Roll Call: Folks traveling from out of MN for the game

When I hear about folks traveling for games I always feel really lucky to be in the same town and able to attend so many games.

When I hear about folks traveling for games I always feel really lucky to be in the same town and able to attend so many games.
This is what you're missing out on (not the FBI guns drawn part at the end though)...

Getting in from Phoenix around noon on game day. Pumped up, but it's going to be a long day. Not used to waking up at 4am. Hopefully the atmosphere will be electric.

When I lived in Portland, I used to schedule an annual trip back to the Twin Cities to attend the State Fair and a Gophers game at the Metrodome.

Flying in from Denver tonight! Gonna do some golfing with my Dad this week as well. CANNOT wait for Thursday!

The drive in to TCF from Robbinsdale seems very anticlimatic relative to the True Travelers of Gopher Fandom in this thread.

Since the Billds are not going to fly to Seattle and then turn around to come to the game...the best that can be offered is "safe travels" to all.

And of course..."Ski U Mah!"

Flying in from Nashville TN early Thursday for a morning at the fair and an afternoon tailgating!

Getting in from Phoenix around noon on game day. Pumped up, but it's going to be a long day. Not used to waking up at 4am. Hopefully the atmosphere will be electric.
It's worth it, the environment will be electric!

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