Shama: Kill’s Honeymoon Start at U Historic


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Nov 11, 2008
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Kill’s Honeymoon Start at U Historic

It’s not true that Jerry Kill rides to campus everyday on a white horse. Truth is the savior of Gophers football drives to work in a white Cadillac.

Symbolism aside, those who care about the Gophers have taken a serious liking to the new head coach who is trying to resurrect a program that hasn’t been a consistent winner since Kennedy and Johnson were in the White House. Maybe it’s no love affair yet, but a lot of Minnesotans at least have a crush on Kill who has earned many admirers with his honest talk and sincere actions.

Except for Lou Holtz, no new Gophers football coach since World War II came to campus and received more adoration than Kill. University of Minnesota administrators, former Gophers and fans praise Kill as if they have known and admired him for years. Even the cynical media has found little fault with the newcomer so far.

The honeymoon bubble won’t last through the coming season. The Gophers will be pushed around on the field at times and final scores could be lopsided. A group of fans and media will find fault with Kill, justified or not.

But give the former Northern Illinois coach credit for an extraordinary offseason during which he won over a lot of people and impressed his athletic director, Joel Maturi.

“No one prepared me for the unbelievable job that he has done with our alumni, our boosters, our fans in general and certainly the media as a whole.” Maturi told Sports Headliners. “He’s been great.”

Maturi knew about the coach who had a national reputation for producing results on the field at other schools, but he wasn’t prepared for the public relations success. Kill’s ability to make friends fast is a tribute to his character, values and deeds.

“I think there isn’t a person that Jerry Kill hasn’t met or addressed that he hasn’t won over, and that’s a credit to him,” Maturi said. “It wasn’t part of the ingredient of the coach that I knew I was hiring. I hired him because the homework I did told me he was a great coach, and that our teams were going to get better, and they would play up to their ability, and we were going to win in a period of time.”

Three years from now Kill will still have admirers. The only question is how many fans will be in the Gophers football tent? Without winning, Kill and Maturi know the number will be smaller than what they want. That’s the business side of college football and phase two of the Kill era starts September 3 in Los Angeles against USC.

How long will the honeymoon last?

Worth Noting

The Gophers open practice today at 3:55 p.m. at the Gibson-Nagurski Complex. That practice and many others are open to the public including workouts through Friday. All five practices through Friday begin at 3:55 p.m. and are at Gibson-Nagurski.

Quarterback MarQueis Gray will be the team’s playmaker and he’s bulked up since a year ago, reportedly approaching 250 pounds. Kill said he will wait to see if the additional size is “good or bad” for his quarterback.

“I’ve seen a lot of guys lift a lot of weights, (and) can’t play football,” Kill said. “I’ve seen a lot of 10.4 track guys that can’t play football. You gotta translate that (size, speed) to the football field.”

The 6-foot-4 junior is expected to be the Gophers starter for the first time in his career. Kill praised Gray’s offseason efforts to become a team leader.

Joel Maturi said he didn’t know if the Big Ten had finalized plans to eliminate 11 a.m. football games this year but “we’re hoping we’re going to play at noon at the earliest.”

The conference did announce league teams will play nine conference games each starting in 2017. Maturi said the increase from eight games to nine was long discussed and helping to ease the transition is that all schools will still be able to play seven home games (including nonconference opponents) each year.

“I do think the fans want more conference games,” Maturi said. “That’s a huge part of the factor.”

Go Gophers!!

The honeymoon bubble won’t last through the coming season. The Gophers will be pushed around on the field at times and final scores could be lopsided. A group of fans and media will find fault with Kill, justified or not.

I'm not sure this is how I would describe a team that is expected to go anywhere from 4-7 wins. I just don't see them getting pushed around this year.

Since few Gopher fans expect great things out of the Gophers this season, I think the honeymoon will last. The honeymoon fades fast when people are expecting a lot right away. We may lose games, but I don't think it will be because of sloppiness or not having the basics down. I expect that we will see good blocking and tackling. At least for this season, not many are going to be giving up on Kill.

I see the point in the article. There is a HUGE mass of Gopher "fans" out there that follow the team very loosely and have no idea how recruiting classes stack up, no idea what expectations should be, etc. This group currently has gone from completely indifferent to mildly interested due to the good things they have been hearing every time they watch the 10 pm news or turn on the radio. Unfortunately, this rather large group doesn't know the details and probably don't understand that expectations are actually fairly low this year. These will be the fans that will be saying "See, it doesn't matter. They got that new coach and it is the same results." if the Gophers go 5-7 this year. So, I think few regulars on Gopher Hole expect great things out of the Gophers this season but I do think many casual fans may now be building unrealistic expectations with the misinformation that can arise from just reading the headlines.

