Rodney’s struggles

Not sure you can judge Oto on last night. The whole second unit looked lost and disjointed. It's hard to look good when the other guys don't know what to do. Yet watching them I was thinking that we'll have some depth and be more athletic than last year. Just hope Tubby subs individually or by pairs instead of the hockey pattern of everybody at once this year.

it looked to me like Oto was in the low post most of the time or maybe he thought he had enough of a size mis-match that he should go inside and take advantage of it. I only remember Oto catching the ball on the perimeter about 3 times all game. I was hoping he would play more on the perimeter so we could see what he can do out there.

Last night (second half I believe) Rodney came off a screen at the ft line, caught the ball, dribbled twice and had a nice layup.... Now I'm not saying one play changes everything, but he look very smooth coming off that screen and taking the ball to the basket while dribbling the ball.

Last night (second half I believe) Rodney came off a screen at the ft line, caught the ball, dribbled twice and had a nice layup.... Now I'm not saying one play changes everything, but he look very smooth coming off that screen and taking the ball to the basket while dribbling the ball.

I do remember this play perfectly I wish Rodney did this more often, but it was one dribble and his lone dribble of the 2nd half.

Bingo. Not a fan of the 5-for-5 subbing. Wasn't a fan of it when Monson did it, and not a fan of it now when Tubby does it. Teams can utilize their depth without bringing the second 5 all in at once.

I can understand it during the exhibition games to a point, but I'd prefer the 5-for-5 go by the wayside once the regular season starts.

Yep.. this style of substitution boggles the mind.

I do not like the mass substitution much not because it is utterly unreasonable or non-functional but because it assumes a bigger risk than the normal pattern of substitution does -- yeah, I am risk averse.

The secondary group is there to buy some time (hopefully slow down and play some solid defense) for the core players who play better as a group -- Tubby’s system demands everyone working well with each other and even more so defensively. It may not appeal to some of us, but it is not some crazy stuff, either.

To me, it is riskier as it can fail spectacularly. When it does, it leaves a lasting impression that can affect one’s view of it more negatively than it should. Nevertheless, the bigger the risk is, the bigger the return may be. And we don’t readily notice it when it succeeds and reaps the bigger return.

I am not saying that I am with Tubby on the subbing pattern. Rather, I am suggesting a possibility that the mass subbing can work.

At any rate, it is absolutely possible that Tubby may change the subbing pattern if the secondary group is so terrible.

Are there any other teams who sub in this hockey-like fashion? I'm just curious.

Really unsure how long it's going to take Rodney to develop... He definitely hasn't lived up to his expectations. I don't even know why they still play him in games, aside from playing defense, which he still needs to get better at.

Is Smith trying to motivate Rodney or is he really that down on him? He has gushed all over Joe and Andre, praised Welch and Austin and good things about almost every player except Rodney. Offensive liability, trouble grasping defensive concepts, ouch.


Smith admitted last week that no player on his roster has had a harder transition to college basketball than Rodney Williams.
He played center in high school and was frequently the most athletic player on the floor. He now plays small forward and has struggled with his outside jump shot since joining the Gophers as well as grasping team defensive concepts.


Smith said junior forward Rodney Williams has plenty of work to do to ensure a spot in the starting lineup.

"I think Rodney, he's battling it out with some people," Smith said. "He's got to earn some things that he's got to get done. … The proof is in his shooting. He's got to improve in that area, because if he doesn't, it could be a liability. And he's got to pick it up in the defensive end."

Hey *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#, head over to the football board and check out the thread that's dedicated solely to ripping your pathetic @ss. You graduate from the U and write garbage like that? Funny, when times get tough some people run to the other side and laugh with them, at least we know you are a weak b!tch like that.

Oh, and also, why don't you tell your coke-head buddy Stanton that while he was starting for MSU they sucked, he was 1-2 against the Gophers and MSU is 4-6 against the Gophers in their last 10. Not like that slouch has any right to be talking sh!t.

That must by why Tubby said he could be an offensive liability.

You sound like Myron now. C'mon main. He's in his 20's he's and hasn't figured out that 'two dribble move' and will never be a good dribbler. Tubby constantly gripes about his defense. If he can't get it done he's got people ready to fill in.

You have lost all your credibility, i am embarrassed that you identify yourself as a gopher fan. Please leave and never return

Hey *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#, head over to the football board and check out the thread that's dedicated solely to ripping your pathetic @ss. You graduate from the U and write garbage like that? Funny, when times get tough some people run to the other side and laugh with them, at least we know you are a weak b!tch like that.

Oh, and also, why don't you tell your coke-head buddy Stanton that while he was starting for MSU they sucked, he was 1-2 against the Gophers and MSU is 4-6 against the Gophers in their last 10. Not like that slouch has any right to be talking sh!t.

Hey D-Bag-

I did graduate at the U and now I'm back as a MGIS (grad) student. So talk as much *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# about Katzenballs as you want, I've never met him nor do I give a fuc about him. I was a fan of his when he was covering gophers hoops for the daily.

Hey D-Bag-

I did graduate at the you and now I'm back as a MGIS (grad) student. So talk as much *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# about Katzenballs as you want, I've never met him nor do I give a fuc about him. I was a fan of his when he was covering gophers hoops for the daily.

I was a big fan of Tramaine Brock during his short stint at the U. Never once did I consider a 'brock184' handle.

