Rumor I heard over the 4th.

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Nov 20, 2008
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My roots are in South Central MN and I heard a rumor about Pirsig this weekend. Supposedly he likes MN and really wants to stay close to home so is parents can attend all the games. Rumor has it though that the influences around him are really pushing him toward Iowa.

I believe it was reported earlier that his personal trainer in Fairmont is a former Hawkeye.

Jonah is down to Minnesota and Iowa. He and his family love both schools. His personal trainer in Fairmont is NOT a former Hawkeye.

Jonah is down to Minnesota and Iowa. He and his family love both schools. His personal trainer in Fairmont is NOT a former Hawkeye.

Good news for both schools, if true.

It's true. I know for a fact. Either way I love that it's between these 2 schools. Don't want him going to tOSU or Wisconsin, and Alabama and Auburn would have made me sick to my stomach!

We have Floyd. What is the hold up?

We have Floyd. What is the hold up?

That's right! Plus he'll just have to move up to the cities anyways for a job in five years, might as well just get the move over with now!

He wants to play in the NFL.

MN has put a few into the NFL as well...Even linemen (Hamilton, Erslinger). If a player plays well, the scouts will notice. They are more concerned about that then the school

Seriously, with Hayes and Rallis now in the fold, and if we can keep McDonald, having Jonah in the fold to would just be awesome.

The school you attend does not get you to the NFL, a players skills do.

The school you attend does not get you to the NFL, a players skills do.

True, but a school that has coaches with a proven history of developing and honing those skills necessary for the NFL at a particular position would be tough to ignore.

I wonder whether it's creepy to young Pirsig that strangers speculate so much about his plans.

If his heart is for Minnesota and for some reason he chooses Iowa due to some influences. Then he won't be happy with that decision for the rest of his life. Golden opportunities after the NFL in Minnesota and an awesome opportunties to go to Gopher games in the future and be involved with the fun. Go with your heart young man. We would love to have you here in Minnesota.

Jonah is down to Minnesota and Iowa. He and his family love both schools. His personal trainer in Fairmont is NOT a former Hawkeye.

Would love for Jonah AND Nick Davidson to commit to MN. Would have some amazing potential on the offensive line.

True, but a school that has coaches with a proven history of developing and honing those skills necessary for the NFL at a particular position would be tough to ignore.

I find it astonishing you have almost 2,000 posts on a message board of a team that you don't like.

I find it astonishing you have almost 2,000 posts on a message board of a team that you don't like.

I find it astonishing that you follow me around like a little puppy and get so upset when I simply state the obvious but the truth, which is why you don't dispute the actual content of my post. I also find it astonishing that I can tell just from your posts when you are off of your bipolar meds. One day you love everything about Tim Brewster and the next you rip him worse than I ever even did for example. I also find it astonishing that after my 2000 posts you cannot come up with better material and use the same tired insults over and over again. Have some creativity atleast.

...which is why you don't dispute the actual content of my post.

And neither did you dispute the actual content of his post.

I find it astonishing that you follow me around like a little are off of your bipolar meds...use the same tired insults over and over again. Have some creativity atleast.

Way to stay classy GG.

And neither did you dispute the actual content of his post.

Way to stay classy GG.

I have disputed that statement or others almost exactly like it many times already, so doing it one more time would be a waste of time and change nothing. I respond with the level of class that is shown towards me, pretty simple really. I do find it comical that anyone that is not a sunshine pumper is either a troll or not a "true fan", etc..

I have disputed that statement or others almost exactly like it many times already, so doing it one more time would be a waste of time and change nothing. I respond with the level of class that is shown towards me, pretty simple really. I do find it comical that anyone that is not a sunshine pumper is either a troll or not a "true fan", etc..

You may or may not be a fan of maroon and gold GopherGod, but if you are a fan you are the EXACT type of fan my father is to all major MN sports teams, a "just a single foot in the door bandwagon fan." My father doesn't believe any of the hype during the offseason and is quick to criticize optimism and the only reason I've come up with that makes sense in my mind is that he does this so he can have material to rub in my face when expectations aren't met to mock me with. HOWEVER, when the going is good and expectations are exceeded he will watch all the games on TV, strike up a conversation very subtly about how well they are doing or make comments for example, such as "how bout them Gophers? They finally figured out a way to win some ball games." When I bring back all the things I said before during the offseason about what they were capable of, he just says stuff like "Well they should win every game, that's what the coach is paid for and why the athletes get free schooling to play football." (Downplays it so he doesn't look as bad in his mind) It is easier for him to downplay all expectations so that he can jump on the bandwagon when the times are good and jump off and criticize and playfully mock me when times are bad to make sure I "know" he was right all along. You give me that exact same vibe sometimes. :rolleyes:

I find it astonishing that you follow me around like a little puppy and get so upset when I simply state the obvious but the truth, which is why you don't dispute the actual content of my post.

Follow you around like a puppy dog? Cute line. Not sure how you find it astonishing that I happen to read some of the same threads as you?

I also find it astonishing that I can tell just from your posts when you are off of your bipolar meds.

Didn't you just rip me for not being creative? How many times do you get to use this line before you are not considered creative?

One day you love everything about Tim Brewster and the next you rip him worse than I ever even did for example.

