Royce White-Court Today

JohnnyGopher said he's gone so I believe he's gone

Yeah but JohnnyGopher didn't explain his basis, and had he perhaps these discussions wouldn't continue. Maybe he was being overly pessimistic. He's right often, but not all the time.

If Royce White has not committed any felonies, then I cannot see the U giving up hope on the guy.

Believe me when I say that I have all the respect in the online world for JohnnyGopher, and I respect his opinion more than just about anyone on this board...but I'm not going to take his statement as fact. He could very well be 100% correct, but until I see an official statement from the team I will still hold out hope. The fact that I haven't heard anything definitive coming from the U, leaves me to believe they plan on at least waiting to make a decision...if he was officially gone, they'd say so

JohnnyGopher said he's gone so I believe he's gone

JohnnyGopher did say that, but he later changed his stance a little bit.

"All I was able to confirm today is that Royce was suspended from all team activities and most people don't think he will be around much longer. Whether that means he was expelled or will leave on his own or tubby kicked him off is yet to be seen."

While it certainly seems that there is a good chance we never see Royce in a Gopher uniform, nothing is set in stone.

I didn't phrase that very well. I mean I that I don't understand how the laptop being returned wasn't a bigger deal in the media. How is that returned without any news on what Royce had to do with or didn't have to do with what happened?

I'm not sure what you mean?

Negative Nancy, aren't you the one who was giving the whole "everyone is entitled to their own opinion"? If you can keep pissing off people with your nonsense about how the gophers aren't recruiting well enough, why can't we continue our threads about Royce White? I guess if you say they need to stop then we should probably listen.

All these threads need to stop about Royce White. I sincerely doubt he will play for the Minnesota Gophers. Yes, it would have been great, and, yes, I will cheer if he somehow makes his way back. But 18-year old kids don't just change their negative life habits at the drop of a hat. Royce has issues that go well beyond playing basketball in college. I understand there are people on here that are hanging on to hope, but we need to be realistic. I just don't see any circumstance where this guys plays — ever.

All these threads need to stop about Royce White. I sincerely doubt he will play for the Minnesota Gophers. Yes, it would have been great, and, yes, I will cheer if he somehow makes his way back. But 18-year old kids don't just change their negative life habits at the drop of a hat. Royce has issues that go well beyond playing basketball in college. I understand there are people on here that are hanging on to hope, but we need to be realistic. I just don't see any circumstance where this guys plays — ever.

Until Royce White is officially dismissed from the team, these threads will continue. Get used to it. And if you don't want to read the thread, than don't open it up.

Negative Nancy, aren't you the one who was giving the whole "everyone is entitled to their own opinion"? If you can keep pissing off people with your nonsense about how the gophers aren't recruiting well enough, why can't we continue our threads about Royce White? I guess if you say they need to stop then we should probably listen.


"R.White will not play for Minnesota! We should all move on. "

You can move on--find another team. I support the Gophers and Royce White is a valuable member of the Gophers. Go Royce!!!

"Until Royce White is officially dismissed from the team""

You condemn Royce and he hasn't been found guilty of anything and even the charges are pretty mild. You'd probably expel Royce for jaywalking. Get over your hatred for Royce. Accept the fact---Royce is on the team.

"Until Royce White is officially dismissed from the team""

You condemn Royce and he hasn't been found guilty of anything and even the charges are pretty mild. You'd probably expel Royce for jaywalking. Get over your hatred for Royce. Accept the fact---Royce is on the team.

You're an idiot. I am a Royce White supporter!

JohnnyGopher did say that, but he later changed his stance a little bit.

"All I was able to confirm today is that Royce was suspended from all team activities and most people don't think he will be around much longer. Whether that means he was expelled or will leave on his own or tubby kicked him off is yet to be seen."

While it certainly seems that there is a good chance we never see Royce in a Gopher uniform, nothing is set in stone.

I wonder if they weren't prepared to kick him off the team and perhaps Grandpa White asked for one last chance and Tubby granted it out of respect for him. The only other possibility is that he was implicated in the laptop theft and he's as good as gone and there is just a lot of due process going on. But it seems to me that the shop-lifting incident along with simply being in a dorm he was barred from is enough to expell him quickly without waiting for the additional stuff to play out if they really want to.

