Richmond Times Dispatch column: With Teague, VCU's loss is Minnesota's gain

I didn't read the article; I don't feel it's necessary.

The bottom line is, he left there to come here.

It may be lazy writing, but if you asked most people around the country to do a quick word-association, I think it would go something like this:
Minnesota=cold or 10,000 lakes
Wisconsin=Cheese &/or Cheeseheads
Iowa=corn or Field of Dreams
South Dakota = Black Hills/Mt Rushmore
North Dakota = North of South Dakota

The flip side is that, after visiting MN in person, most people come away with a positive impression, because it's nicer than they expected.

So if I'm a Minnesota writer in a hypothetical world where we lose someone to a job in Virginia, I can write an article referring to all Virginians as a bunch of uneducated toothless hillbillies, and that's kosher?

Or characterize them as Presidents and statesmen: Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, al.

Don't know how civilized you would consider these, but here are the coldest temps ever recorded in the U.S.

Alaska -80 Jan. 23, 1971
Colorado -61 Feb. 1, 1985
Idaho -60 Jan. 18, 1943
Montana -70 Jan. 20, 1954
North Dakota -60 Feb. 15, 1936
Wyoming -66 Feb. 9, 1933
Minnesota -60 Feb. 2, 1996

The coldest ever recorded temperature in Key West was 41, in 1886.

Coldest temperatures ever recorded in B1G cities:

Madison -38
East Lansing -37
Minneapolis -34
Lincoln -33
Iowa City -26
Champaign-Urbana -25
Evanston -24
Ann Arbor -23
Columbus -22
West Lafayette -22
Bloomington -21
State College -20

So if I'm a Minnesota writer in a hypothetical world where we lose someone to a job in Virginia, I can write an article referring to all Virginians as a bunch of uneducated toothless hillbillies, and that's kosher?

Why wouldn't it be? Facts is facts.

So if I'm a Minnesota writer in a hypothetical world where we lose someone to a job in Virginia, I can write an article referring to all Virginians as a bunch of uneducated toothless hillbillies, and that's kosher?

i don't think that'd be kosher, no. but i'd have to check with my rabbi.

i think that you know that there is a difference between personal stereotypes and climate stereotypes. i am not sure your analogy holds water.

but i will concede, minneapolis is not literally the frozen tundra. perhaps we can get a letter writing campaign going to raise awareness to the fact that minneapolis is not literally a frozen tundra.


It is as ignorant as looking at the weather in Death Valley and then assuming that everywhere in California is that hot.

you raise a good point with death valley. i grew up in california and have been to death valley, it was 117 in the shade. i would be pissed if people thought that the little town where i was raised in the agricultural central valley, east of san francisco, was that hot. i think we only topped out at 115 that year. i also spent a week in the mojave desert in may and, being the boy scout i am, brought only shorts and t-shirts. it snowed.

but then i wouldn't expect every writer from the twin cities to have known that it can get quite cold in the mojave desert.

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