Shoot The Three Ralph! Shoot The Three!


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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Lol .. how many times during the game last night did we see Ralph and no one within five feet of him wide open for a three?

You let Ralph shoot that shot and the next thing you know Paul Carter, Al Nolen and Damian Johnson will want to start shooting them too.

You let Ralph shoot that shot and the next thing you know Paul Carter, Al Nolen and Damian Johnson will want to start shooting them too.

And that would turn ugly very quickly. Exactly.

Go for it. He couldn't be any worse than the rest of the team

I'd love to see it. It's not like they're defending him out there.

Someone correct me 'cuz I'm probably wrong, but I thought that he shot some threes in HS. He doesn't have a bad touch and even if he didn't make one or two, as long as he didn't look like he was chunkin' a punkin, if he was a threat to put it up it would make the defense play him honestly. This could help open the lane for Johnson & Williams

I've got a feeling Ralph thought of the mental WWTD? Bracelet Gopher players have and wisely decided not to launch it just because the crowd was chanting. I sort of wish he had to see how quickly Tubby would have sat him. (Not sure if Royce ever got his What Would Tubby Do? Bracelet.)

Ralph did make a ten-foot shot last night. I think that makes two for his college career.

Spencer Tollackson graduated...we don't need any more centers shooting 3's

You guys are no fun!

Suton shot like 45% last year from behind the line.

Here is the deal gang. Tubby has told Ralph 3.... do NOT shoot the 3 in NC play, we will make the Big 10 opponents think you don't dare, that you can't, that you won't, and come the Big 10 season... You WILL can a ton of them. Gotta love that idea. :)

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