Should Maturi give Brewster an extension THIS offseason?

Should Maturi give Brewster an extension THIS offseason?

  • Yes

    Votes: 32 48.5%
  • No

    Votes: 34 51.5%

  • Total voters

Strategically posted the day that the U loses out on 2 potential recruits. Anyone who thinks we would be better of with Grinnin' Glen right now is just purely delusional. You need to bring in good players to become a good team. Brew is doing that, give him time. Remember, the cupboard was bare when he started, and anyone who thinks differently needs to take a look at the squad last year. As was pointed out earlier this week, funny how AD's haven't been ramming down Glen's door to bring him in as an HC. Lord knows there are plenty of openings out there. Glen is even openly campaigning to become and HC again, but nobody is signing him. As the old saying goes, "actions speak louder than words."

Strategically posted the day that the U loses out on 2 potential recruits. Anyone who thinks we would be better of with Grinnin' Glen right now is just purely delusional. You need to bring in good players to become a good team. Brew is doing that, give him time. Remember, the cupboard was bare when he started, and anyone who thinks differently needs to take a look at the squad last year. As was pointed out earlier this week, funny how AD's haven't been ramming down Glen's door to bring him in as an HC. Lord knows there are plenty of openings out there. Glen is even openly campaigning to become and HC again, but nobody is signing him. As the old saying goes, "actions speak louder than words."

What does giving Brewster an extension have to do with Glen Mason?

Exactly, who said that our only coaching options at the U are Brewster or Mason.

Realistically, what kind of options do you think we have if Brewster is getting somewhat less than $1,000,000 and Tennessee just signed up a D-L coach for $650,000.

Realistically, what kind of options do you think we have if Brewster is getting somewhat less than $1,000,000 and Tennessee just signed up a D-L coach for $650,000.

I think Brewster's salary has more to do with what his experience warranted versus what the university can afford. There are also numerous coordinators and head coaches at other possibly smaller programs that would jump at a salary in that range.

I think Brewster's salary has more to do with what his experience warranted versus what the university can afford. There are also numerous coordinators and head coaches at other possibly smaller programs that would jump at a salary in that range.

So why would that necessarily be better than what was done (we did try that with Joe Salem -- had an OC by the name of Shanahan but not enough horses)? Maturi wanted a recruiter and salesman and that is what he hired. Time will tell if that was the right move.

So why would that necessarily be better than what was done (we did try that with Joe Salem -- had an OC by the name of Shanahan but not enough horses)? Maturi wanted a recruiter and salesman and that is what he hired. Time will tell if that was the right move.

Recruiting and proven coaching experience do not have to be mutually exclusive. It is possible to find both in a candidate and there were interested candidates out there then that met this profile when Brewster was hired and would assume there would be today as well.

Recruiting and proven coaching experience do not have to be mutually exclusive. It is possible to find both in a candidate and there were interested candidates out there then that met this profile when Brewster was hired and would assume there would be today as well.

Who specifically was available then? BTW, I think the current Nebraska coach is reaping the benefits of the recruiting of his predecessor (who was not a very effective coach). Not at all clear if he will be able to continue that level of recruiting.

I think Brewster's salary has more to do with what his experience warranted versus what the university can afford. There are also numerous coordinators and head coaches at other possibly smaller programs that would jump at a salary in that range.

Great, so we can get a Glen Mason in someone elses clothes.

I will admit the U has come a long way in the last 5 years with regard to it's willingness to invest in athletics, but compared to other big time universities, we are way behind.

Lane Kiffin aint comin to the U anytime soon...we either take a proven MAC coach and hope he can make it in the big time (only to lose him to a Tennessee type program that pays 3 times as much) or we hire an unproven head coach with credentials as an assistant and hope he learns on the job.

The economics of college football and staggering. Truth be told, winning gets more booster money, more alumni money and more sponsorship money...period. And not just for the athletics department...winning funds new buildings and more academic scholarships and more parking and more tax revenue for the state and local through hotel rooms and restaurants.

Brewster is as good as it is going to get for a least until the U decides the economics of winning are just as important as the economics department.

Who specifically was available then? BTW, I think the current Nebraska coach is reaping the benefits of the recruiting of his predecessor (who was not a very effective coach). Not at all clear if he will be able to continue that level of recruiting.

Bo Pelini and Lane Kiffin were available and interested then. I really think that many of the classes Bill Callahan brought in to Nebraska prior to Pelini were significantly overrated or just didn't work out. Many of his highest touted recruits were either not starting by the end of this year or long ago left the program for various reasons and the players that did contribute were not the highly ranked recruits. Nebraska started two walk ons on defense in the bowl game and one of them started the entire season. I think that Pelini will be able to recruit as they have a top 25 class this year and his staff has significant recruiting ties in Texas.

Great, so we can get a Glen Mason in someone elses clothes.

