Sam Rohr To Gophs

The Badgers told him they would give him a written offer if he would decommit from the Gophers to commit to the Badgers. Rivals showed a Wisconsin offer last spring but the Wisconsin Rivals moderators removed it because they didn't like the appearance of losing in-state recruits to Minnesota. Their reason for removing it was because the offer wasn't in writing.

Maybe it is just me but if someone tells me I have an offer if I'm willing to accept it that sounds a lot like getting an offer.

In other words, a verbal offer isn't worth the paper it's printed on?

That's a hellva list. I think you forgot USC, Florida, Georgia, Alabama and Boise State. Oh, wait.....he didn't even get an offer from Sconny. :mad:

Yes, because we only want guys with offers from those schools. I mean, what's the point if they're not being pursued by the helmet schools? We only take the creme of the crop here. Give me a break. We can't expect every kid to be a Beal, Cooper, or Gray. We need to win 9-10 games regularly before we can expect those kinds of kids. Even then, we probably won't be able to get them with any regularity.

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