seat upgrades in future years


Dec 4, 2008
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I know at the dome every year during renewal one of the options was to upgrade seats if possible. Since everywhere there is never 100% renewal, are they using our current gopher points as the order or is it back to longevity? If I take bleacher seats now will in a few years may be able to move over a section to chairbacks for example?

I know at the dome every year during renewal one of the options was to upgrade seats if possible. Since everywhere there is never 100% renewal, are they using our current gopher points as the order or is it back to longevity? If I take bleacher seats now will in a few years may be able to move over a section to chairbacks for example?

I think I read somewhere that it would be by points, but I am not positive.

I am picking my seats expecting to be there for a long time. I think it will be hard work up to better seats unless you have an extra $500 per seat to spend. I want to go with $250 seats since I have the extra $$ this year, but I am afraid I will have trouble moving down to the $100 or $0 chairbacks if needed in the future.

I will have to make up my mind soon as I only have 16 more hours to go. :clap:

I think you will be able to upgrade next year. I heard a lot of blue hairs saying they didn't like moving out of the dome and would try TCF for a year to see what it is like. After a year of weather, loud fans, and slower traffic I expect many of the older crowd to quit their season tickets after one year.

I know at the dome every year during renewal one of the options was to upgrade seats if possible. Since everywhere there is never 100% renewal, are they using our current gopher points as the order or is it back to longevity? If I take bleacher seats now will in a few years may be able to move over a section to chairbacks for example?

I have an email out to the ticket office as of yesterday. I will post it when I get it back.

I have a feeling there are more things tied to Gopher Points going fwd. I am guessing because road game ticket purchases are also not in the current forms. Maybe Gopher points will go with this as well? The more points the better seats at a road game?

I was very curious because we were looking at the 250 seats on the upper deck between the 40's... and we were wondering if we were better off starting on the the ones between the 30-40 to move straight down vs taking row 1 or 2 of the ones in the 50's. Moving seats is not always an easy process, so I am hoping it will improve.

I am pretty sure that Gopher Points will be the determining factor in all future priority situations including seat upgrades, bowl tickets, etc. Seniority plays a large part in the initial totals, but over time people making annual premium seat donations (or other donations) will slowly gain on those who do not.

I have no inside info but here is my guess about how the process would go year to year.

1. They have a ticket renewal deadline. Say March 1. Around the Jan 1 they would send out a form asking if you are going to renew and if you are, do you want to keep your preferred seats, do you want to upgrade to a higher level of preferred seats, etc.

2. When the ticket office gets all the forms back or when the deadline reaches. They go though and release all the non-renewed seats. For simpliticy sake lets say 4 seats come open in the front row of the $500 preferred section, and that's it. Then they take all the current $500 seat holders and all the from people who say they are willing to give $500 per seat. Compare Gopher Points and the highest group of 4 or 2 groups of 2 will get those seats. Then they procede to move people into those seats that were vacated by people moving up. When they get to the end they take the person with the highest number of Gopher Points who currently don't have $500 seats and they get the 4 empty seats.

Repeat process for $250, $100, and non-donation seats. If there is enough demand I would expect the Athletics Department to add more seats into the Preferred Seating Catagory. Also I would guess the amount would increase over time. Lets say in 10 year the $500 seats are now $550 small things like that.
So I would think as long as you continue to pay your yearly fee for for preferred seats you will move up slowly.

I have no inside info but here is my guess about how the process would go year to year.

1. They have a ticket renewal deadline. Say March 1. Around the Jan 1 they would send out a form asking if you are going to renew and if you are, do you want to keep your preferred seats, do you want to upgrade to a higher level of preferred seats, etc.

2. When the ticket office gets all the forms back or when the deadline reaches. They go though and release all the non-renewed seats. For simpliticy sake lets say 4 seats come open in the front row of the $500 preferred section, and that's it. Then they take all the current $500 seat holders and all the from people who say they are willing to give $500 per seat. Compare Gopher Points and the highest group of 4 or 2 groups of 2 will get those seats. Then they procede to move people into those seats that were vacated by people moving up. When they get to the end they take the person with the highest number of Gopher Points who currently don't have $500 seats and they get the 4 empty seats.

Repeat process for $250, $100, and non-donation seats. If there is enough demand I would expect the Athletics Department to add more seats into the Preferred Seating Catagory. Also I would guess the amount would increase over time. Lets say in 10 year the $500 seats are now $550 small things like that.
So I would think as long as you continue to pay your yearly fee for for preferred seats you will move up slowly.

My thoughts exactly. Couldn't have explained it better. What I am curious about, is how long it will take to move up from bench to chairback or $100 seat to $250 seat, etc? It's good if it takes a while to move up because it means our fanbase is constant.

I have 2 season tickets on the wait list and 2 current tickets that I pick on Tuesday. I asked the ticket office about this very thing as in the next 2 years I'd like all 4 tickets together. They told me that you will be able to switch seats if you mark it so on your renewal HOWEVER it will go in GopherPoints priority so even if you try to move seats together or move to a new location you might not get the chance because of being lower on the points list. You will continue to add to your points total just like you can now from what I've been told as well.

As promised... Ticket office reply.

Dear AntiCallihan(lol),

Gopher points will be carrying over into the future of Gopher football. Although nothing is concrete right now, we do expect points to play a role in the improvement process and also possibly for away and bowl game tickets. The most likely scenario is that improvement requests will take place during the renewal process each year. Each customer can state on their invoice if and where they would like to move to, and we would fulfill those requests based on availability of open seats and Gopher point status. I’m sorry I can’t give you more information right now, but this is the direction that we are heading in. If you have more questions, you can call our office at 612-624-8080 or go online to for the most up-to-date information.

If you have any further questions or concerns please e-mail our Customer Relations Manager, Dan Cohen, directly at or call (612) 624-5280. If you like, you can stop by our office in the lobby of Mariucci Arena or visit us again at

Thanks for supporting Golden Gopher Athletics,



No point in pursuing this any farther, but at least if you have some ideas or concerns you have an outlet.

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