As I read the article I was reminded how Kill probably didn't deserve the whining that came out of a lot of us the day his hiring was announced, and in the same way it is amazing to see the honeymoon he is now enjoying before his first Gopher team ever takes the field. I sometimes worry that the gushy honeymoon, when matched with the general lack of knowledge with most fans - will conspire and lead to some unwarranted complaining if things don't go well this year.

The trolls will be out in force, but I have seen very few people who expect great things in year one here. If people had high expectations, I would expect that these people might be disappointed. But what we have is interest, enthusiasm and low expectations this season. It's a good combination to keep a honeymoon going a bit longer.

I see the point in the article. There is a HUGE mass of Gopher "fans" out there that follow the team very loosely and have no idea how recruiting classes stack up, no idea what expectations should be, etc. This group currently has gone from completely indifferent to mildly interested due to the good things they have been hearing every time they watch the 10 pm news or turn on the radio. Unfortunately, this rather large group doesn't know the details and probably don't understand that expectations are actually fairly low this year. These will be the fans that will be saying "See, it doesn't matter. They got that new coach and it is the same results." if the Gophers go 5-7 this year. So, I think few regulars on Gopher Hole expect great things out of the Gophers this season but I do think many casual fans may now be building unrealistic expectations with the misinformation that can arise from just reading the headlines.

As I read the article I was reminded how Kill probably didn't deserve the whining that came out of a lot of us the day his hiring was announced, and in the same way it is amazing to see the honeymoon he is now enjoying before his first Gopher team ever takes the field. I sometimes worry that the gushy honeymoon, when matched with the general lack of knowledge with most fans - will conspire and lead to some unwarranted complaining if things don't go well this year.

Is it possible Shama made his comment about a losses to address those fans who have high expectations? I don't know if he would come up with that.

I agree with the sentiment that we won't get pushed around. We may lose a few games big, but that would more likely be the result of a talent gap and not an effort gap. For the first time since Holtz, I think we have a coach who simply isn't going to tolerate laggardly play. In other words, if a player doesn't bring it every play, he'll have a chance to watch the action from the best seat in the house.

I'm guessing we'll lose more than we win, but as long as we play work hard and play smart football and put a foundation in place for future success, I'm willing to be more than a little bit patient.

As for the Kill honeymoon, I think it's been a two-way street. It appears that the Athletic Department has finally realized that promoting the program requires a strategy and that Kill has been doing everything except delivering babies to meet with fans. He's logged a ton of miles since he's been hired.

Kill’s Honeymoon Start at U Historic

It’s not true that Jerry Kill rides to campus everyday on a white horse. Truth is the savior of Gophers football drives to work in a white Cadillac.

Symbolism aside, those who care about the Gophers have taken a serious liking to the new head coach who is trying to resurrect a program that hasn’t been a consistent winner since Kennedy and Johnson were in the White House. Maybe it’s no love affair yet, but a lot of Minnesotans at least have a crush on Kill who has earned many admirers with his honest talk and sincere actions.

Except for Lou Holtz, no new Gophers football coach since World War II came to campus and received more adoration than Kill. University of Minnesota administrators, former Gophers and fans praise Kill as if they have known and admired him for years. Even the cynical media has found little fault with the newcomer so far.

The honeymoon bubble won’t last through the coming season. The Gophers will be pushed around on the field at times and final scores could be lopsided. A group of fans and media will find fault with Kill, justified or not.

But give the former Northern Illinois coach credit for an extraordinary offseason during which he won over a lot of people and impressed his athletic director, Joel Maturi.

“No one prepared me for the unbelievable job that he has done with our alumni, our boosters, our fans in general and certainly the media as a whole.” Maturi told Sports Headliners. “He’s been great.”

Maturi knew about the coach who had a national reputation for producing results on the field at other schools, but he wasn’t prepared for the public relations success. Kill’s ability to make friends fast is a tribute to his character, values and deeds.

“I think there isn’t a person that Jerry Kill hasn’t met or addressed that he hasn’t won over, and that’s a credit to him,” Maturi said. “It wasn’t part of the ingredient of the coach that I knew I was hiring. I hired him because the homework I did told me he was a great coach, and that our teams were going to get better, and they would play up to their ability, and we were going to win in a period of time.”

