SI: Why won't anyone hire Mike Leach?

Leach quote from article: "I didn't really have a preconceived notion about [the job market]," said the current Key West, Fla., resident. "But I guess a lot of the hires have surprised people. A lot of times the folks that are looking for people, they've never really done a job search."

Oh yeah. This attitude is going to get you hired.

1) pending legal cases
2) big mouth
3) recruiting violations
4) locked a kid in a closet (allegedly)
5) big mouth
6) pending legal cases
7) big mouth

Whenever I read these things I'm curious if the writer knows the real reason Minnesota didn't hire him; if the writer actually knows that Maturi and Bruininks have firsthand experience with him.

1) pending legal cases
2) big mouth
3) recruiting violations
4) locked a kid in a closet (allegedly)
5) big mouth
6) pending legal cases
7) big mouth

You're missing some.
8) Media relations
9) Alumni relations
10) Booster relations
and a couple others I won't touch.

1. He's crazy
2. "Fat little girlfriends" (that was leach, wasn't it?)
3. Locked a kid in a closet

It sounds like the "recruiting violations" involved a few (under 10) text messages that were sent as replies (as in one word notes like "Thanks" to kids that had sent him texts saying "good game coach"). This probably would have been less than a footnote and not on any lists if it were not for the thousands of violating texts sent by OTHER athletic programs at Texas Tech.

It was a very interesting article... given both the similar and divergent things compared to the other coaches mentioned.

Very similar to Bobby Knight. Great coach but kind of a pain in the ---. He will get hired, but it will take a very secure AD and Pres combo. Winning=money for the school and the guy is a proven winner. I would have loved for him to be hired here simply for the entertainment value. He can be pretty funny, unlike Knight. Could you imagine Sid trying to interview him?

I will take Bobby Knight as my coach, but that's just me.

Yeah, you would (and I might too), but would you want to work with him every day? I don't know him, but know people who have met him and found him interesting and funny. But those folks weren't the athletic directors he was ragging on constantly.

Leach and Knight have a similar problem in that they appear to believe they are the smartest people in whatever room they inhabit. That's not a good strategy to take with other smart people.

Remember grade school report cards: "Works and plays well with others"? This box was not checked on Leach's report card.

You guys crack me up. During the "search", I posted a thread that said Leach would never get hired and I was universally attacked as an idiot (to put it mildly). All the "pirate" fans blasted me. My point was that his fb coaching ability really had nothing to do with it, it was his baggage. Well not only did we not hire him, but no one else did either.

I may be an idiot, but apparently I'm not stupid!

Time will tell, but I'm confident Jerry Kill is the right guy for us.

The only real reason is:

So far no one has had the stones to look past what will be an awkward press conference.

You guys crack me up. During the "search", I posted a thread that said Leach would never get hired and I was universally attacked as an idiot (to put it mildly). All the "pirate" fans blasted me. My point was that his fb coaching ability really had nothing to do with it, it was his baggage. Well not only did we not hire him, but no one else did either.

I may be an idiot, but apparently I'm not stupid!

Time will tell, but I'm confident Jerry Kill is the right guy for us.

You're full of crap.

Thread in question:

Not only are you not "universally attacked as an idiot" in that thread, hardly anyone even mildly disagrees with you.

(P.S. This board has a search function, and it's not difficult to use. It doesn't do much good to make up things that are quite easily disproven.)

My argument about Leach was never that he WAS a candidate. In fact, he wasn't.
My argument about Leach was he SHOULD be a candidate (I think this was a lot of people's argument).
My argument was also that no one at the U of M had said anything that would rule him out (and unless the administration had knowledge of the texting issue...they hadn't said anything that ruled him out).

If you were universally attacked as an idiot you probably had it coming. I think I "attacked" you because you said "Since none of you know anything more than I do about football" when it is obvious that there is a variety of different levels of football knowledge present on this board (and you are not at the highest level).

My argument about Leach was never that he WAS a candidate. In fact, he wasn't.
My argument about Leach was he SHOULD be a candidate (I think this was a lot of people's argument).
My argument was also that no one at the U of M had said anything that would rule him out (and unless the administration had knowledge of the texting issue...they hadn't said anything that ruled him out).

If you were universally attacked as an idiot you probably had it coming. I think I "attacked" you because you said "Since none of you know anything more than I do about football" when it is obvious that there is a variety of different levels of football knowledge present on this board (and you are not at the highest level).

Good grief. What the hell are you doing looking up the actual thread? I knew how to do it, but I wanted to use my skewed memory to make myself look better.

As for my poor wording about football knowledge you are dead correct, many people on this board know more about football than I do. I was trying to say I do a lot of reading about college fb from a lot of sources (not as many as BleedGopher certainly) and knew quite a bit about what was going on "politically" in FB. But I didn't say that.

I'm going to handle your (accurate) criticism of today's post quite well overnight low here was 54F. Have a good one!

Leach would have been a great hire. Quit hating, its not like were exactly in the position to do that. Oh, wait I for got we have 6 national titles from when my grandpa was a kid.

This is good...

Don't know if this is your's GR or not, but the "Kills Krew" in your moniker is good.

Since I get paid for writing, probably should note the grammatically correct version for a possessive noun is "Kill's Krew" UNLESS we really want our guys to be killers. I got no problem with that either...:rolleyes:

However, to provide full disclosure I have in the past season spelled "Murfreesboro" incorrectly and was properly notified by a Middle Tennesse fan.

Regardless..."Kill's Krew" or "Kill's Crew" works for me. Kind of a transition phrase across the coaching regimes.

Go Gophers! Recruit to the End!

leach was on AM1060 the fan this afternoon here in phoenix. He said glen mason was "a very good coach" and said that he should not have been fired after the collapse. Thought that was interesting...

leach was on AM1060 the fan this afternoon here in phoenix. He said glen mason was "a very good coach" and said that he should not have been fired after the collapse. Thought that was interesting...


leach was on AM1060 the fan this afternoon here in phoenix. He said glen mason was "a very good coach" and said that he should not have been fired after the collapse. Thought that was interesting...

I agree with Leach. Mason probably should have been fired a year earlier when he was negotiating his extension in public and let the thing drag on-and-on. If the stadium deal wouldn't have been in the oven (giving Mason a ton of advantage), my guess is Maturi would have dumped him then. I know I would have if I had been in the same position.

Can you imagine the general Minnesota public trying to relate to him after he goes off on one of his pirate tangents?

The Minnesota public would care less about relating if Leach had that offense blowing Big Ten defenses up..

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