Sid: Gophers have sold 30,840 season tickets to date.

any idea what we had last year?

Are new season tickets even on sale yet?
The website they have is fricken awful. I saw deposits for next season were available by phone but I assumed you could fully purchase tickets online eventually.
If you have to call in your season ticket order then someone should be fired for not having an up to date online ordering system in place.

Ole, the solution to everything is fire someone, right? You must be one hell of a guy to have as a boss.

2012's numbers (last season) were 28,902, with 92% of that (season tickets sold thus far) being 26,307, a 2,595 gap. New season ticket sales is reported at 1,650, bringing this year's total up to 27,957. Again, thus far. I doubt how many new season tickets we'll see sold between now and the start of the season, and after that it will be zero. It's a bummer that we're seeing a net loss (of 950) in season ticket holders again. On the flip side, it's impressive that there are ~28,000 people who care enough about Gopher Football so much that they're willing to buy tickets at likely higher prices than what they could pay cumulatively through deals and scalping.

Then again, how many of the 28k are ticket agencies, scalpers, and corporations? What % of the base would we guess is true Gopher fans buying them with the intent on making it to 6-7 games a season?

This is the closest thing i could find to a season ticket tally for last year - looks like probably about 28k.

Remember the rubes that said why buy season tickets when you can scalp for 10 bucks or get them on the U Facebook last minute in the end zone?

And apparently they can do that again this year. So this makes them rubes why?

My buddy applied for four season tickets in February and has just this week received notifications about upcoming seat selections.

Are new season tickets even on sale yet?
The website they have is fricken awful. I saw deposits for next season were available by phone but I assumed you could fully purchase tickets online eventually.
If you have to call in your season ticket order then someone should be fired for not having an up to date online ordering system in place.

How can you fully purchase ST online when current ST haven't completed upgrades and moves? Wouldn't new ST come after that?

How can you fully purchase ST online when current ST haven't completed upgrades and moves? Wouldn't new ST come after that?

Yeah that would make sense, I was asking whether they were on sale yet, apparently not.

Its my understanding New Season Ticket Holders will be given choices after existing Season Ticket Holders are finished upgrading etc. Thats the way its supposed to be, but most of us know in the real world MONEY can make policies be bent.

Last year we were put in tentative seats in 202 when purchasing as first-timers and then slotted in zone 10 for upgrade. I'm assuming they are doing something similar this season for the new ticket holders.

My memory may be wrong but I thought in year #1 the entire stadium was full in terms of season ticket holders, plus student season ticket holders. That is 50,805 season tickets.

Not sure if the figure quoted by Sid includes stutent tickets or not, but either way that is a pretty sizable overall drop in season ticket sales since 2009.

My memory may be wrong but I thought in year #1 the entire stadium was full in terms of season ticket holders, plus student season ticket holders. That is 50,805 season tickets.

Not sure if the figure quoted by Sid includes student tickets or not, but either way that is a pretty sizable overall drop in season ticket sales since 2009.

Agree with all of that. Looking at it another way it's early and the 30,840 number is a sizable increase over most years at the Dome before the last two "I need to get into TCF" years.

Also once the students found out they couldn't just scalp their seats to Iowa and Wisconsin fans in mass, we found out how many of them really wanted to go see a game.

It certainly wasn't 10,000 of them huh?

Are new season tickets even on sale yet?
The website they have is fricken awful. I saw deposits for next season were available by phone but I assumed you could fully purchase tickets online eventually.
If you have to call in your season ticket order then someone should be fired for not having an up to date online ordering system in place.

The website is severely outdated, I would have to agree. As a student, I normally tried to use Google search to bring me to the correct page to buy football tickets. The first page you get after typing "gopher sports student tickets" is information about 2010-11 ticket options ( Other pages on the gophersports website claim that 2013 season tickets are still on sale now. While it's not that big of a deal, it would certainly help in improving the website to make the process of actually buying current season tickets easier and quicker.

Ole, the solution to everything is fire someone, right? You must be one hell of a guy to have as a boss.

