Running back next year?

All I'll add is that this is a much better problem to have. We've been lucky Cobb stayed so healthy over the last 2 years. Hopefully with a stable of capable guys, we can disperse the carries more and keep everyone fresh (ie like Wisconsin seems to be able to) and it'll result in gashing defenses much more heavily in the 4th qtr

A lot of unknowns but also a lot of excitement and potential. It's way too early to make any educated guesses. Spring ball should be the first decent indication of who will be in the mix and how things might go.

I am a believer in Edwards and if given the chance to run a few times in a row he will break one for a big gainer and all will be history!

but he has to be given that opportunity. one carry and a few throws are not enough to get a feel for the game. Berk will surprise a few people with his speed once he gets a few carries and gets to break one.

my guess is that the rotation will be Williams; Berkley; Jones ; Smith

But i can see Edwards and Jones getting more of the everydown type carries and Williams saved for short yardage or third down type plays. he can catch out of the backfield and he can make 20 yards on 3rd and 2

People seem a little down on Edwards and I'm not exactly sure why. He averaged 4.7 yards per carry as a freshman. While not a great number, it's still pretty good. I realize he'll never be a workhorse, I would argue he should see 5-10 touches a game next season. Even with a new crop of RB's coming in this year (Smith, Jones, JJ, Femi-Cole, Brooks) Edwards is still the only guy with the breakaway speed to take it the distance from anywhere on the field.

And he's not a WR IMO. What we saw in the bowl game was an attempt to get him the ball without taking our most productive offensive player (Cobb) off the field.

Maybe its Jones, but I am surprised at how many people are ready to anoint him despite not having seen him play a college down. I think we have enough guys with reasons to be excited about that I don't think it will be a problem, but Jones could be a program changing hero, a total bust, or anything in between.

Whoever it is, it'll take a darn good back to beat out JJ, if anyone does - and that's what gets me excited. So long as the O-line continues to improve.

Go back and watch JJ's highlight tapes. He can do everything. It would be astounding if he isn't the guy.

we will see all the backs in the non conference games especially games 2,3,and 4

not sure what we will do in the TCU as we might be behind early and often.

Who is willing and able to block? That's the guy that will be on the field.

Cobb was always a good running back, but he just wasn't blocking well. It was only when he started to block that he became the main man. Jeff Johnson is a unique talent, but does he block as well as he changes directions and slips tackles? If not, he'll have to come off the field every time we pass and that's not a good thing. I've heard great things about Rodney Smith, but know nothing of his blocking. I never got to see much of him at the practices I've attended. Is this the year that Nugget finally puts all the pieces together? I think he's a much better all around running back that many give him credit for. The good part is we have several good options and competition makes people better.

I heard he was blocking Antonio Thompson really well in 1-on-1 workouts.

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