Shooter: Would Gophers have hired Kill if seizures were as visible? Maturi thinks so.


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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Another day, another Maturi interview!

Shooter Now: Would Gophers have hired Jerry Kill if seizures were as visible? Maturi thinks so

"No, not for me," Maturi said. "I knew he had a seizure disorder. We talked to him about it, and we talked to doctors about it prior to hiring him. There's not anything wrong with any of his vital signs, and it was the belief of the medical people, and certainly of the people who worked with him, that he could continue to coach. And, quite frankly, I still believe that."

In retrospect, Maturi said, "My guess is that if the seizures that he had would have been as literally visible as they are today, I think the public may have reacted more negatively to his hiring. I can't speak for everybody, but I think that might be the case: 'Why are you hiring this guy?' "

"But then I think I would have (hired him, anyway). And I can't speak to it because it wasn't the situation. I think I would have relied on the medical people. The medical people assured me that he could coach football at the University of Minnesota for a long time.

"He's a good person, and he's a good fit for our values and who we are here."

Go Gophers!!

As a man, Maturi seems like a really nice, thoughtful, sincere person.

But he needs to stop talking.

Someone needs to tell Maturi he no longer speaks for the U and should refrain from doing interviews.
Sweet jeebus this guy is a clown

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