Should I be having seat selection buyers remorse?

I've had 2 monikers before and have had OSU fans come on with different monikers from time to time

What does this even mean? Are you saying that if/when you get banned you'll show up with another name and keep making a fool of yourself? Well good for you I guess. I'm not sure where the OSU fans thing comes into play unless you were trying to point out how easy it is to set up other monikers (Hint: everyone was already in on that little secret).

Also, I'm still waiting for you to respond on the protocol on how to properly genuflect before you in acknowledgement of your great stature as the "God of GopherHole Traffic". Its awkward for me to interact with you until I know how to best show my appreciation. I don't want you to deem me unworthly of your radiance and affection. After all, if you blackball me I will instantly appear on everyone's Ignore Lists and my posts will no longer be read or replied to. :cry:

I've had 2 monikers before and have had OSU fans come on with different monikers from time to time

Wow...I don't know if you realize, but you are making yourself look worse and worse every time you most something else stupid.

Seriously, get over yourself. You aren't special. I hope you are proud of yourself becasue you have had three different monikers on a college football message board and have gotten banned twice, and are working on a third. I only wish I was so proud of my achievements. I feel sad and ashamed I can't be as big a douchebag as yourself. :clap:

The bottom line is that the football season is coming up. We will have a non-spinable way of assessing the 2009 season. The number of Big Ten wins vs. the number of Big Ten losses will tell us all we need to know. We Minnesota fans deserve brewsterball. I hope brewster remains in place at least one more year than the current administration! Dosen't that prove my loyalty to brewsterball? Win or lose, I don't want brewster to leave while this administration is in place. We are Minnesota and we are brewsterball! Win or lose...lose or win. I want a LOT of Big Ten wins in 2009! I am really looking forward to games in the new stadium. All is good and Gopher fans are just the greatest fans in the world! We ARE Minnesota. We ARE brewsterball!

congratulations i think this is the shortest post i have seen you make

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