Rushing the court...


Nov 12, 2008
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I've been trying to take my mind off last night's loss. I was reading Rick Reilly's column posted today on In it he spells out his "ironclad" rules for rushing the court. He calls out Indiana in light of them rushing the court after beating our Gophers. Of course, it doesn't paint the quality of Gopher basketball in the best of light, but I get it. I also have to say I heartily agree with Mr. Reilly's take on the topic.

OSU won the Big Ten, I think that's worthy of a rushing of the court.

To some, basketball is a business and/or a serious matter. To the others, it is a way to have fun. Not religious or as meaningful. The monies that have built college basketball are mainly supplied by those who do not take basketball as seriously. Just for fun, they do things some of you may consider lacking class, inappropriate, embarassing or whatever. I'll say, let them have fun as long as it does not hurt anyone. I think taunting is more problematic than rushing the court if you really wanna be strict about basketball and things related to it. Not just a few choice words but intent in general. We condone and get accustomed to it when done without being overly vulgar. By the same token, just laugh it off. Don't get too serious about it.

I had no problem with tOSU rushing the court for winning at least a share of the Big 10 title.

I didn't really like OSU rushing the court. They just won it what, two years ago? ET waved them down though, and I don't think they were going before that. So I guess it's okay.

disagree, rushing the court is stupid, love those rules, just look how dumb maryland looks on tv right now, just shows how much the students know about basketball and tradition, unless theyre going to punch coach k's wiesel face, then by all means rush the court

disagree, rushing the court is stupid, love those rules, just look how dumb maryland looks on tv right now, just shows how much the students know about basketball and tradition, unless theyre going to punch coach k's wiesel face, then by all means rush the court

I don't think they look dumb at all. They beat the hated Dukies in a great game on senior night.... to most likely clinch at least a share of the ACC title

i hereby think predmeditated court storming is the most ridiculous thing of all time, but people at maryland also think greivis vasquez is a god, so watever, looks ridiculous, especially for a game that didnt end up being a last shot decision, among other things, theyre both ranked, it was expected to be anyone's game, duke is over-rated, maryland controlled the game the whole time, Indiana had more of a reason for rushing the court than maryland because it was a bigger upset, and that was sad, its the most annoying trend in college ball

Greivis is pretty darn good. And commenting on the looks of an athlete is totally relevant.

i agree with that article...but all i know is that i was ready to storm the court vs mich state and purdue if those last shots had dropped...but sadly my court storming days are still in a holding pattern

The thing is he's right about one thing, rushing the court shouldn't be some premeditated event. I didn't like it when the Badgers did against Duke, or when Indiana did it against us, and I wouldn't have liked it had we done it if we beat Purdue (unless it was like a half court shot or something).

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