Richt Dreams...


Section 211
Nov 12, 2008
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I know there's a couple of other threads...but here's more Mark Richt-related "food for fodder" for hungry Gophers...

From Pete Fiutak at College Football News regarding "how to fix" a number of programs, including UGA...specifically, dump Richt:

The Calvalcade Of Whimsy airing of the grievances followed by the feats of strength
Ten things that need fixing, and. of course, because I know better than the people who actually know how to do these things, here how to go forward …

1. Georgia
The Problem: 1980. Thirty years ago. That’s the last time Georgia won the national title, and outside of a decent run in 2002, it hasn’t been close to the grand prize since losing to Penn State in the 1983 Sugar Bowl. Mark Richt was supposed to change all of that.

91-31 overall, 50-25 in SEC play (with 11 of those losses by seven points or fewer), and with two SEC championships, Richt has done a fantastic job over his nine year, five game run. However, Florida and LSU have won two national titles each during that time, Alabama has won once, and Auburn was close to getting one of its own in 2004. Georgia, to use Richt’s words, has never been able to “finish the drill” despite having the No. 1 team in the country in 2008 and being strong enough to be close in 2002, 2004, and 2005.

This year’s team was supposed to be good. We might have been nuts to put the Dawgs No. 3 in our preseason rankings, and while we were wrong, there was a reason we went so overboard. Based on the talent coming into the season (and assuming A.J. Green would be there from the start), there was just enough on both sides of the ball to come up with a special year if the offensive backfield was solid. The offensive backfield has been a bowl of pudding, and 2010 has been special in a much different way starting out 1-4 with an 0-3 start in SEC play and with an unforgivable loss to a mediocre Colorado team. Meanwhile, Alabama is once again front and center in the national title chase, LSU is 5-0, and Florida, for all its problems, appears to be the lead dog in the SEC East race.

The Solution: Cut bait. 2008 was the real hot seat season for Richt with a heater of a team led by Matthew Stafford, Knowshon Moreno, and A.J. Green, and it didn’t happen. If that team couldn’t win the national title, it’ll never happen under Richt. That was the Dawgs’ chance.

Richt is a great guy and the type of coach you’d love to have leading your program, but Georgia has been lapped by Florida, Alabama, and LSU, and there’s no sign of that changing soon with the emergence of Auburn and Arkansas as powers, too. It’s time to make a decision right now on what Georgia’s real goals are. If so, then keep Richt, go to bowls every year, and be a solid eight-to-ten win team after this storm passes. Otherwise, if it’s national title-or-bust, you realize that the rest of this season doesn’t matter, you fire Richt, and you find your new coach as soon as possible to get a jump on recruiting. Make the change after the season and you’re dead come early February and you’re a year behind in the process.

Take a look at Temple’s Al Golden before Penn State does. Try to gauge Jim Harbaugh’s interest to see if he’s looking to make his next jump to the NFL or to a bigger name program. Fine-tooth the contract of Texas-head-man-in-waiting, Will Muschamp, think about Illinois offensive coordinator, Paul Petrino, and see if Brady Hoke might have any interest in leaving San Diego for Athens.

Georgia, it’s time to become a national title contender. It would be nice if Richt could be the one to make that happen, but he won’t be.


Rumblings and nothing more from the college football media...but still, an opportunity probably worth consideration...hey, the U's probably done worse over the last 50 years than this guy...

Here's the link:

Go Gophers! Beat Wisconsin!

well played. I would love to see most anyone else in the article of possible new Georgia coaches here, but if those don't work I'd be more than happy to see Richt in maroon and gold.

I'd take Richt in a heartbeat. I do think he'll be gone after this year in Georgia. The chances of him coming are still pretty remote but you never know.

I'd take Richt in a heartbeat. I do think he'll be gone after this year in Georgia. The chances of him coming are still pretty remote but you never know.

Assuming he wants to coach next year, why is it remote? What job is going to end up in that's signficantly better?

The job isn't as unappealing as some people seem to think. It IS a BCS job, and it is not as if this is the Duke job. If a coach doesn't have the self-confidence to think he can do well here, we don't need him.

Assuming he wants to coach next year, why is it remote? What job is going to end up in that's signficantly better?

Georgia could hire Golden, and then Temple can hire Richt.

Seriously though, of the jobs likely to be open after this year, I would put at least Illinois and Colorado as ≥ Minnesota. And assuming that our administration won't open up the pocketbook yet again, he'd have to be more likely to consider either of those jobs because of higher pay. Also, if Miles gets run out of town, I could see Richt to LSU in Nutt/Saban fashion.

Georgia could hire Golden, and then Temple can hire Richt.

Seriously though, of the jobs likely to be open after this year, I would put at least Illinois and Colorado as ≥ Minnesota. And assuming that our administration won't open up the pocketbook yet again, he'd have to be more likely to consider either of those jobs because of higher pay. Also, if Miles gets run out of town, I could see Richt to LSU in Nutt/Saban fashion.

Illinois and Colorado may be equal, but are not significantly better. Illinois is a basketball school and Colorado's really only had one window of significant success. Thier stadium isn't huge and they're more subordinated to the Broncos then the Gophers are to the Vikings. I'm also not sure how the Pac 10 thing will play. I suppose it's easier to win, but they're also pretty far away from the rest of the conference.

Illinois and Colorado may be equal, but are not significantly better. Illinois is a basketball school and Colorado's really only had one window of significant success. Thier stadium isn't huge and they're more subordinated to the Broncos then the Gophers are to the Vikings. I'm also not sure how the Pac 10 thing will play. I suppose it's easier to win, but they're also pretty far away from the rest of the conference.

You get to live in Boulder however and all that it and Colorado has to offer. For a person not from Minnesota like Richt, sorry but most people are going to pick Colorado over Minnesota every day of the week all things equal with the jobs such as pay, etc..

Illinois would be more appealing as it has had recent success and will be located in what many see as a top heavy but bottom weak division of the new BigTen.

I'll agree that most outsiders would prefer Boulder/Denver to Minnesota--- However, I think the new Big Ten is something coaching candidates would prefer to the new Big 12.

I don't understand how Minneapolis wouldn't be a better draw than Champaign/Urbana. We're a larger media market, have at least as good of facilities, and the urban area has much more to offer than Champaign in terms of arts/entertainment options. Illinois has a decent fan base--- but we're a winning season away from the same thing in the Twin Cities.

On another note... I'm not sure why we haven't made a bigger push in the Chicago area for some of the recruiting. Aside from Brandon Green, I can't think of another Chicago-area guy on our roster. I'm sure it's a pretty competitive area with UW, Iowa, Indiana, Purdue, NW, Ill, ND, and whomever else--- but it's also the third largest city in the US.

I'll agree that most outsiders would prefer Boulder/Denver to Minnesota--- However, I think the new Big Ten is something coaching candidates would prefer to the new Big 12.

The Big 12 is irrelevent though because CU is going to be in the PAC 12.

On another note... I'm not sure why we haven't made a bigger push in the Chicago area for some of the recruiting. Aside from Brandon Green, I can't think of another Chicago-area guy on our roster.

Johnny Johnson
Curtis Hughes
Dan Orseske
Marek Lenkewiecz

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