Season Grade A+

Is this A+ grade in context to the Gophers or in context to the rest of the NCAA or the rest of the Big Ten?

If speaking strictly of the Gophers and their past. This season is a B+ right now. With the potential to be an A- or A.

If speaking in comparison with the Big Ten. This season is a C- or C.

If speaking in reference to the FBS, this season is a D.

I agree with the above poster in that grades are for the most part are extremely subjective.

Don't forget circumstances

When you grade the Gophers' season, I think you have to consider a couple things:

We were "young" before having a boat load of injuries. We are starting guys we never imagined might be playing AND at spots they never imagined they might even be practicing along the offensive line.

For Jerry Kill to (a) burn Nelson's redshirt (b) committ to starting him the rest of the season (c) knowing how much Kill likes and respects Gray, to tell Gray he's done as a quarterback takes a really strong leader...not to mention to tell Shortell that Nelson is the #1 QB to finish the many of us arm chair coaches got those kind of balls. It's the only way it makes any to turn it over for the season to Nelson...but how hard would that be? Who knows how he reacts to a Big Ten pass rush? To playing in front of 60,000 screaming fans? But Kill hitched his livlihood to Nelson....just as Brewster did to Weber.
(d) and be clarvoyant enough to know four weeks ago Gray would not be healed and healthy by now...he still hobbles around like a very beat up guy

Nelson is 2 and 2 and had us in the Wisconsin and Michigan games for one half.

I'm very pleased with our season. It would be great to get some of these guys healthy and beat Michigan St.

I think back to 1:00 AM Thursday night and watching the Gophers losing to UNLV....thinking OMG. Somehow we won. That is our turning point....somehow surviving and winning that game.

2012 is an excellent season with three games to only improve it.

Is this A+ grade in context to the Gophers or in context to the rest of the NCAA or the rest of the Big Ten?

If speaking strictly of the Gophers and their past. This season is a B+ right now. With the potential to be an A- or A.

If speaking in comparison with the Big Ten. This season is a C- or C.

If speaking in reference to the FBS, this season is a D.

I agree with the above poster in that grades are for the most part are extremely subjective.

I agree with most of this except the last grade of a D. 6-4 right now is not a D season in any conference. Even if we go 6-6 we still would get better than a D imo.

I agree with most of this except the last grade of a D. 6-4 right now is not a D season in any conference. Even if we go 6-6 we still would get better than a D imo.

Agreed. With all of the mid-major conferences in FBS, I would think we would be higher on a curve against all of FBS then we are against the B1G. Our conference is having a bad year by BCS conference standards, but by FBS standards, we are still a good conference.

I think getting to a bowl is huge. Won't call it an A- or A unless we either win the bowl game or improve on our conference record, but definitely a solid B+ even if we lose out.

Is this A+ grade in context to the Gophers or in context to the rest of the NCAA or the rest of the Big Ten?

If speaking strictly of the Gophers and their past. This season is a B+ right now. With the potential to be an A- or A.

If speaking in comparison with the Big Ten. This season is a C- or C.

If speaking in reference to the FBS, this season is a D.

I agree with the above poster in that grades are for the most part are extremely subjective.

Good post.

- "C+" looking at the Gophers history. They can't lose all three trophy games and get an A at this point.
- Using the Badger Fans "Football started in 1993" it's a "C". They've won two or more Big Ten games 14 times during that 20 year stretch.
- Using the same 20 year period they won 6 games 9 times. That makes it a "C".
- Three more games gives them a chance to finish from a "C-" to a "B+"

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