Shannon Brooks listed on depth chart for CSU game

hope so. Hope he is in shape too. Hope this would get him ready for the B1G season

Man I hope we don't run him out too early. CSU... not worth a risk if there is one.

If he's healthy enough to play, he should get at least a few snaps. Shake the rust off rather than just throwing him into the fire against Penn St.

Penn St. is pretty stinky against the run.

That might be a better tune up game later with more time to mend than earlier.

Penn St. is pretty stinky against the run.

That might be a better tune up game later with more time to mend than earlier.

My thoughts as well. No need to rush if he is not needed Saturday.

Claeys may be playing mind games to confuse the defensive planning of mighty CSU.
It always helps to get an edge.

Not sure why people are assuming he's being "rushed" back? From what I've heard it sounds he could have played 2 weeks ago against Indiana St. if he was really needed.

Not sure why people are assuming he's being "rushed" back? From what I've heard it sounds he could have played 2 weeks ago against Indiana St. if he was really needed.

Initial reports indicated recovery time was in time for the Iowa game. Not that we get great medical info but that's a ways away.

Considering our injury situation last year I can understand folks desire to be conservative.

Initial reports indicated recovery time was in time for the Iowa game. Not that we get great medical info but that's a ways away.

Considering our injury situation last year I can understand folks desire to be conservative.

Initial reports IIRC were 2-4 weeks and it has been about 4 weeks.

I have no problem giving him 8 carries or so just to get a feel for game speed again...I don't think anyone is arguing that he will be needed

I am so sick of our coaches rushing players back from their injuries. I clearly have all the facts I need to draw that conclusion from the computer in my mom's basement.

If the Gopher players are so fragile that we're afraid to play them because they might get injured, then wrap every guy on the team in bubble wrap.

It's football - there is the possibility of injury for every player on every play. If the doctors say Brooks is cleared to play, then he's cleared to play. Yes, there can and should be some concern about the possibility of re-injury, but that will be there next week as well. I say give him at least a handful of carries to see how he responds -maybe 5 or 6 carries at least. Then, if there are any issues, the doctors can re-assess. If there are going to be issues, I'd rather know now than wait until the conference season starts.

Nice to see Tyler Johnson listed as a starter at WR. Well deserved.

What's the deal with Ace Rogers? Is he ever going to be healthy?

I have no problem giving him 8 carries or so just to get a feel for game speed again...I don't think anyone is arguing that he will be needed

This. 15 at most but about 8 carries is a good number of touches to shake some of the rust, get a feel for the game and get some contact in.

I see Amaeko is now at CB behind Myrick. This is the first we've heard of him at CB, right? I was previously hoping he could provide some depth in the wake of Roger's absence but if he can play corner, preferably at a level higher than what Shenault and Craighton showed last week, than that will work as well. Looks like he and Durr replaced Craighton on the depth chart. Also surprised to see Gibson listed and not Devers.

It's been over 6 weeks since Brook's surgery. Could be ready to go.

To me he is either ready to play or he isn't. If he isn't, do play him. If he is, get him some carries.

I get the whole shake the rust off thought with some carries. Didn't mean rush him back from injury...meant rush to get him in this game since we have three backs who can easily carry the load. Love to keep his legs fresh for one more week and then cut him loose...think it will help a lot towards the end of November.

Claeys explanation seems reasonable to me. Courtesy of STP's link.

"Q. How much do you think Brooks will be able to do this week, and how do you keep what looks like three real good running backs, how do you keep them each happy?

TRACY CLAEYS: By winning, that's how. You win, everybody needs to be happy. I mean, Shannon's deal, he's been cleared, but we'll see how he gets through practice, too. He really hasn't practiced, and so if he gets through practice okay and he's not sore and all that, then -- but if he's sore we won't take a chance on him this week, but as of now he's been cleared."

Clayes in his press conference said that, Brooks has been medically cleared, how much he plays will depend on how he practices. If there's any question about his readiness they'll be cautious.
(I got interrupted while typing Iceland said it better)

Why do some assume playing him this week is rushing him back yet next week wouldn't be? We know nothing. They will play him when ready - not before. Those making this decision aren't dumb.

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