Rose Bowl Announces Upgrades to Stadium


Well-known member
Sep 21, 2015
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I thought that for an old stadium the Rose Bowl actually was alright.

They do need a new video board, and I think the outdoor "concourse" needs updates.

However it appears the upgrades are video board (yay) and club seats (whatever).

Club seats...that will look even worse when no one shows up. Fans aren't going to care because of it why waste the money?

They need to upgrade that sound system as well...holy yikes did that suck.

Club seats...that will look even worse when no one shows up. Fans aren't going to care because of it why waste the money?

They need to upgrade that sound system as well...holy yikes did that suck.
Yeah those club seats will be empty, a lot.

Club seats...that will look even worse when no one shows up. Fans aren't going to care because of it why waste the money?

They need to upgrade that sound system as well...holy yikes did that suck.

The Rose Bowl hosts several other events besides Bruins football. They are just a tenant.

College Football Playoff, World Cup, Olympics, concerts will make those club seats pay off big time.

I know but I think there are more important things than Club Seats.

The Rose Bowl hosts several other events besides Bruins football. They are just a tenant.

College Football Playoff, World Cup, Olympics, concerts will make those club seats pay off big time.
The new funding appears to be from a private source so maybe ... but it sounds like that foundation is taking donations.

Past funding was city bonding.

"pay off" is pretty easy to do if you're not paying in the first place ;)

Sound system needed some work too. Idk if it was the mixing or the equipment the officials had but it was hard to hear/understand the officials when they were being piped over the speakers

Sound system needed some work too. Idk if it was the mixing or the equipment the officials had but it was hard to hear/understand the officials when they were being piped over the speakers

For sure not a problem at the Bank. I've heard the PA pretty clearly as far away as the Varsity theater.

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