Seeking DTA members


Fleck Superfan
Feb 26, 2013
Reaction score
If any of you were at the DTA event, thanks for contributing.

If not, and you want to help the players now is a good time to jump in with a 4-1 match on new members. Make someone else pay 4X whatever you are contributing.

Sorry if already posted.

Out of curiosity, who matches the 4;1 match?
I believe it's anonymous.
I haven't asked, but typically those are wealthier backers who are working to grow the base and a 2:1 to 4:1 match is the way it happens.

If you donate as an existing member, they will 2:1 match it.
If you are a new member it's a 4:1.
Donate $200, that's a $800 match which equals a cool thousand. That becomes real cash.

If you donate as an existing member, they will 2:1 match it.
If you are a new member it's a 4:1.
Donate $200, that's a $800 match which equals a cool thousand. That becomes real cash.
Not how I read it.

If you make a single donation it is matched 2:1
If you become a member or upgrade your membership to a higher level, that is matched 4:1. Probably matching 4:1 on the first of the recurring donation, rather than all the ensuing donations.

I haven't asked, but typically those are wealthier backers

There are no rich people who care about Gopher football.

We would know their names already, if there were. They would’ve given large donations in the past, and/or they would’ve already given large donations to DTA.

Not how I read it.

If you make a single donation it is matched 2:1
If you become a member or upgrade your membership to a higher level, that is matched 4:1. Probably matching 4:1 on the first of the recurring donation, rather than all the ensuing donations.
I read it the same way he said.
Don’t think he was meaning 4:1 for every donation after your first unless you’re upgrading, just for the initial.


There are no rich people who care about Gopher football.

We would know their names already, if there were. They would’ve given large donations in the past, and/or they would’ve already given large donations to DTA.
I believe we have some “rich” donors. Just not the “ultra rich” that pay for contracts, buyouts, facilities, etc.

I still think it is really cool and extremely classy of Chad Greenway and the entire Grey Duck Beer and Vodka to do the matching. He loves his Hawkeyes and it 100% helping the Gophers.

I believe we have some “rich” donors. Just not the “ultra rich” that pay for contracts, buyouts, facilities, etc.

And keep in mind this match is not likely to be millions. May be $100k or something, which is a lot of money. But lots of people can afford $100k. Very few can cut checks for $157 million like the A&M dude did.

I still think it is really cool and extremely classy of Chad Greenway and the entire Grey Duck Beer and Vodka to do the matching. He loves his Hawkeyes and it 100% helping the Gophers.
I think a lot of times the rivalry side of things is bigger among the fans than it is the players.

Or if you’re a small business owner in the Cities, it’s good advertising.


There are no rich people who care about Gopher football.

We would know their names already, if there were. They would’ve given large donations in the past, and/or they would’ve already given large donations to DTA.
you know this to be a fact…or are you just dissing

There are no rich people who care about Gopher football.

We would know their names already, if there were. They would’ve given large donations in the past, and/or they would’ve already given large donations to DTA.
So, there you go again MplsGopher. what the hell do you have against the people who want to do what it takes to move Gopher resources into 2024 and beyond? so, how much $$$ do you give or raise for Gopher players?

DTA is one of the best things going for Gopher players now and going into the future.

Some of the crap that is posted here reads like dis or at least mis-information. what program/team are you playing for mpls dude?

ps: I am nothing more than a small donor type, yet I feel that everything helps and I endorse the notion that no donation for this cause IS not valued and everything counts. However, I believe there very well may be large donors that do a lot of great things for the U of M and Gopher sports within the rules and using their good common sense. Support our local Gopher sports teams!!!
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So, there you go again MplsGopher. what the hell do you have against the people who want to do what it takes to move Gopher resources into 2024 and beyond? so, how much $$$ do you give or raise for Gopher players?

DTA is one of the best things going for Gopher players now and going into the future.

Some of the crap that is posted here reads like dis or at least mis-information. what program/team are you playing for mpls dude?
It honestly baffles me how you can project this sentiment onto my post where it never existed even an iota.

I’m glad for the efforts of DTA and anyone who donates to it.

It honestly baffles me how you can project this sentiment onto my post where it never existed even an iota.

I’m glad for the efforts of DTA and anyone who donates to it.
Your posts at times convey some very mixed messages about Gopher football. I’m just going to check it out when one of your messages states more ??? re: what your intentions are the way I read them. Just asking for some clarity…

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Minnesota is a relatively wealthy state.
Minnesota also only has one FBS football program.

SEC schools have had the advantage in cash bag drop offs up to this point, so they obviously have the early lead in NIL because their network was in place. It was just converting it to "legal" and amping up the amounts now that the risk of being caught is gone.

Minnesota wealth doesn't throw money around as much as the southern wealth when it comes to football, but they start to when they see it's not happening all by themselves.

I'm guessing the 2-1 or 4-1 matches are coming from a couple different matchers who have deeper pockets than the average fan.

I'm guessing the number of people with those deeper pockets will grow more in the future and do more matches, but those people are probably also going to be the one's who get a special ask every now and then to help ensure special athletes aren't bought away as frequently.

I still think it is really cool and extremely classy of Chad Greenway and the entire Grey Duck Beer and Vodka to do the matching. He loves his Hawkeyes and it 100% helping the Gophers.
There are other investors in that business who are Minnesota fans.

It's hard to live off a homestead.. but... I bitch a lot... Especially when it comes to the bball program and I'm very frustrated with this football season... So if I want a competitive team I gotta do my part so I found a few hundo to donate to each cause. It's not a lot.. but it is something

It does seem like they should just ditch the NIL verbiage. That’s not what this at all. It is fine if this is what people want to donate their money to but if it had anything to do with NIL, we wouldn’t need people to donate money for it.

The Athletic department is going to get an $80M TV deal along with our revenue sports. The fact that the DTA organization has to exist to remain even mildly competitive is so gross.

The charm of amateur college athletics is gone.

Im a member now. My complaints have been sent to many many people. Its in my work signature so all my customers nationwide know I’m a big deal.

I just joined. Hopefully it helps. Merry Christmas!

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