I will admit the U has come a long way in the last 5 years with regard to it's willingness to invest in athletics, but compared to other big time universities, we are way behind.

Lane Kiffin aint comin to the U anytime soon...we either take a proven MAC coach and hope he can make it in the big time (only to lose him to a Tennessee type program that pays 3 times as much) or we hire an unproven head coach with credentials as an assistant and hope he learns on the job.

The economics of college football and staggering. Truth be told, winning gets more booster money, more alumni money and more sponsorship money...period. And not just for the athletics department...winning funds new buildings and more academic scholarships and more parking and more tax revenue for the state and local through hotel rooms and restaurants.

Brewster is as good as it is going to get for a least until the U decides the economics of winning are just as important as the economics department.

It is a risk always that a coach will leave for a higher paying job and if you think Brewster wouldn't leave for a Tennessee type program you are fooling yourself especially since he has no ties to the area. You are correct that Lane Kiffin isn't coming here anytime soon, he would have two years ago however when he all but asked for the job, and he had ties to the area. I think it is a smaller risk to take a successful head coach from a smaller program or a proven coordinator from a big program than to take a coach who has been neither. I will agree with you however that the U has come a long way in investing in athletics but is still behind.

Bo Pelini and Lane Kiffin were available and interested then. I really think that many of the classes Bill Callahan brought in to Nebraska prior to Pelini were significantly overrated or just didn't work out. Many of his highest touted recruits were either not starting by the end of this year or long ago left the program for various reasons and the players that did contribute were not the highly ranked recruits. Nebraska started two walk ons on defense in the bowl game and one of them started the entire season. I think that Pelini will be able to recruit as they have a top 25 class this year and his staff has significant recruiting ties in Texas.

Kiffin was a pipe dream as he was in the process of being hired as the Raiders' coach. I would presume he is currently making much more than $1M. Pelini won with other peoples recruits. The jury is still out on whether he can do it with his own. BTW, we could have done much better this year with just Nebraska's OL.

Kiffin was a pipe dream as he was in the process of being hired as the Raiders' coach. I would presume he is currently making much more than $1M. Pelini won with other peoples recruits. The jury is still out on whether he can do it with his own. BTW, we could have done much better this year with just Nebraska's OL.

Actually the Raiders job came after the Minnesota job was no longer a possibility and I am sure he would have taken $1M back then. Pelini has a very good class coming in and many of the main contributors on the team this year were not highly ranked recruits for Callahan. While predicting a coaches future success is not fail proof, you should try and look for guys that have shown progression in their career and shown a history of success, Pelini and Kiffin have done this.


Are we talking coaching change or the threat of it. A coach cannot recruit and build relationships when he has no contract or a short one. Especially in our situation where we don't have a reputation like a Florida, Michigan, Texas. Sign the guy up for ten more years. You can fire anytime. The buyout for firing is part of the business and built into the risk. This guy as well as any coach we have needs our full support and we need a reputation that we support our coaches otherwise no one will want to coach here regardless of the money. NO PROGRAM OF ANY KIND CAN SURVIVE POOR FAN SUPPORT EVEN WHEN THINGS ARE GOING BAD!!!!!!!!!

By the way...

Kiffen will be eaten alive and will have a very difficult time in that part of the country....

Actually the Raiders job came after the Minnesota job was no longer a possibility and I am sure he would have taken $1M back then. Pelini has a very good class coming in and many of the main contributors on the team this year were not highly ranked recruits for Callahan. While predicting a coaches future success is not fail proof, you should try and look for guys that have shown progression in their career and shown a history of success, Pelini and Kiffin have done this.

I see. Kiffin went to the Raiders on the rebound. How many days was it between the time Brewster was announced and when Kiffin was announced. Seems very unlikely to me that Kiffin had not interviewed for the Raiders position prior to Brewster being announced. In any event, the jury is still out on both Kiffin and Pelini -- as it is with Brewster.

It may be too early yet but ...

look at Brewster's recruiting. Unfortunately, the 2007 class was what it was by the time he was hired. Looking at 2008 and how 2009 is shaping up, it looks like Brewster is doing very well in finding kids to fill needs. He may not have the highest ranked classes but, based on '08, the kids appear to be working out. How many arrests in that group? Heck, the previous coach had an armed robber in his last recruiting class. Remember, it is not all about stars. Do the kids play and do they stay in school? It's too early to be sure, but Brewster appears to be off to a good start and I think this has a lot to do with Maturi talking extension.

It's way too early to consider raises or extensions for Brewster...

I can't believe this vote is as close as it is. We gave Dan Monson a premature and unwarranted extension, and look what it got us. We were forced to endure several extra years of ineffective coaching by a guy who was clearly in over his head in the Big Ten. Haven't we learned anything?

