all important. Otherwise, it seems we'll continue getting an unending stream of "Maturi did...." in his columns in the not-too-distant future.

Gophers made a better decision to hire Kill

He's exactly what the program needs. A lot term overhaul..

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