Do you understand how a reasonable thinker would come to the conclusion that you're lying?

I was a big fan of Tramaine Brock during his short stint at the U. Never once did I consider a 'brock184' handle.

Do you understand how a reasonable thinker would come to the conclusion that you're lying?

No idea who that is.

As I posted. I thought about using the names like mndailyreader or mndailybbguy and went with his umn name listed at the bottom of his articles. If you think I'm Josh, keep on thinking so.

I could simply switch my moniker and start fresh, but after all this joy... no chance, I'm keeping it.

Rodney should take his athleticism and become a high jumper... probably the best chance for him to be a real success

Now Sampsonite, that's a cool moniker! (Still not as good as HatesMonikers though)

What did Rodney do that was so wrong last game? He played within Tubby's system, shot a good percentage from the field and the free throw line, and didn't get owned on defense. What more do you want?

What did Rodney do that was so wrong last game? He played within Tubby's system, shot a good percentage from the field and the free throw line, and didn't get owned on defense. What more do you want?

I agree, my only gripe with rodney, well i have a few from last game, he looked a little disinterested on defense. Wutever it was against BSU, ill take his game from last year against moore and barnes any day. He passed very well into the post yesterday, actuallt rodney in general last year had some great passes with touch on them, only two brutal passes all year stick out to me, it just so happened they were on back to back plays (cant remember who we were playin though). Rodney didnt force shots, he hit his free throws, i would love for rodney to be more assertive ala joe coleman with the drives, but i dont think that is his personality,he is going to take what the defense gives him. he has a similar demeanor to ralph. Every team has a few of those players, even the very good teams.

WOW....It's one game people! Let's judge Rodney after a few more.

His seasons weren't even THAT bad in the grand scheme of things. 6 ppg is more than the majority of other cbb players at the D1 level will ever score.

I do not like the mass substitution much not because it is utterly unreasonable or non-functional but because it assumes a bigger risk than the normal pattern of substitution does -- yeah, I am risk averse.

The secondary group is there to buy some time (hopefully slow down and play some solid defense) for the core players who play better as a group -- Tubby’s system demands everyone working well with each other and even more so defensively. It may not appeal to some of us, but it is not some crazy stuff, either.

To me, it is riskier as it can fail spectacularly. When it does, it leaves a lasting impression that can affect one’s view of it more negatively than it should. Nevertheless, the bigger the risk is, the bigger the return may be. And we don’t readily notice it when it succeeds and reaps the bigger return.

I am not saying that I am with Tubby on the subbing pattern. Rather, I am suggesting a possibility that the mass subbing can work.

At any rate, it is absolutely possible that Tubby may change the subbing pattern if the secondary group is so terrible.

how is there 'big return' in mass subbing your 6th thru 10th players for your top five? its as random as sending out the cheerleaders.

Rodney should be concentrating on his defense above anything else. He could be a real pain in the #ss to many opposing wings if he wanted to. He's quick, can leap, long reach, etc.. He has all of the physical tools needed to be stellar on defense.

His offense most likely won't ever be good enough to be considered anything more than a dunker. Poor dribbling skills = not much chance of getting to the hole on a consistent basis. Inconsistent jump shot = not much chance of getting to the hole on a consistent basis. I'd lay off of Rodney if he has the ball behind the 3-point line and beg him to shoot if I was his defender.

Again, defense might be the way Rodney goes from being a disappointment to a very valuable college player.

how is there 'big return' in mass subbing your 6th thru 10th players for your top five? its as random as sending out the cheerleaders.

The subs in the mass pattern usually are asked to do “plugging.” When they do their job successfully, they would not be as appreciated because their roles are not to offer offensive prowess or do anything to impress the audience. They most often do their job in silence.

The big return, assuming that the subs did the plugging successfully, is that the core players who work better both offensively anddefensively as a unit would have more floor time with each other. That is how I see it.

Sorry, but Rodney does not have all the tools.

Rodney should be concentrating on his defense above anything else. He could be a real pain in the #ss to many opposing wings if he wanted to. He's quick, can leap, long reach, etc.. He has all of the physical tools needed to be stellar on defense.

He doesn't seem to grasp the team defense aspect and he does not have good speed when moving side to side.

He doesn't seem to grasp the team defense aspect and he does not have good speed when moving side to side.

Getting him to get on-board with the team defense has nothing to do with physical tools. His lack of speed (side to side) can be worked on as well as he has more quickness than the average college wing imo. It's all up to Rodney and the coaching staff to make it happen, but he does indeed have the tools to make it so.

This has nothing to do with physical tools.

I am aware of that and not trying to conform to how you think everyone should respond and stay focused to your discussion.

I more interested in why Rodney is still struggling coming into his 3rd year and on that topic I am joining.

I am aware of that and not trying to conform to how you think everyone should respond and stay focused to your discussion.

I more interested in why Rodney is still struggling coming into his 3rd year and on that topic I am joining.

Then why did you quote tikited and (incorrectly) tell him he was wrong? I no understand.

His comment about going straight up to shoot a shot is as telling as anything. He obviously has never worked on any fundementals of shooting ever in his life, and he is into his third year at the U. It is pretty obvious his whole basketball carreer has consisted of jumping and shooting around the basket. The hardest shot in basketball is moving toward or away from the basket. Any distance at all from the basket makes it a tough shot.

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