Seantrel Henderson to OSU

This article is beyond hilarious. Even if it would have said SH was coming to the U, it is far from credible. Anyone who writes like a 9 year old has to be considered a joke of a "source."

Wow, read the article. Spell check anyone??? This seems to me to be a calculated guess to earn some attention.

This article is beyond hilarious. Even if it would have said SH was coming to the U, it is far from credible. Anyone who writes like a 9 year old has to be considered a joke of a "source."

Is this rube chat legend Max Power?

funny how everyone questions the validity of the article because it indicates Henderson is going to Ohio State but I bet anything if it said he picked the Gophers no one would be questioning the valifdity of that.

This is the most unbelievably preposterous statement ive ever read on this site. If CNN, MSN, Rivals, Scout, and Gopherhole all reported Seantrel to the Gophers I wouldnt believe it to happen until the ink is dry and hes on campus.

I love Fox9Sports' latest tweet:

" should be 100% before posting "Henderson has committed to Ohio St." But, that's what you get with outfits like that!"

It seems to me that Prepstar is hoping to get a cut of the online recruiting action and posting this early will create a buzz on the net, sending potential subscribers to their site in droves.

Maybe Prep Star is doing their own research on the human brain?

Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Well I guess we know what Louis meant about rooming with "SH"

Could alway's tell that with Henderson's dad the Gophers are just not prime time or big time enough for a recruit like SH. I hate Ohio State, this just makes me want to beat those chodes in the bank next year. This kind of points to Louis messing or clowning on the Gophers. Oh well maybe SH will change to USC by Wednesday and we will not have to see him every season across on the other side. Fed up with the bucknut's cherry picking our backyard, they have plenty to choose from and plenty of football players to be coming here and mining our small turf.

People, the louis article was written two months ago when he was committed to OSU...not the UofM! Read the date posted on the bottom...

How could someone call himself an editor and post something that horrible? Seriously..."Hendedrson," "Hendersonk," "Dream Eam," "Minneosta," "perfiect." It almost seems as if some drunk middle-schooler hacked into the website and wrote this.

I think they are just making an educated guess in the hope that they will be the first to break this "news". It's the nature of sports reporting lately. It could certainly end up being true but I doubt they have any reliable source.

People, the louis article was written two months ago when he was committed to OSU...not the UofM! Read the date posted on the bottom...

Huh? We're talking about the Henderson article.

I think they are just making an educated guess in the hope that they will be the first to break this "news". It's the nature of sports reporting lately. It could certainly end up being true but I doubt they have any reliable source.

It seemed to me that education is what they are lacking. :clap:

I read earlier on that site that they had an 85 foot tall cutout of Hendersonk with a #7Q jersey on it. Big gathering with pissa and scarelot and gruy baloonks to. Vrey impersive!

I read earlier on that site that they had an 85 foot tall cutout of Hendersonk with a #7Q jersey on it. Big gathering with pissa and scarelot and gruy baloonks to. Vrey impersive!

I herd from a very relibiale sorse that Phill Fritsitz never went to coolege.

Huh? We're talking about the Henderson article.

I was referring to the person who posted before me bcuz their subtopic said something about louis rooming with SH...a lot of people think that that link on the louis topic was recent, but it was in early december when he said he wanted to room with SH, not recently.

This means it's all out war.... Get on everyones website to say, so and so is coming to the Gophers.. Lets just see how manny we can pickup in the next day or 2. SH is Gopher bound from what I here. Ohio State is going to loose a few ...

GO GOPHERS:clap::clap:>

This prepstar website seems just a little odd to me. It's just somebody who built a website and is publishing their own opinion based on zero facts and poor spelling.

I've been hearing more OSU than anything but will welcome an addition like SH to our team if he does indeed choose the Gophers...crossing my fingers until tomorrow afternoon!

Let's be honest, if he chooses OSU, he's making the "right" decision. The offensive side of the ball at the U of M has been a revolving door for coaches in the Brewster Era. You can't blame the kid for going to a big time program with more stability.

I'd love it if he came to the U of M and became a "brand" and resurrected the program, but the chances are better (at this point) for him to improve his pro prospects if he goes to OSU. It sucks, but it's the truth.

funny how everyone questions the validity of the article because it indicates Henderson is going to Ohio State but I bet anything if it said he picked the Gophers no one would be questioning the valifdity of that.

Chek out the Lewis thred. Even thou the words came directcy from the recroot, manee are still be-ing cashus.

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