Sid: Gophers have sold 30,840 season tickets to date.

Now YOU understand what I was getting at, highwayman, and I caught hell for expressing my opinion.

You just expressed your opinion poorly. Highwayman did a much better job of asking a direct question.

To answer Highwayman - I don't. I'm not a season ticket holder, I know nothing of the process, I'm not familiar with how it transpired.

I am simply going off the quotes that were posted in this forum. IF the Gopher website states that 2013 tickets are still available for sale, pathetic. Their is no excuse for a University to fail to realize the ability of the internet to market their programs efficiently and effectively.

As far as your description of time dependent ticket selection and applying what seats are allocated and where they are. Ticketmaster does it ALL THE TIME with concert releases etc. So what you are talking about is possible. I don't think ticket sales would be much different than real time location based inventory and pick by voice applications in distribution. I need item number 123 and it's in location abc and cba, as location abc depletes in inventory direct me to location cba.

I'd be quite happy with the process used when picking seats for TCF. Give me a window of time starting at X:XX o'clock and show me the seats available on my computer screen. If the guy in front of me in priority has not made his choice yet, tough hump.

I'd be quite happy with the process used when picking seats for TCF. Give me a window of time starting at X:XX o'clock and show me the seats available on my computer screen. If the guy in front of me in priority has not made his choice yet, tough hump.

Which is exactly like they did in 2009 with apparent stone axes and flint...

I don't know how the internet algorithms work, I'm not any kind of scientist or engineer. I do know that I have bought Lynx, Twins, Wolves, and Wild tickets and always been surprised at how much less user friendly the Gopher ticket system is than the other three teams mentioned. Admittedly, I don't know the answer, but if every other team in the market can figure it out, the Gophers should be able to as well. One of the first rules of sales is that when you have a customer willing and able to pay for your product, you want to eliminate any barriers to that customer actually buying your product.

Edit: I don't think the fact that our athletic department is good at selling a sponsor for the Red Zone and getting Target to sell licensed products should have to be mutually exclusive with getting a user friendly ticket system up and running.

Which is exactly like they did in 2009 with apparent stone axes and flint...

So that would make the gripes valid, would it not? Why take a step backwards?

I don't know how the internet algorithms work, I'm not any kind of scientist or engineer. I do know that I have bought Lynx, Twins, Wolves, and Wild tickets and always been surprised at how much less user friendly the Gopher ticket system is than the other three teams mentioned. Admittedly, I don't know the answer, but if every other team in the market can figure it out, the Gophers should be able to as well. One of the first rules of sales is that when you have a customer willing and able to pay for your product, you want to eliminate any barriers to that customer actually buying your product.

Edit: I don't think the fact that our athletic department is good at selling a sponsor for the Red Zone and getting Target to sell licensed products should have to be mutually exclusive with getting a user friendly ticket system up and running.

So you have ST for all those sports? You've upgraded, moved, added, subtracted, those ST? Under a time constraint based on seniority? That is the difference. We have no idea if the system is more or less user friendly. Apples and oranges.

Edit: I have never, never had any problems with the Gopher ticket office. I have moved my seats twice into three different donation zones, added and subtracted ST. A couple calls and done. They call me back, gave me three-four scenarios each time, gave me an hour to decide. No problem.

Now YOU understand what I was getting at, highwayman, and I caught hell for expressing my opinion.

Well Don, what the hell do YOU expect? Any time and most every time you post you can probably expect to have people coming at you. It happens to you. It happens to me. It happens here ALL the time. You have got to have thick skin, Don. It seems as though you are always surprised when someone comes at you. Yet, you are never afraid to be one of the first to try to get a laugh at the expense of someone else.

Just roll with the punches. If someone takes it too far and starts making up things and telling lies and trying to attack your character, then come back at that jerk with full force and run the risk of taking a year off from the site at some moderator's demand.

But, getting crapped on a little bit is the nature of this site, the internet in general and you will have to weigh the pros and cons and figure out if it is worth having a little crap thrown your way so that you will have a forum to say exactly what you the way you want to say it...and then go ahead and "give it back" to the person who tries to go all "killjoy" or "unregistered user" or "dopodoll" or "imthewalrus" or "Dr. Don" all over you.

What is the fun of being on a web site stating your point of view and thoughts if you can't: "Take it as well as you receive it..."

Any of we posters who like to dish it will always have some of it being dished right back at it rightly should be on this kind of a site and forum.

Lighten up a bit Don. You like to have fun with this stuff. So stand tall and take it as it comes. Then throw it right back at 'em! When it goes too far: Just give 'em hell and NEVER let the ba$tards get you down...and if some up-tight moderator decides to ban you for a get banned for a while. It's no big can happen..."...only the good die young...or get banned for a while..." Been there...done that, and it's not the end of the world. Basically, this site needs all the personality it can get. Just be TOUGH even when the attacks are uncalled for and seem unfair and have FUN and have something to offer that helps provide a better perspective, a different point of view or a great observation about Golden Gopher Football...past, present and perhaps even future GOPHER GRIDIORN perspectives.

Now GET OUT THERE and put your game face on and take it...or leave it any way it comes at you...cause it always comes at you around here! That's good and bad. It's your choice...always!

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