Shannon Brooks listed on depth chart for CSU game

I wouldn't be upset seeing him get some garbage time rushes when we're up late in the fourth just to shake some cobwebs off before conference play.

Maybe we should bench Brooks and many of our starters against Rutgers too so we don't risk injury.

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If Hardin and Buford don't come back, soon... we could be in real trouble at CB

If Hardin and Buford don't come back, soon... we could be in real trouble at CB

Agreed. The ZC14 experiment last week was not good.

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Agreed. The ZC14 experiment last week was not good.

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And Shenault starting, remember watching him get torched by ISU receivers..

Man I hope we don't run him out too early. CSU... not worth a risk if there is one.

I hope not. There's no purpose in rushing him back.

Penn St. is pretty stinky against the run.

That might be a better tune up game later with more time to mend than earlier.

My thoughts as well. No need to rush if he is not needed Saturday.

He won't play. Bank on it.

I wouldn't be upset seeing him get some garbage time rushes when we're up late in the fourth just to shake some cobwebs off before conference play.

YOU KNOW LESS THAN THE COACHING STAFF. By only 100%. Damn it, I get sick of this...

YOU KNOW LESS THAN THE COACHING STAFF. By only 100%. Damn it, I get sick of this...

In their defense, to most fans the 3-5 week window implied he'd be good to go in at most 5 weeks. We are already well past that window. He hasn't been cutting on his foot per Claeys (he implied he was going to test it this week full-go, implying he's been doing mainly rehab exercises) so apparently the coaching staff does not, in fact, know **** about this issue. If the coaching staff were being truthful a more realistic full-strength window would have been 6 weeks to "next year" because nobody knows for sure, and bone takes time to fully heal, screw or not. Generally 6-8 weeks or longer. Our own Adrian Peterson fractured his clavicle at Oklahoma, came back for the bowl that year and re-fractured it. Gronkowski had a plate and screws in his forearm, came back after 5 games and refractured a few weeks later. Iw

Similarly, I'll take bets on Still or Lingen playing 4 weeks after their injuries. It's possible, but unlikely. I think they are giving best-case scenarios for whatever reason.

YOU KNOW LESS THAN THE COACHING STAFF. By only 100%. Damn it, I get sick of this...

Joe Christensen, Star Tribune:

Brooks and Smith led the Gophers in rushing last season by a wide margin as freshmen, so there was no sign of that equation changing for a few years. Brooks was option 1A, Smith 1B, with few leftover carries for anyone else, if they were healthy.

But Brooks broke a foot during training camp, and has only recently been cleared for practice. The Gophers plan to be cautious with him against Colorado State on Saturday, knowing McCrary has emerged as a legitimate option 1C.

Joe Christensen, Star Tribune:

Brooks and Smith led the Gophers in rushing last season by a wide margin as freshmen, so there was no sign of that equation changing for a few years. Brooks was option 1A, Smith 1B, with few leftover carries for anyone else, if they were healthy.

But Brooks broke a foot during training camp, and has only recently been cleared for practice. The Gophers plan to be cautious with him against Colorado State on Saturday, knowing McCrary has emerged as a legitimate option 1C.

Pioneer Press article outlining Claeys cautions and concerns with playing Brooks Saurday...

Yup, we still know less than the coaching staff. By 100%. Every time.

YOU KNOW LESS THAN THE COACHING STAFF. By only 100%. Damn it, I get sick of this...

Might as well shut down GopherHole. We know less than the coaches so there's no room for speculation on an internet forum pertaining to our favorite college football team.

What is the fuss about?
His physician cleared him to practice based on his examination and X Rays.
Now the coach said we will see how his foot feels as he uses it in a football way.
If it starts to hurt he stops for a while and then tries it again.
Eventually he will be cleared to play in a game.

Might as well shut down GopherHole. We know less than the coaches so there's no room for speculation on an internet forum pertaining to our favorite college football team.

Who are you to comment on this? The Gopherhole Moderators know more about this situation. By 100%. Every time.

I get so sick of this.

I'd be more interested in an article where TC says he will be reckless with SB23.

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It really is amazing how stressed some people get about stuff like this. Based on Claeys comments and common sense when dealing with a player coming off injury, the ideal situation would be to work him back into the mix slowly. As long as the other guys are getting the job done there would be no reason to give Brooks more then a handful of carries on Saturday if he is up to it in order to shake the rust off before the Big Ten Season.