Three years from now Kill will still have admirers. The only question is how many fans will be in the Gophers football tent? Without winning, Kill and Maturi know the number will be smaller than what they want. That’s the business side of college football and phase two of the Kill era starts September 3 in Los Angeles against USC.

How long will the honeymoon last?

Worth Noting

The Gophers open practice today at 3:55 p.m. at the Gibson-Nagurski Complex. That practice and many others are open to the public including workouts through Friday. All five practices through Friday begin at 3:55 p.m. and are at Gibson-Nagurski.

Quarterback MarQueis Gray will be the team’s playmaker and he’s bulked up since a year ago, reportedly approaching 250 pounds. Kill said he will wait to see if the additional size is “good or bad” for his quarterback.

“I’ve seen a lot of guys lift a lot of weights, (and) can’t play football,” Kill said. “I’ve seen a lot of 10.4 track guys that can’t play football. You gotta translate that (size, speed) to the football field.”

The 6-foot-4 junior is expected to be the Gophers starter for the first time in his career. Kill praised Gray’s offseason efforts to become a team leader.

Joel Maturi said he didn’t know if the Big Ten had finalized plans to eliminate 11 a.m. football games this year but “we’re hoping we’re going to play at noon at the earliest.”

The conference did announce league teams will play nine conference games each starting in 2017. Maturi said the increase from eight games to nine was long discussed and helping to ease the transition is that all schools will still be able to play seven home games (including nonconference opponents) each year.

“I do think the fans want more conference games,” Maturi said. “That’s a huge part of the factor.”

Go Gophers!!

I should have added this in my first post. It's obvious that Wren is really Joel Maturi and that the MAC-turi references are just an effort to throw us off the scent. It's clear from this quote that conference games mean everything!

Until every team in the Big Ten Conference plays every other team in the Big Ten...

EVERY year, EVERY Big Ten Fan is not going to get his/her money's worth for having season tickets for Big Ten Football. No conference champion could possibly be a TRUE Big Ten champion unless they face the challenge of playing EVERY team in the conference. The Big Ten Conference needs to step up, have some seeds and play a REAL Big Ten Schedule every year. Why play in a conference if you don't play EVERY school in the conference EVERY year?

Dump the little ranger, bjm NOW!

; 0 )

EVERY year, EVERY Big Ten Fan is not going to get his/her money's worth for having season tickets for Big Ten Football. No conference champion could possibly be a TRUE Big Ten champion unless they face the challenge of playing EVERY team in the conference. The Big Ten Conference needs to step up, have some seeds and play a REAL Big Ten Schedule every year. Why play in a conference if you don't play EVERY school in the conference EVERY year?

Dump the little ranger, bjm NOW!

; 0 )

When was the last time we played all the Big Ten teams in one year?

1983 was the last time we played all the Big Ten teams in one year. Actually, during the 1979 through the 1983 seasons we played every Big Ten school. It was tough going, but, with the reduction in scholarships to the current 85 scholarship rule, it would be much more interesting now. PSU hadn't entered the conference yet so there were actually 10 Big Ten Teams then.

Ironically in 1983, Smokey Joe lined up against all 9 other Big Ten schools and the newest current member of the Big Ten Conference Nebraska. (That was that 83-17 humiliation or what ever the score was...)

Things will be a bit more competetive with the 85 scholarship limits of today.

In addition to playing all 11 other Big Ten Schools now, it would be best to cut the scholarship limits for football down to 60. It would make the inter conference play even more competetive and would also cut down the number of non-revenue and Title IX scholarships that would have to be maintained. Cutting down to 85 scholarships was a good thing at the time it was done and cutting down even more would be a good 2011 kind of thing to do...

Streamline, conserve and have the players "multi-task" and play both offense and defense! Football players were meant to play both offense & defense!

; 0 )

In addition to playing all 11 other Big Ten Schools now, it would be best to cut the scholarship limits for football down to 60. It would make the inter conference play even more competetive and would also cut down the number of non-revenue and Title IX scholarships that would have to be maintained. Cutting down to 85 scholarships was a good thing at the time it was done and cutting down even more would be a good 2011 kind of thing to do...

; 0 )


Yep, get rid of all sports except FB, BB and hockey. Eliminate academic scholarships and any artsy and musical free rides too. Eliminate all that Title IX stuff. That would be a good 1911 kind of thing to do... :rolleyes:


Yep, get rid of all sports except FB, BB and hockey. Eliminate academic scholarships and any artsy and musical free rides too. Eliminate all that Title IX stuff. That would be a good 1911 kind of thing to do... :rolleyes:

The Tea Party movement in now infiltrating Gopher Athletics.

