Rodney Williams - Potential star or project?

Let's dial it back a bit...

Fine, tell us who plays where and how many minutes they'll play.

Nobody here has anything other than a guess as to how many minutes people will get next year. The great news is that we have much deeper talent on our roster than we have in a long time. The other great news is that Tubby will have lots of options to create the best match-ups. Think of the various different line-ups that Tubby can deploy to go big, small, serious D, you-name-it.

As we saw this year, even great talent can take some time to make the adjustment from HS to college. So, if I were to speculate, I would say that lots of guys will get minutes in the non-conference schedule to see how they respond and how different combinations play together. Then, during the season, each game could look different as Tubby uses all the weapons at his disposal to give the team the best chance to win. Williams (and quite a few others) could play major minutes one game and then little or none the next, depending on the match-ups and Tubby's game plan.

I guess speculation can be fun at this time of year, but that's all it is. No one should act as if their speculation is obvious fact, but it simply isn't. If we were all that good at player evaluation and coaching, we wouldn't be here. So, guess away, but there's no reason to get bent out of shape when someone else has a different opinion.

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