Sam Maresh to a JC

Ouch. That one's going to sting a little bit.

(How long 'til someone blames this on Maturi?)


Sam has been an idiot from day one. He has been caught drinking (underage) more than once. My daughter goes to the U and her roommate was at the bar when he was passed out in the parking lot, and friends helped him, and besides those issues, we now learn he doesn't study. So yes his behavior is idiotic, as in throw your future away idiotic. Now, I'm not saying he was guarenteed NFL stardom, or even targeted to make the NFL. But he did have a full ride and his education paid for and a chance to play football, something we all thought he loved. However his actions, as many young peolpe was immature.

Hope he gets his act together.

More than your normal....

college age drinking. I'm sure most of us who attended college did knucklehead stuff on the party scene, but with Sam it seemed like a on going problem to the point where he may need some help.
When he signed with the Gophers I'm sure many of us thought he would become the golden haired poster boy for Gopher football. Sadley,it has been a down hill ride for Sam starting with his heart issue. I don't think we will ever see him in a Gopher uniform again, but hopefully he gets back on the high road in his life.

Not surprised in the slightest. Kept hearing things about him over and over again and some posters who will not be named came on the board and ripped in to me and anyone else who had heard the same things questioning us on every point. The kid has issues, and it started in high school. Not at the U.

Damn, we need some good news.

This whole fiasco taints

my memory of Sam carrying out the "M" flag at the stadium opening. Made for a great story after him overcoming his health concerns but his actions since show his immaturity and inability to take of advantage of the wonderful opportunities presented to him. I can't imagine how disappointed his father must be.

Rant #2 goes to Brewster. Will he EVER learn not to hype up recruits to levels they cannot possibly achieve. I'm not blaming Brewster for Sam's inresponsible behavior off the field and lack of attention in the classroom but here is another example of Brewster expectations coming back to bite him the ass.

Brewster pursued Harold Howell aggressively and upon signing him, immediately hyped the speedy receiver/kick returner as "one of the most electrifying high school football players I have ever seen."

Seems to be anytime Brewster pumps a recruit to this degree it is the kiss of death.

This reminds me of the endless posts by the Brewster backers about how much Maresh 'love the U' and 'want to be here' and 'wants to be a Gopher'. . blah, blah, blah.

Good grief. What a bonehead.

How embarrassing for his family! (Honor thy father and mother...)

This reminds me of the endless posts by the Brewster backers about how much Maresh 'love the U' and 'want to be here' and 'wants to be a Gopher'. . blah, blah, blah.

That has nothing to do with Brewster backers. Don't we all want great players that want to be Gophers? And he was a hometown kid, too. Doesn't mean he can't do something stupid. I would have been excited about Maresh no matter who the coach was, and this news sucks. Did you have a point you were trying to make, or just being a *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#?

Oh well, good luck to him getting his life back in order. I guess we have our answer as to why we were recruiting a JC middle linebacker in May.

If there's one thing I've learned, it's that life is one crushing defeat after another until you just wish Flanders was dead.

The life of a Minnesota sports fan is tough, constant disapointment. Go Twins.

It's amazing to me how many people throw away opportunities handed to them on a silver platter.

This is disappointing. Sounds like Sam has some serious psychological/substance abuse issues. To the trolls scavenging the carcass of this story, It's entirely unfair to blame this one on Brew. Clearly, Sam has made a lot of mistakes of his own volition. The good news is his Dad's comments show him to be someone who is grounded and understands personal responsibility. Hopefully, Sam will emulate his father's example in the future.

Now, the sliver of silver lining in this episode is that the Gophers have more depth at LB than at any other position. I sincerely hope Gary Tinsley and the rest of the team learn a valuable lesson from this. That would be a blessing in disguise.

Good luck Sam. I sincerely wish you the best and hope the wisdom you gain from this experience serves you well in the future. And I also hope that future still includes you playing Gopher football.

Gopher fans will be rooting for you in the meantime.

Now, I will preface this by saying that athletes do indeed get a LOT of benefits that your typical student is not afforded. But, there is a downside. Many young adults end up having to drop out of major universities, and take some time at a JUCO or community college before returning to their 4-year institutions. If Sam were not a football player and one day finds himself back at the U and figures out how to succeed he would be seen as a hardworking success story. The fact that he is a 'public figure' means he's going to be seen as a failure. This happens all the's just a little more frustrating considering how nice of story football-wise he could have been because of all the hurdles he's faced that were beyond his control. I'm torn. As a gopher football fan I wish the U could look the other way and let our student athletes run-a-mok as long as they performed on the field. But, as a member of this community and UofM grad, I'm proud that we don't get sucked into the SEC model of being a football factory. The worst thing the U ever did was get rid of the General College...I know a lot of people that used that as a springboard for success (athletes and non-athletes alike). I guess that is what happens, though, when your governor refuses to support your public institutions.

This reminds me of the endless posts by the Brewster backers about how much Maresh 'love the U' and 'want to be here' and 'wants to be a Gopher'. . blah, blah, blah.

You have a bone to pick, which is clear, but I am unclear on your assertion. Maresh was HIGHLY recruited and everyone here was pretty fired up to have him be part of the team. So, if by "Brewster backers" you mean every single Gopher fan, fairweather or otherwise, dead or alive, then yes, you are correct. Anyone throwing out the "I told you so" line right now is an absolute liar. This has absolutely nothing to do with Brewster.

