Say something nice about wisconsin (2021 edition)

What about Spread Eagle? Or how about the towns Pound and Beaver being next to each other?

Tons of great Native American city/town names like Oconomowoc throughout the state!
How could I forget Spread Eagle?! It used to be the closest town to my home growing up, even though it's in another state.

The only businesses in Spread Eagle are border-oriented - gas, liquor, and of course, the Gold Nugget strip club.

We have a family cabin in NW Wisconsin near Hayward. Good small bars all over the place.

They will follow their allegiances blindly regardless of he consequences.

Its why in a state with rampant alcoholism they still make it legal to take your 16 year old to the bar and buy them a drink. I remember being at a restaurant in Green Bay and having the waitress ask my 16 year old daughter if she wanted a alcoholic drink - when we told her she was just 16 she told us that OK as long as she is with her parents.

There is something to be said about committing to something and consequences be damned. It why Wisconsin creates a lot of hilarious moments that entertain us, serial killers, shows like "Making of a Murderer" and so much more. None of it is really good but the best I could do.

It's a buffer between us and Chicago!

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