A 5-year experiment in playing all the Big Ten teams is not some kind of long-standing tradition. Aside from that short-lived experiment, we haven't played all the Big Ten opponents. I looked through the schedules, and I didn't find a single season where we played all the Big Ten opponents.

No one felt "ripped off" because we didn't play all the opponents for about 80 years. No one felt that it wasn't a true championship if you didn't play all the opponents. And exceedingly few feel that today.

I see the point in the article. There is a HUGE mass of Gopher "fans" out there that follow the team very loosely and have no idea how recruiting classes stack up, no idea what expectations should be, etc. This group currently has gone from completely indifferent to mildly interested due to the good things they have been hearing every time they watch the 10 pm news or turn on the radio. Unfortunately, this rather large group doesn't know the details and probably don't understand that expectations are actually fairly low this year. These will be the fans that will be saying "See, it doesn't matter. They got that new coach and it is the same results." if the Gophers go 5-7 this year. So, I think few regulars on Gopher Hole expect great things out of the Gophers this season but I do think many casual fans may now be building unrealistic expectations with the misinformation that can arise from just reading the headlines.

As I read the article I was reminded how Kill probably didn't deserve the whining that came out of a lot of us the day his hiring was announced, and in the same way it is amazing to see the honeymoon he is now enjoying before his first Gopher team ever takes the field. I sometimes worry that the gushy honeymoon, when matched with the general lack of knowledge with most fans - will conspire and lead to some unwarranted complaining if things don't go well this year.

I think Coach Kill has been very clear and careful not to predict success right out of the gate. Rather he has consistently said that the this team is not ready to win big and often. Wherever he has gone, he has made no promises to the Minnesota people except that he will work very hard and use the same system that he has had in place for years. I know there will always be a group of "here we go again" fringe fans but I believe the masses do not expect much this season in terms of wins.


I refuse to acknowlege the "hoax era..." He cut corners, was not afraid to cheat, his tenure coincided with the "Luther Darville" situation and then in the middle of the night of his second season, he bagged for South Bend. Eventually the long-arm of the NCAA investigated the hoax era Gopher Football Program and penalized the program for what had happened under the hoax watch. Lou hoax did more to demoralize and destroy Gopher fan support than any single individual until badger joel macturi's hire of brewster. The arrival of hoax coincided with the "LES STECKLE" vikings experiment/disaster. hoax soon turned that opportunity for Gopher Football into a disaster. hoax pumped...and then very abruptly dumped the Minnesota Golden Gopher Football Program. As far as I am concerned, hoax never really existed here. He was just a con-man who passed this way, did some damage and then cut and ran on his way to a bigger con-game.

The NCAA penalties hoax left the U with and the way he abandoned the U of M present the ultimate hoax experience here in Minnesota...

; 0 )

OK, Wren whatever.

They still played nine BT games his first season.


I refuse to acknowlege the "hoax era..." He cut corners, was not afraid to cheat, his tenure coincided with the "Luther Darville" situation and then in the middle of the night of his second season, he bagged for South Bend. Eventually the long-arm of the NCAA investigated the hoax era Gopher Football Program and penalized the program for what had happened under the hoax watch. Lou hoax did more to demoralize and destroy Gopher fan support than any single individual until badger joel macturi's hire of brewster. The arrival of hoax coincided with the "LES STECKLE" vikings experiment/disaster. hoax soon turned that opportunity for Gopher Football into a disaster. hoax pumped...and then very abruptly dumped the Minnesota Golden Gopher Football Program. As far as I am concerned, hoax never really existed here. He was just a con-man who passed this way, did some damage and then cut and ran on his way to a bigger con-game.

The NCAA penalties hoax left the U with and the way he abandoned the U of M present the ultimate hoax experience here in Minnesota...

; 0 )

This might be one of your best posts.

To be fair, Holtz did leave the Gophers a lot better than they were when he got here. Had their been as many bowls back then as there are today, Gutekunst's Gophers would have gone to 4 bowl games. The Gophers also played tough non-conference schedules, in Gutekunst's era, the Gophers played 9 BCS teams, with 5 of those opponents nationally ranked. We also had 2 Big Ten seasons of with 5 Big Ten wins in his 6 seasons.

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