Sid: I've been covering Gophs for 70 years, Tubby firing was one of most unfair ever

He can put those against him by getting a top 4 conference finish. Why not by year 4 ? Why settle for mediocre. That idea that being a first division team is ok is what defines being mediocre. If your a special coach your contending for the league title by year 4. He has put together a roster that can do that and deserves the chance to show that he can develop them as a team. As a long time booster and season ticket holder i was in favor of bringing him back this year.

What does it mean if it happens in year 5 instead of year 4? Does that mean he can never be a good coach? You seem to be set on the top 4 in year 4 thing.

Despite the good start and the trending up long term metrics of this team, it is obvious there is fifth column with some influence in the university (and with Sid) that has it out for Pitino for reasons other than basketball. I heard from a long time season ticket holder and modest financial supporter of the program say, "I just don't like the guy" and gave only vague and easily refutable reasons. It was clearly personal. The sources feeding Sid must be the same ones that had Pitino's expense reports for rental car gas put on the front page of the Strib. I am very happy with the direction of this program and I think a lot of the dedicated basketball fan base are as well, but there is an invisible mob that isn't and Coach could ruin their dispositions by having a clean and above expectations season. They have Sid's ear and/or notepad.

That article on Pitino was such a joke. I mean seriously, we want to nickel & dime his expense account? Come on. Totally agree with everything you said.

Sadly I believe this is spot on.

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Yep. Me too.

I care more about Pitino's ceiling than I do about making a "in each of their first six seasons" comparison. Tubby was coming in year 1 as a national champ. Pitino was learning how to tie a tie.

If you had to pick a coach right now to lead your team for the next five years, who would you pick? I'd pick Pitino.

+47 trillion

Sid is lost as usual. Tubby had ZERO winning seasons in conference play in 6 years finishing 6th, 7th, 6th, 9th, 9th, and 7th and not once finishing in the upper half of the league. Those 6th place finishes were when the Big Ten was at 11. Career conference record of 46-62 and a .426 winning %. Why would any school keep a coach with that record?

Spot on. It is crazy how people forget that Tubby did not have a single winning record in the conference. Tubby can build a program to be a consistent NCAA tourney bubble team. People who follow recruiting closely knew Pitino's 3rd year was going to be a serious struggle unless he had a very strong recruiting class (which admittedly he did not get).

I believe Tubby left him with these prized freshmen and sophomores (correct me if I'm wrong):
-Wally Ellenson
-Daquein McNeil
-Charles Buggs

Quite a crew to build a program around in the Big Ten and Tubby was sure on his way to creating a power. Tubby had early recruiting success resulting in two .500 B1G seasons in six seasons, then recruiting fell apart final two years. It wasn't difficult to see where things were heading. Richard did not have recruiting success in his first season and now is. Let's just see how it plays out -- I am optimistic.

Spot on. It is crazy how people forget that Tubby did not have a single winning record in the conference. Tubby can build a program to be a consistent NCAA tourney bubble team. People who follow recruiting closely knew Pitino's 3rd year was going to be a serious struggle unless he had a very strong recruiting class (which admittedly he did not get).

I believe Tubby left him with these prized freshmen and sophomores (correct me if I'm wrong):
-Wally Ellenson
-Daquein McNeil
-Charles Buggs

Quite a crew to build a program around in the Big Ten and Tubby was sure on his way to creating a power. Tubby had early recruiting success resulting in two .500 B1G seasons in six seasons, then recruiting fell apart final two years. It wasn't difficult to see where things were heading. Richard did not have recruiting success in his first season and now is. Let's just see how it plays out -- I am optimistic.

Pitino brought in McNeil.

Honestly, forgot all about that deal...

Spot on. It is crazy how people forget that Tubby did not have a single winning record in the conference. Tubby can build a program to be a consistent NCAA tourney bubble team. People who follow recruiting closely knew Pitino's 3rd year was going to be a serious struggle unless he had a very strong recruiting class (which admittedly he did not get).

I believe Tubby left him with these prized freshmen and sophomores (correct me if I'm wrong):
-Wally Ellenson
-Daquein McNeil
-Charles Buggs

Quite a crew to build a program around in the Big Ten and Tubby was sure on his way to creating a power. Tubby had early recruiting success resulting in two .500 B1G seasons in six seasons, then recruiting fell apart final two years. It wasn't difficult to see where things were heading. Richard did not have recruiting success in his first season and now is. Let's just see how it plays out -- I am optimistic.

Foster and Ellis III were signed (and then let go) for Pitino when he took over?

Foster and Ellis III were signed (and then let go) for Pitino when he took over?

Good catch, Tubby had both of those guys coming in and McNeil was Pitino's guy [courtesy mplarson7]

-Ellis III was somewhat touted out of HS but is still only getting 12 min/game at MSU (presumably would have had a bigger role here)
-Foster now at Bradley after leaving TTech and hasn't played more than 7 min/game in his career at either school

Despite the good start and the trending up long term metrics of this team, it is obvious there is fifth column with some influence in the university (and with Sid) that has it out for Pitino for reasons other than basketball. I heard from a long time season ticket holder and modest financial supporter of the program say, "I just don't like the guy" and gave only vague and easily refutable reasons. It was clearly personal. The sources feeding Sid must be the same ones that had Pitino's expense reports for rental car gas put on the front page of the Strib. I am very happy with the direction of this program and I think a lot of the dedicated basketball fan base are as well, but there is an invisible mob that isn't and Coach could ruin their dispositions by having a clean and above expectations season. They have Sid's ear and/or notepad.

It's very likely we will run off the very kind of person we need to change the culture around this program.

Sid is lost as usual. Tubby had ZERO winning seasons in conference play in 6 years finishing 6th, 7th, 6th, 9th, 9th, and 7th and not once finishing in the upper half of the league. Those 6th place finishes were when the Big Ten was at 11. Career conference record of 46-62 and a .426 winning %. Why would any school keep a coach with that record?

Tubby also had the worst record (cumulative) in six years in the conference in the second half of each year, to me the most telling metric of a marginal coach.

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