SI: Urban Meyer, Ohio State primed to dominate the Big Ten

How is Florida looking after his last retirement? Urban Meyer is a giant ego who will in a few years be retiring due to .... Yes his team's will be good, but at what price. I would rather be in a situation where a coach wants to be here for a long time. This guy reminds me of Lou Holtz, here today gone tomorrow!

How is Florida looking after his last retirement? Urban Meyer is a giant ego who will in a few years be retiring due to .... Yes his team's will be good, but at what price. I would rather be in a situation where a coach wants to be here for a long time. This guy reminds me of Lou Holtz, here today gone tomorrow!

Florida is #10 in the country.

I was indifferent toward Meyer until this year. I can't stand the guy. I know this board hates Bielema more but BB has mellowed out and matured a bit since 2006. UM seems like he's just a jerk through and through.

Florida is #10 in the country.

I am not talking about rankings. Ranking early in the season are more based on perception than reality. Will they be in the national title game? Schools like Florida and Ohio State goals are winning national championships. Florida has been a non factor after he left with his health issues!

I am not talking about rankings. Ranking early in the season are more based on perception than reality. Will they be in the national title game? Schools like Florida and Ohio State goals are winning national championships. Florida has been a non factor after he left with his health issues!

I'm not following your logic, either. You're saying that fans in Gainesville are mad, because after Urban Meyer left, they're now #10 in the nation instead of competing for national titiles? Ha.

I'm not following your logic, either. You're saying that fans in Gainesville are mad, because after Urban Meyer left, they're now #10 in the nation instead of competing for national titiles? Ha.
No I am not talking about the fans in Gainesville, I am talking about once they reach national champion status, they are most excited about reaching this level again. Ranking only,are meaningless. They expect it all.
On the other hand us gopher football fans would be giddy to be ranked number ten.
Ohio State hires a coach of Myers status to win national championships, any thing else is a disappointment
Another example is Minnesota hockey. We had a great season last year but we did not finish # 1. What are the expectations for our team? Would most fans be happy with being competitive and receiving a tenth place ranking? I do not think so.

Urban won't be leaving Ohio State anytime soon. He can mine his Florida talent pipelines and still poach a lot of the good kids out of the midwest. This combined with the lower level of competition in the B1G will let him build a team that consistently will be playing for B1G titles and BCS bowl games. Meyer is flat out a great coach and I'm happy he's in the B1G because it will help the conference get back on its feet. The B1G sucks right now and one of the major ways to help its reputation recover is for Michigan/Ohio State to be relevant nationally. Urban Meyer will make the Buckeyes nationally relevant.

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