Why isn't that candle burning at the U

Actually the Raiders job came after the Minnesota job was no longer a possibility and I am sure he would have taken $1M back then. Pelini has a very good class coming in and many of the main contributors on the team this year were not highly ranked recruits for Callahan. While predicting a coaches future success is not fail proof, you should try and look for guys that have shown progression in their career and shown a history of success, Pelini and Kiffin have done this.

Because there was no match on the table. We can speculate that all we want but the Raiders offer at least the pay scale therefore was relatively known, and the budget for the HC and staff at the U was also fairly well known. The reason Kiffin did not come here was that he could not get the salary he wanted and his coaching staff too. Basically no matter how many firesticks were taken out the book, the reason Kiffin could not lite a candle at the U was the schools inability to match what he could get in the NFL.

I can't believe this vote is as close as it is.

I agree, the vote shouldn't be this close. Extending him two years from now is way too late.

Most people agree that we need to give him 2 or 3 more years before firing should be considered. If he is successful, and his contract is about to expire, I would expect him to be looking around and take another job if it was offered.
This is an easy risk/reward problem. The risk is, if we extend him, he may not work out and we'll need to buy him out a few years from now. The reward is if he's successful, then he feels good about our institution and possibly stays around longer. Remember, we want success at this program, don't we? The risk is definitely worth the reward.
If I recall correctly, he was originally signed to a 5 year contract, 3 remaining. Sign him to a new 5 or 6 year contract so you have time to re-evaluate in a few of years. A buyout in year 3 of a contract is typically much less than in year one like previous coaches.

It never hurts to wait, but I don't see why a short extension isn't reasonable. He's certainly better than Mason, and he's bringing in better players and coaches. The investment will pay off with improvement. Whether we win a Big Ten title is certainly unknown.

A 5-year contract is more than sufficient for a coach to prove himself. Let him do so before even considering extension. He has not done so at this point. Let's stop tossing around millions of dollars prematurely.

No extension. Maturi needs to wait until we complete the 09 season. Two year left on a contract is long enough to recruit effectively. If the team makes more progress in 09, then a two year extension makes sense.

Getting higher rated recruits is a good sign but that has to start turning into more wins and being more competitve. We were not a very good team the last two game. There is tons of work to do.

IMO, Brewster has not yet proven to me he is the guy to get the program to the next level. Maturi has to see that.

Maturi is basically saying, show progress and I'll give you a buffer. He shown SOME progress, so a one or two year extension for a little more cash is really not a big deal, and I'm not really sure why people are fighting it so hard. Brewster is currently being paid $1 million a season basically. That is VERY cheap. A small raise doesn't bother me really. Some of you make it sound like Maturi is gonna sign him to a Charlie Weis type contract or something. I'm almost positive that is not what is in the works. What an extension now would basically do, is give Brewster the ability to at least tell a recruit, "Hey, I'm signed on for four years, play for me". I'm thinking the buyout for his deal would really not be much to deal with, especially considering the little money he's making already.

Maturi is basically saying, show progress and I'll give you a buffer. He shown SOME progress, so a one or two year extension for a little more cash is really not a big deal, and I'm not really sure why people are fighting it so hard. Brewster is currently being paid $1 million a season basically. That is VERY cheap. A small raise doesn't bother me really. Some of you make it sound like Maturi is gonna sign him to a Charlie Weis type contract or something. I'm almost positive that is not what is in the works. What an extension now would basically do, is give Brewster the ability to at least tell a recruit, "Hey, I'm signed on for four years, play for me". I'm thinking the buyout for his deal would really not be much to deal with, especially considering the little money he's making already.

He still have 3 years left on his deal, more than enough time to not drastically impact recruiting IMHO. I think it is still to premature and Maturi can easily wait one more season. I also think his salary is market value for what his experience level was when he was hired.

Yeah, but now he has two years of experience. Whether you agree that it was quality work or not, he has 2 years of head coaching experience and has shown the ability to improve himself as a coach. Whether or not you think he'll get us anywhere is debatable, but you can't argue that 1-11 isn't better than 7-6. And yes, you have to take it as it is, he improved from 1-11 to 7-6. You can't play this game of, well we were 6-7 the year before he was hired. As an employer, you say, okay, his first year was this. Okay, year two, did he get better? Did he show me that he can become better and improve the team? I say yes, hence, why an extension is being discussed.

>>Did he show me that he can become better and improve the team? I say yes, hence, why an extension is being discussed.<<

It's assumed that a novice head coach will improve each year. That's why he was hired, paid big bucks, and offered a multi-year contract. If he's rewarded again for going 7-6, that's saying we never expected improvement and more years of 1-11 would have been acceptable.

>>Did he show me that he can become better and improve the team? I say yes, hence, why an extension is being discussed.<<

It's assumed that a novice head coach will improve each year. That's why he was hired, paid big bucks, and offered a multi-year contract. If he's rewarded again for going 7-6, that's saying we never expected improvement and more years of 1-11 would have been acceptable.

He's not, relatively speaking, being paid big bucks. He's making less than half of what Mason did.

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