I happened to believe that he deserved more than one year to prove himself. When it became apparent halfway through the 3rd season that this team was never going to turn the corner with him as head coach I turned on him. Are you saying that if you don't call for the coaches head before he even coaches a game you cannot do it at all? I'm confused here as clearly someone deserves a chance to prove themselves, no? Nice call on him being a total failure, but since I've only heard you post negative remarks I'm not sure if this was a good call on your part, or just the only call you were ever going to make?

I also find it astonishing that after my 2000 posts you cannot come up with better material and use the same tired insults over and over again. Have some creativity atleast.

I don't need any better material. Just like I wrote in the post, I cannot believe that you almost have 2,000 posts on here when you clearly do not like the Gophers. Simple as that.

And you talk about those that "blow sunshine". What do you call it when you just post negative remarks? I have never read one positive Gopher post from you. Just find that odd that you claim to be a fan when the Gopher's have never once caused you to post something positive about the team.

You may or may not be a fan of maroon and gold GopherGod, but if you are a fan you are the EXACT type of fan my father is to all major MN sports teams, a "just a single foot in the door bandwagon fan." My father doesn't believe any of the hype during the offseason and is quick to criticize optimism and the only reason I've come up with that makes sense in my mind is that he does this so he can have material to rub in my face when expectations aren't met to mock me with. HOWEVER, when the going is good and expectations are exceeded he will watch all the games on TV, strike up a conversation very subtly about how well they are doing or make comments for example, such as "how bout them Gophers? They finally figured out a way to win some ball games." When I bring back all the things I said before during the offseason about what they were capable of, he just says stuff like "Well they should win every game, that's what the coach is paid for and why the athletes get free schooling to play football." (Downplays it so he doesn't look as bad in his mind) It is easier for him to downplay all expectations so that he can jump on the bandwagon when the times are good and jump off and criticize and playfully mock me when times are bad to make sure I "know" he was right all along. You give me that exact same vibe sometimes. :rolleyes:

Sorry but have had both season football and basketball tickets for a few years now and attend as many games as my work schedule allows. That includes some pretty bad seasons of late. Not exactly the characteristics of a bandwagon fan.

Sorry but have had both season football and basketball tickets for a few years now and attend as many games as my work schedule allows. That includes some pretty bad seasons of late. Not exactly the characteristics of a bandwagon fan.
Dude give it up. It took me fewer than 10 posts to understand critical thinking and questioning something that doesn't add up are outlawed here. Funny thing is, my family has had season FB tickets for forever and I would guess I go to more games and certainly sit in better seats than the self-annoited "real fans" that are here. For God's sake, who that knows more than the field is 100yards long about college football, would question an OL choosing IA or WI or OSU over Minnesota if his stated goal is to play in the NFL as an OL????? But, but, but, he can get a big job in the TCs after he is done playing!!! Because the unemployment rate of ex-NFL players is at 85%, right? Crazy........

Follow you around like a puppy dog? Cute line. Not sure how you find it astonishing that I happen to read some of the same threads as you?

Didn't you just rip me for not being creative? How many times do you get to use this line before you are not considered creative?

I happened to believe that he deserved more than one year to prove himself. When it became apparent halfway through the 3rd season that this team was never going to turn the corner with him as head coach I turned on him. Are you saying that if you don't call for the coaches head before he even coaches a game you cannot do it at all? I'm confused here as clearly someone deserves a chance to prove themselves, no? Nice call on him being a total failure, but since I've only heard you post negative remarks I'm not sure if this was a good call on your part, or just the only call you were ever going to make?

I don't need any better material. Just like I wrote in the post, I cannot believe that you almost have 2,000 posts on here when you clearly do not like the Gophers. Simple as that.

And you talk about those that "blow sunshine". What do you call it when you just post negative remarks? I have never read one positive Gopher post from you. Just find that odd that you claim to be a fan when the Gopher's have never once caused you to post something positive about the team.

Don't feel to bad. GeeGee might be the most thin skinned front runner troll ever. For a constant critic and bitcher he can't STAND any negative response to his chronic whining. dpodoll use to drive him nuts. He accused me of "stalking his every post" so I looked at his posts. The last time I had responded to him was fifty-five posts before, which for him was "stalking". :rolleyes: He's a Nebraska fan first and foremost. No, he's a Nebraska football fan. It explains a lot. He could not for the life of him understand how people could support a Gopher football coach if his team wasn't winning.

You know, the same way he can wear his Cornhuskers gear, but not in basketball season! :clap:

This the first time I've read him in months, so maybe he's changed, certainly doesn't look like it though. :rolleyes:

And if I remember he's not a fan of smilies either! :drink:

Oh, and check out the posts by Carlos when you get the chance. Looks like he's been driven off the other board again!

Dude give it up. It took me fewer than 10 posts to understand critical thinking and questioning something that doesn't add up are outlawed here. Funny thing is, my family has had season FB tickets for forever and I would guess I go to more games and certainly sit in better seats than the self-annoited "real fans" that are here. For God's sake, who that knows more than the field is 100yards long about college football, would question an OL choosing IA or WI or OSU over Minnesota if his stated goal is to play in the NFL as an OL????? But, but, but, he can get a big job in the TCs after he is done playing!!! Because the unemployment rate of ex-NFL players is at 85%, right? Crazy........

Pantherhawk's family are gopher season ticket holders?

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