Rod Carew - Happy 75th Birthday


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Dec 12, 2008
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PTI had #29 in their Happys today as a salve for wounded Twins fans. The rapid highlight reel was fun to see.

18 time All Star. Amazing.

Favorite Carew memory had to be his chase for .400.


Same here, it seemed like he could foul off, any ball that he wanted, and then wait for a ball that he could hit.

I remember Rod hitting two triples in an all star game. That was pretty cool.

did you know he was a jew?...

he converted.

When my daughter was in middle or high school (can't exactly remember), a classmate friend of her's asked if she wanted to go to Twins Fest with him and his uncle. So she went and came home later in the day. I asked how it went. She said the kid's uncle seemed to know everyone and was always talking to people, really a popular figure at this event. Seemed they were treated really well because of this guy's importance. She had assessed he must have played for the Twins at one time. So I said, "Well what's his name?" Finally after quite a while of putting everything together, turned out it was Rod Carew.

PTI had #29 in their Happys today as a salve for wounded Twins fans. The rapid highlight reel was fun to see.

18 time All Star. Amazing.

Favorite Carew memory had to be his chase for .400.

Bump, a day late but again courtesy of PTI paying respect today, Happy Belated 78th Birthday to Rod Carew.


I was in 1st grade at University Elementary in Blaine back in 1976. My teacher, Ms. Sironen, was friends with Rod's agent at the time and convinced them to come speak to our class.

I was asked to draw a 3' x 6' poster of Rodney in uniform that we would hang on the blackboard for his visit.

When it came time to hang the picture before he arrived, my teacher said "you know that Mr. Carew is a black man".

I scrambled looking for a brown crayon to color in his face and gloveless hand and finished two (2) minutes before he got there.

I really don't remember much of the rest other than having a photo op with Rodney and myself standing next to my poster and one of him putting a Twins cap on my head. I still have both photos and the day he was traded to the Angels goes down as one of my worst childhood memories.

PTI had #29 in their Happys today as a salve for wounded Twins fans. The rapid highlight reel was fun to see.

18 time All Star. Amazing.

Favorite Carew memory had to be his chase for .400.

I remember on at least one occasion in ‘77 where, while being intentionally walked, Carew swung at two of the wide throws, essentially saying “I’m giving you two strikes, c’mon pitch to me!”.

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