Sam Rohr winds up at Northern Iowa

Good luck to young Mr. Rohr. I hoped he would have stayed, but I tend to take it easy on kids when the de-commit. This is a big decision and it should be more about what the student-athlete needs than anything else. I'm guessing he's researched it and is comfortable with his decision. Better to de-commit than be in a situation like Willie Tatum found himself.

50, do you actually think he decommitted to go to N Iowa, or do you understand he got shown the door (in a nice way I'm sure) so we could sign kids who fit Kill's system better? Same with RHJ.

50, do you actually think he decommitted to go to N Iowa, or do you understand he got shown the door (in a nice way I'm sure) so we could sign kids who fit Kill's system better? Same with RHJ.

Don't honestly know. Just wish him the best of luck. I don't know if these kids are ever shown the door, but it's probably explained to them that their talents and the team's directions don't completely mesh. Whatever the case, I wish Rohr the best.

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