I realize this is not an isolated incident, but I would hope the U doesn't expel a kid for being in a dorm when he's not supposed to. how many students at the U do you suppose have misdemeanors, DUIs, and other various minor transgressions on their records....while I don't think college athletes should get special treament, they also shouldn't be made examples of publicly just because we know who they are.
let's hope, when all is said and done, that if there is no felony charge on Royce White, that the U stays out of it and lets Tubby and Maturi figure out how to proceed. if they decide he is not shaping up, then I support that. if they decide he is maturing, I support that too.

I realize this is not an isolated incident, but I would hope the U doesn't expel a kid for being in a dorm when he's not supposed to. how many students at the U do you suppose have misdemeanors, DUIs, and other various minor transgressions on their records....while I don't think college athletes should get special treament, they also shouldn't be made examples of publicly just because we know who they are.
let's hope, when all is said and done, that if there is no felony charge on Royce White, that the U stays out of it and lets Tubby and Maturi figure out how to proceed. if they decide he is not shaping up, then I support that. if they decide he is maturing, I support that too.

The U Administration needs to make the decision. Coaches and AD's can only be trusted to do what is in their own best interest. Their jobs depend upon wins and losses. We all loved Musselman and Haskins until they got caught cheating. Other Big 10 schools don't require a felony charge in order to decide to dismiss a player from the team. Theft and assault are not maturity issues. They are very good indicators of the core values of a person.

I agree that assault and theft are core issues, but there is a matter of judgement as well. at 18, few people are at their decision making best. my only real point was that I doubt the U Admin gets involved with every student who has an altercation with the law or exhibits poor judgement. its not fair (I cringe even as I type that) for them to make the decision in this case, unless they start going through every student's background and make sure all are squeaky clean.

what's "funny" in all this, is that I have more of an issue w/ Mbakwe supposedly punching a woman in the face than any of Royce's issues so far...and no one is talking about that.

I think the reason that Royce's issues have garnered more discussion on this board, is because of a widely held belief that Trevor is innocent. Royce's crimes are most certainly less serious, but he is also more likely to be punished. If Trevor is found innocent, it becomes just another case of racial profiling and he should be put back on the team and apologized to.

I think the reason that Royce's issues have garnered more discussion on this board, is because of a widely held belief that Trevor is innocent.
Yet, Trevor hasn't been proven innocent whatsoever, and he is allowed to practice with the team and Royce isn't.

Seems like an interesting decision given the gravity of their respective crimes.

I think the reason that Royce's issues have garnered more discussion on this board, is because of a widely held belief that Trevor is innocent. Royce's crimes are most certainly less serious, but he is also more likely to be punished. If Trevor is found innocent, it becomes just another case of racial profiling and he should be put back on the team and apologized to.

I just wanted to say that Trevor's case has 0 to do with profiling. A tall black guy assaulted the woman and Trevor is tall black guy. Mistaken identity, sure, but not profiling. And I'm black

Trevor's case is one incident; he is innocent until proven guilty; I think the University is taking a prudent and fair course of action with him.

Royce's situation seems to be part of a pattern with him. We don't know how many talks, warnings, counseling sessions, stipulations, etc. were involved in his case, but I'd be willing to bet it was a series of these things. I dare say nobody connected with the University wanted him to fail, and I really doubt he's being treated unfairly.

I just wanted to say that Trevor's case has 0 to do with profiling. A tall black guy assaulted the woman and Trevor is tall black guy. Mistaken identity, sure, but not profiling. And I'm black

Thanks Oleboy.

I'd add that Trevor has been accused of one (serious) thing, but he has denied it and given his alibies, there is significant doubt. Royce, OTOH, has presumably defineitly violated team rules (pretty hard to get kicked out of a dorm without violating the student code of conduct) and ther is video of further transgressions. I don't know how many other times he's disobeyed Tubby, but seeing multiple offenses will get you to the point of no mas.

Yet, Trevor hasn't been proven innocent whatsoever, and he is allowed to practice with the team and Royce isn't.

Seems like an interesting decision given the gravity of their respective crimes.

Courts don't find the defendant Innocent. They find the defendant Guilty or Not Guilty.

Innocent is 100% but Not Guilty is not quite that level.

Also keeping when thinking about Royce V Trevor is that Tubby and Maturi indicated that Trevor
" is doing everything that we asked him to do ". Once the shoplifting incident came about Royce got his ass in another jam with the laptop.

burton34 said ".You're an idiot. I am a Royce White supporter!"

Yeah right, I believe you. You keep bashing Royce, but you claim you are a supporter! You keep contradicting yourself, its hilarious! Finally, you've been outargued by an idiot then.

"widely held belief that Trevor is innocent."

I disagree. I don't think its a wide spread belief at all that he is innocent.

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