Say something nice about Iowa this week.

After I got back from the game on Saturday my back was a little tight. Weird as I just was driving home / didn't hurt it in any way I could tell.

Later it got worse and worse and man it hurt. Hard to sleep. Advil helped but holy cow it was painful on the sides eventually too.

Was bad this morning but again advil and some time and I'm doing better.

Anyway you were saying?

The State - My mom is from there and it was fun to go to Grandma's house as a kid.

The Team - Hard Pass.


The Iowa caucus is quite entertaining. Chaos in small towns with a splash of inocents and overwhelming local perception of importance.


If you wanted to hide something there's plenty of corn fields to do so

I think my Iowa cousins finally broke their "start the next generation at 16" streak. Is that a nice thing to say?

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