Now we can stop the asinine talk that the defense will be better this season. Programs like Minnesota don't replace nine starters on defense and get better. There's zero depth in the depth on the defensive line. Relying on a walk on safety at linebacker, not to mention Hacksaw. A transfer from Minnesota State in the secondary. A converted tight end on the defensive line.

The Sporting News was right on.

Brew's shining moment - 2008 recruiting class:
GONE: Brock, Combs, Dandridge, Hill, Lawrence, Maresh, McKinley, Nance, Pittman, Sharpe, Simmons, Smith, Whaley

Jesus H. Christ.

At a certain point, the bad news adds up and we just have to come to the conclusion that this is going to be a brutally bad year. Our starting stud middle linebacker faces felony charges. Our backup stud middle linebacker loves the sauce and fails out of school. One starting safety loves the sauce and driving while on the sauce and the other breaks his leg in spring practice. Our Lord and Savior Marqueis Gray is not as Lordy and Saviory as we originally thought, will not start at QB and may not see significant playing time this year in any capacity. And the two JUCOs in the secondary we were counting on for depth don't qualify.

I've been as much of a Brewster backer as any on this site but, by any objective measure, the program is listing heavily right now. I guess I'll reserve final judgement until I've seen a live play from scrimmage or two against MTSU, but, with the exception of the Gopher football rape scandal, this has been the most brutal offseason in memory.

Jesus H. Christ.
Our starting stud middle linebacker faces felony charges.

I agree the news is bad, but Tinsley is not facing felony charges. For awhile after the spring game I had hope for this fall, but people just keep dropping. We'll see how it goes, but I don't see us winning more than 5 games now.

I agree the news is bad, but Tinsley is not facing felony charges. For awhile after the spring game I had hope for this fall, but people just keep dropping. We'll see how it goes, but I don't see us winning more than 5 games now.

My bad. He was facing a felony charge, but in my rage over the Maresh news, I forgot it had been dropped.

Agree on the five wins bit. Hard for me to see more than four, to be honest.

People, we have a lot of depth at LB, probably more than any other position. As long as Tinsley is back in the fold things will be fine. I'm upset Maresh is gone too, but I really believe a guy like Maresh failing out could be a really valuable wake up call for rest of the team. Sometimes seeing someone screw up chance after chance makes others value their own opportunities that much more. Don't be surprised if the players are much more focused after this loss.

Bottom line. Can we afford a bunch more key losses of players through injuries/idiocy? No. Barring those circumstances this team is going to do good things this fall. Big Time college athletes sometimes make bonehead decisions that hurt their future. That's true at every school.

People, we have a lot of depth at LB, probably more than any other position. As long as Tinsley is back in the fold things will be fine. I'm upset Maresh is gone too, but I really believe a guy like Maresh failing out could be a really valuable wake up call for rest of the team. Sometimes seeing someone screw up chance after chance makes others value their own opportunities that much more. Don't be surprised if the players are much more focused after this loss.

Bottom line. Can we afford a bunch more key losses of players through injuries/idiocy? No. Barring those circumstances this team is going to do good things this fall. Big Time college athletes sometimes make bonehead decisions that hurt their future. That's true at every school.

I wouldn't count of this being a wakeup call for the players if the previous incidents were not, such as Whaley being dismissed. Depth is great but is has to be filled with great athletes and not just warm bodies and I just don't see the athleticism being much if at all better than many of the other teams in the Big Ten.

What does the U have to do to get something out of their highly ranked local kids? Royce White's behavior has been a huge blow, and while Maresh may never have had that level of impact, it's still a big hit to take. There's no way to blame this on anyone but the kid himself, but it's hard not to feel cursed at some point. Seantrel probably made the right decision. The way things go around here, he's liable to have gotten hit by a bus a week before the opener.

I must agree it's getting very hard to see more then 4-5 wins max. The football program right now feels about where the basketball program was when Nolen was lost in January. Tubby did one of the better jobs I've seen pulling an NCAA bid out of the mess. Brew has a chance to show some serious coaching chops if he can get this team to 6 or 7 wins against this schedule. If not, it'll probably be time for change.

What is the ratio of good news to bad news with this program? In the past two weeks, Farrow de-committed, we lost not one, but two JUCO DB's, and now Maresh is gone. That's 3 straight in the bad news column, and probably much more: end the season with back to back losses to Iowa and Iowa State, then have a very poor finish to the recruiting season, then the stuff with Whaley being kicked out... exactly when was the last piece of good news for this program?

It's slightly different in basketball, but not much...the bad new just keeps on coming with that program too.

What is the ratio of good news to bad news with this program? In the past two weeks, Farrow de-committed, we lost not one, but two JUCO DB's, and now Maresh is gone. That's 3 straight in the bad news column, and probably much more: end the season with back to back losses to Iowa and Iowa State, then have a very poor finish to the recruiting season, then the stuff with Whaley being kicked out... exactly when was the last piece of good news for this program?

It's slightly different in basketball, but not much...the bad new just keeps on coming with that program too.

The inspiring win over SDSU? Hmm...that felt like a loss. I guess it was Halloween against MSU. That was the loan truly good moment since the Northwestern win in the Big 10 opener. The only one...ouch.

exactly when was the last piece of good news for this program?

The APR news was very solid, which should be recognized. But with respect to good news concerning our abilities to perform on the field, it's hard to recall anything in the last several months.

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