Ole's right this is big time college athletics, get with the times. Staying current has always been this institutions issue

Ole's right this is big time college athletics, get with the times. Staying current has always been this institutions issue

The point is this, bemidji: this is a typical example of everyone says someone should do something instead of offering to help fix the problem, which takes some initiative, everyone just complains and as a result, nothing gets done. It's always this way. Put up or shut up.

What boils down to, bemidji, if a complainer is not willing to help solVe the problem, that person is part of the problem.

The point is this, bemidji: this is a typical example of everyone says someone should do something instead of offering to help fix the problem, which takes some initiative, everyone just complains and as a result, nothing gets done. It's always this way. Put up or shut up.

What boils down to, bemidji, if a complainer is not willing to help solVe the problem, that person is part of the problem.

You're saying bemidjigopher should go update the U's website? I think he might need a password or something for that.

Not saying that, but suggestions of brainiacs would help.

Btw, I said HELP. solve.

Ole's right this is big time college athletics, get with the times. Staying current has always been this institutions issue

You mean like being 4th in the B1G in licensing/sponsorship/advertising/royalties revenue and 15th in the nation? That is a big issue. They should dial it back.

You mean like being 4th in the B1G in licensing/sponsorship/advertising/royalties revenue and 15th in the nation? That is a big issue. They should dial it back.

Ditch that brick video series as well. Other schools must be laughing at us.

Not saying that, but suggestions of brainiacs would help.

Btw, I said HELP. solve.

So it's bad form to believe that a B1G 10 University should be able to keep up with the times in terms of technology? The school has a wealth of "cheap labor" they could put on this task via the CS students who need practice writing code if they are struggling to find someone to manage this remedial task. Its a little silly to criticize those that have this expectation and then to expect any detractors to be "part of the solution"

I don't know why I care, this is obviously a "Don's being Don" moment....

The point is this, bemidji: this is a typical example of everyone says someone should do something instead of offering to help fix the problem, which takes some initiative, everyone just complains and as a result, nothing gets done. It's always this way. Put up or shut up.

What boils down to, bemidji, if a complainer is not willing to help solVe the problem, that person is part of the problem.

I think you are off base here, Doc. Just my opinion. This is a message board. I don't think sharing an opinion here has any prerequisites attached to it. This jumped out to me particularly because Ole has shared MANY great ideas around game day atmosphere and tailgating over the years. In every case I can think of, these were well thought out logical suggestions.

But this is a message board, so I wouldn't expect all his great ideas of the past to have any traction as a result of sharing them here, just like I don't feel there need be any prerequisites to share an opinion here.

Just my two cents.

I can't imagine what this place would be like if everyone had offer their solutions for every opinion expressed here. Poor Adam Weber would have been assaulted, kidnapped, or worse.

That isn't to say that people don't have a right to grow tired of complaining. I know that is the case for me from time to time. With that in mind, Ole just seems like such a strange target for that frustration.

So it's bad form to believe that a B1G 10 University should be able to keep up with the times in terms of technology? The school has a wealth of "cheap labor" they could put on this task via the CS students who need practice writing code if they are struggling to find someone to manage this remedial task. Its a little silly to criticize those that have this expectation and then to expect any detractors to be "part of the solution"

I don't know why I care, this is obviously a "Don's being Don" moment....

Seriously, what technology are you speaking of? How do you automate seat moves, added ST, upgrades, downgrades, etc.? I want a direct answer. I proposed 4 different scenarios when I renewed and was given four choices. All of these choices were only available to me AFTER the person "in front" of me picked.

Most would say the solution is "the internets," or "advanced technology". Neither are answers. I can't really think of a solution when it is dependent on the person "in front" of you deciding what they are going to do, having multiple choices, and having a time limit. Seriously, can you give me a direct response with your existing and real solution?

Seriously, what technology are you speaking of? How do you automate seat moves, added ST, upgrades, downgrades, etc.? I want a direct answer. I proposed 4 different scenarios when I renewed and was given four choices. All of these choices were only available to me AFTER the person "in front" of me picked.

Most would say the solution is "the internets," or "advanced technology". Neither are answers. I can't really think of a solution when it is dependent on the person "in front" of you deciding what they are going to do, having multiple choices, and having a time limit. Seriously, can you give me a direct response with your existing and real solution?

Now YOU understand what I was getting at, highwayman, and I caught hell for expressing my opinion.

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