That said, the coaches will obviously do what they feel gives them the best chance to get the win. So if Brooks gets 20 carries on Saturday then clearly that is what the coaches felt the team needed. Given that the other backs have looked solid it seems unlikely that the coaches would feel any sense of desperation to get Smith out there against CSU.

Might as well shut down GopherHole. We know less than the coaches so there's no room for speculation on an internet forum pertaining to our favorite college football team.

Stupid is as stupid does. There's a difference between "I don't think Brooks should play even though he's on the depth chart," and "I wonder if Brooks will play...he's on the depth chart". The former shows complete lack of credible knowledge, information and rational thought--thus leading to compounded and pervasive ignorance. The latter is speculation. People can have an irrational opinion, but as the man said "It is better to be thought the fool and remain silent than to open thy mouth and remove all doubt."

Stupid is as stupid does. There's a difference between "I don't think Brooks should play even though he's on the depth chart," and "I wonder if Brooks will play...he's on the depth chart". The former shows complete lack of credible knowledge, information and rational thought--thus leading to compounded and pervasive ignorance. The latter is speculation. People can have an irrational opinion, but as the man said "It is better to be thought the fool and remain silent than to open thy mouth and remove all doubt."

Well, then look in the mirror my friend, and maybe stop digging. Ample information has been provided that confirms they are in no hurry to get him into a game unless he is game ready, as demonstrated in practice.

I'd kind of like to see him get 40-50 carries Saturday just to see how he holds up.

I'd kind of like to see him get 40-50 carries Saturday just to see how he holds up.

^^* These are the posts that keep me coming back. LOL. Well done.

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It really is amazing how stressed some people get about stuff like this. Based on Claeys comments and common sense when dealing with a player coming off injury, the ideal situation would be to work him back into the mix slowly. As long as the other guys are getting the job done there would be no reason to give Brooks more then a handful of carries on Saturday if he is up to it in order to shake the rust off before the Big Ten Season.

That said, the coaches will obviously do what they feel gives them the best chance to get the win. So if Brooks gets 20 carries on Saturday then clearly that is what the coaches felt the team needed. Given that the other backs have looked solid it seems unlikely that the coaches would feel any sense of desperation to get Smith out there against CSU.

Most of the stressing seems to be over stupid, unqualified fans having forbidden opinions. It's true, I'm not an athletic trainer, just a guy who has dealt with chronic injuries.

I apologize to everyone on the board for having an opinion and the temerity to express an impermissible hope that coach takes it easy on Brooks.

I now see the error of my ways, and I promise not to express any more opinions until I become a medical doctor, get my Opinion License from the state, then get my opinions vetted by all the members of this board.

Most of the stressing seems to be over stupid, unqualified fans having forbidden opinions. It's true, I'm not an athletic trainer, just a guy who has dealt with chronic injuries.

I apologize to everyone on the board for having an opinion and the temerity to express an impermissible hope that coach takes it easy on Brooks.

I now see the error of my ways, and I promise not to express any more opinions until I become a medical doctor, get my Opinion License from the state, then get my opinions vetted by all the members of this board.

No need to become a doctor. Just subscribe to the notion that one must only follow the depth chart. Nothing else matters and there will be no need for opinions after that.

Most of the stressing seems to be over stupid, unqualified fans having forbidden opinions. It's true, I'm not an athletic trainer, just a guy who has dealt with chronic injuries.

I apologize to everyone on the board for having an opinion and the temerity to express an impermissible hope that coach takes it easy on Brooks.

I now see the error of my ways, and I promise not to express any more opinions until I become a medical doctor, get my Opinion License from the state, then get my opinions vetted by all the members of this board.

happy we could help

It really is amazing how stressed some people get about stuff like this. Based on Claeys comments and common sense when dealing with a player coming off injury, the ideal situation would be to work him back into the mix slowly. As long as the other guys are getting the job done there would be no reason to give Brooks more then a handful of carries on Saturday if he is up to it in order to shake the rust off before the Big Ten Season.

That said, the coaches will obviously do what they feel gives them the best chance to get the win. So if Brooks gets 20 carries on Saturday then clearly that is what the coaches felt the team needed. Given that the other backs have looked solid it seems unlikely that the coaches would feel any sense of desperation to get Smith out there against CSU.

Who's stressed?

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