Should we be like Iowa fans and get a T-shirt


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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Maybe not, but I would buy a Tshirt of the Referees carrying the Little Brown jug for Michigan and Not offsides. Maybe it's too butthurt like Iowa not a fair catch one's. I would buy it, if the shirt were for NIL. We should fundraise off this for NIL. Not an offside beer in a brown jug can or ref shirt and yellow flag. Just say'n

Should we? Absolutely not!

Minnesota has a cosmopolitan culture, the highest median household income in the Midwest, and is ranked 4th nationally in educational attainment by US News.

Large numbers of people wearing t shirts protesting a loss in a football game come from states that have little else going for them.
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Should we? Absolutely not!
Yes we should!

Embrace your reptilian 🧠 🥳
Minnesota has a cosmopolitan culture,
the highest median household income in the Midwest, and is ranked 4th nationally in educational attainment by US News.

Large numbers of people wearing t shirts protesting a loss in a football game come from states that have little else going for them.
You must love the commercials the U produce which highlight the academic achievements of the faculty🥸 vs. showing what a fun learning environment it is for the actual consumer - the 18 year old student

The call in the Iowa game was a bigger deal because it eliminated a game winner (though I think it was correct). The call in the Michigan game was hugely important, but there’s no guarantee we would’ve won.

So I’d vote no.
An alternate timeline would have us get the onsides kick, advance to decent field goal range, and then fumble, miss the kick, have it blocked, and so on. Same outcome just a different path.

Sometimes a season is just snakebit. Still way early and beating the next opponent (whether flukey or not) would go a long way.

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