Ronald Johnson: Reader's View: Rein in spending, Gophers athletics


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Nov 11, 2008
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per Johnson:

It’s no wonder the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis has a $4 million shortfall in its athletics department when it pays its football coach more than $4 million a year (“Gophers athletics department starts cost-cutting, with specific sports not off the table,” May 8). And that’s not counting the millions other coaches and staff receive.

It’s interesting that University of Minnesota Duluth coaches have been far more successful with their teams over the years, and yet their salaries are in the thousands, not the millions.

I hope the U of M doesn’t expect a bailout. Why do we taxpayers condone irresponsible spending by University of Minnesota athletics?

Ronald L. Johnson

Go Gophers!!

UMD coaches have been far more successful? The only team that can boast that in recent years is mens hockey. Otherwise this guy is on another planet. He might as well have said that the Duluth East football coach knows as much as PJ Fleck.
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This is like saying "my Vet doesn't have all the fancy equiptment my hospital has and their parient satisfaction rates are better. Hospitals shouldn't soend so much money." You pay more when more is at stake. Whst PJ and others get paid drive millions in sales, research grants, etc.

UMD football loses more money than the U of M football.

These people are the worst. Wish we could filter posts by trash

Sometimes I catch myself believing particular people are stupid when, in fact, they are just as ignorant as a door post. The Big Ten TV package gives the U $54 million per year. What would we get without a football team?

One of the dumber points of view I've seen.

Even if you forget the whole Division I vs. Division II conversation, Gopher teams (and their coaches) regularly outperform UMD (and their coaches) in comparative success at their respective levels.

It's amazing the things people are so confident they know without actually finding out.
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