Maybe young fans, but I don't know. As far as older people go...I personally know close to ten people that attend Loons games. Believe me, none of them were ever going to attend a Gopher football game, let alone a Gopher basketball game, a Vikings game, a Twins game, or any other mainstream sporting event driven by money. Since I first started socializing and/or working with these people I have pretty much heard every disparaging, stereotypical comment about athletes, rich owners, obnoxious fans, the greed, the money, how universities should not be supporting athletics, and so on. These people were more fans of arguing over the latest overrated IPA, frisbee golf, The Renaissance Festival, the latest iPhone, and when the next Star Wars or Marvel movie was going to be released.
Then pro soccer gains popularity in the U.S.A, and for reasons only they can explain, it is immune to all of problems they see in mainstream sports. They feel they've got some pure form of entertainment that is far more superior to that of the lowly football fan...sorry, American football fan, and the baseball and basketball fan, and the rest of us are too stupid to figure it out. As my dad used to say "They think their shit don't stink". I know, I know...not all soccer fans are this way. But the ~10 that I know are. But hey, if that's what they're into, I'm not going to stop them from wearing a scarf in the middle of summer.
Anyway, I don't think there is much of crossover between soccer fans and footb...DANG IT!, American football fans. And I don't know of any Gopher football fans or heard of any Gopher football fans that are bailing out to buy Loons tickets.