Rumor: Lane Kiffin is Resigning as OC for Alabama


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2008
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All kinds of rumors flying around the internet right now that Lane Kiffin is resigning or getting fired. One crazy rumor is he slept with Saban's daughter. Another says he slept with a booster's daughter. A third rumor is he leaving to take over at Illinois.

No major news outlet has picked up on it but it's everywhere on twitter. I'm usually not the type to post info unless there is more to it, but this is hard to ignore.

If it was Saban's daughter, don't think for a second that her dad didn't put her up to it and that it's all about the "process" of making the program better.

Joking aside, I know that a lot of their scoring was in the 4th quarter, but I'd be more upset about their vaunted D giving up so many points at home.

I kind of like Kiffin now. He keeps every job he has interesting.

She has a career wrecking smile in that photo.

All kinds of rumors flying around the internet right now that Lane Kiffin is resigning or getting fired. One crazy rumor is he slept with Saban's daughter. Another says he slept with a booster's daughter. A third rumor is he leaving to take over at Illinois.

No major news outlet has picked up on it but it's everywhere on twitter. I'm usually not the type to post info unless there is more to it, but this is hard to ignore.

Might land in Texas

All kinds of rumors flying around the internet right now that Lane Kiffin is resigning or getting fired. One crazy rumor is he slept with Saban's daughter. Another says he slept with a booster's daughter. A third rumor is he leaving to take over at Illinois.

No major news outlet has picked up on it but it's everywhere on twitter. I'm usually not the type to post info unless there is more to it, but this is hard to ignore.

ESPN reporting that Kiffen will replace someone named Matt Limegrover.....

At the very least there should be some good signs on gameday this weekend.

Wowzer if Mr Kiffin did indeed get with that girl in the picture. Imagine Kiffen's wife or old lady was none to happy if the rumors are true.

<div style="background-color:#000000;width:520px;"><div style="padding:4px;"><iframe src="" width="512" height="288" frameborder="0"></iframe><p style="text-align:left;background-color:#FFFFFF;padding:4px;margin-top:4px;margin-bottom:0px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><b><a href="">Tosh.0</a></b><br/>Get More: <a href="">Comedy Central</a></p></div></div>

All kinds of rumors flying around the internet right now that Lane Kiffin is resigning or getting fired. One crazy rumor is he slept with Saban's daughter. Another says he slept with a booster's daughter. A third rumor is he leaving to take over at Illinois.

No major news outlet has picked up on it but it's everywhere on twitter. I'm usually not the type to post info unless there is more to it, but this is hard to ignore.

Going off of the photo in the link it may have been worth it.

That girl in the picture looks to much like a model or that picture is to professionally done or air brushed to be random
Saban's daughter photo.

Yeah, the main picture in the article is heavily, heavily photoshopped. The rest of the photos in the gallery look nothing like the first one.

Yeah, the main picture in the article is heavily, heavily photoshopped. The rest of the photos in the gallery look nothing like the first one.

She's been on lists of hottest daughters of sports figures before.

if he is resigning, ill take him here in MN no matter how much people dislike him. He is an upgrade to Limegrover.

if he is resigning, ill take him here in MN no matter how much people dislike him. He is an upgrade to Limegrover.


Yeah, he'd totally fit in with the coaching philosophy of the staff here. Definitely a guy that wants to build it Brick by Brick....

if he is resigning, ill take him here in MN no matter how much people dislike him. He is an upgrade to Limegrover.

It would be the best 6 weeks of Gopher offense in all of history.

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