Rivals post season MN Top 10

Just Toledo, but the consensus is that is because he has to get his grades up a bit, that'd change. His HS coach said something along those lines as well.

I don't know, I could just be way off too. But if you ever want to see some impressive tape watch Webb:
I'd probably have him at 8. Harden at 9. Rallis at 10. Leidner out.

I think Harden might be worth another look. Hadn't seen him in person until towards the end of the year. I know he is undersized but guy can play. He might have the speed to be a rush end. If you take him off of that Cretin team I think Eagan outscores Cretin and they don't go to state. He singlehandedly shut down one of the better offenses in the state.

I'd probably have him at 8. Harden at 9. Rallis at 10. Leidner out.

I think Harden might be worth another look. Hadn't seen him in person until towards the end of the year. I know he is undersized but guy can play. He might have the speed to be a rush end.

It's hard for me to rate the players i've never seen. I've never seen Jonah, Will Johnson, Williams, .

From the players i've seen with my untrained eye:
#1: McDonald
#2: Nelson
#3: Davidson
#4: Webb
#5: Harden
#6: Hayes
#7: Leidner
#8: Rallis
Yeah, he's really a unique prospect. I think a lot of people assume he's just a really good space eater, but his game is almost entirely getting up field and disrupting the offense behind the line of scrimmage. In style of play, he is much closer to a John Randle than a Pat Williams. His game is getting off the ball quicker than anyone, and wreaking havoc.

I would think a broken leg would move you farther down the list.

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