
I for one am happy to have him on the team and think he will be missed next year.

With EE as his replacement, absolutely correct he will be missed.

Ralph is so frustrating to watch, I'm hoping Tubby took some notes yesterday when we had a lineup of:


We were fast, and able to score when this lineup saw extended minutes in the second half.

Looking back on to the 2011 and 2012 season; Ralph was a primary reason that we made it into the sweet 16. We will all have great memories of Ralph and cheer for him in the NBA (assuming that there will be one in 2012).

If Tubby would have recruited successfully a kid like young Mr. Joseph (or for that matter if Royce would have played his first year with us) he would have been a one and done. Ralph will have given us 4 years. He still has much of his 4th year to go. If he finishes up to his potential, that would be real cool. It serves no purpose to rag on kid that has been loyal to us. Whatever winds your binder!

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