Sid: Kevin Warren praises Gophers


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Nov 11, 2008
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Warren praises Gophers

The Big Ten is seeing all its football players get waivers to play this season after declaring as pros, including the great Gophers wide receiver Rashod Bateman, who officially rejoined his team this past week.

And there’s no doubt that Big Ten Commissioner Kevin Warren played a big part in that process.

He told me in September that working with the Gophers staff, coaches and players had been one of the most important parts of the process of bringing Big Ten football back for competition later this month.

“One thing about the University of Minnesota, from President [Joan] Gable to [athletic director] Mark Coyle, to Coach [P.J.] Fleck and all the coaches and the student-athletes, they are first class,” Warren said. “They have handled this in a first-class manner. I know there was disappointment [when sports were postponed], just like everyone else. They handled it in a first-class manner.

“The leadership between President Gable and Mark Coyle and Coach Fleck from a football standpoint regarding these football issues has been incredibly professional and incredibly thoughtful and supportive. Trust me, we have had to deal with some really complicated, difficult issues, but you can work through those when you have support and you feel like you’re focused in the same direction.”

Warren also said at the time that his belief was that Bateman and players like him should be reinstated by the NCAA.

The fact that Bateman is back means the Gophers will be not only one of the best teams in the Big Ten but one of the best in the country.

Go Gophers!!

Thank goodness for the groundswell of public, professional, medical feedback that made the COP/C and their consultants take a deeper dive into the known facts, technologies, policies and reverse course. It could still all fall apart if everyone doesn’t do their part but for now disaster was averted.

It doesn't matter now, and it was really a minor thing in the grand scheme of it ....

But it would be interesting to know latter on at some point, if she was willing to comment on it, if Gabel considers it a "mistake" or "flub" with regards to the comment she made about how "the vote" (or lack thereof) went down, for the original cancelling of the season.

I think her quote, roughly paraphrasing that "there was no vote", was pretty widely used against the Big Ten and its leadership, by opponents of the cancellation.

Sid praises Kevin Warren.
Kevin Warren praises the U of M.

How shocking!

This is Sid - or his ghost-writer - providing Kevin Warren an opportunity for some positive publicity.

Sid is acting as a PR man for one of his "close personal friends" and his favorite program, the Gophers.

Hey, the guy is 100 years old and still trying to work. more power to him. But it's not like he's breaking any news here.

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