Reusse: "You could make a case that Smith has a tougher task than Kill at the moment"

Recruiting doesn't happen in a vacuum. A coach can recruit all the talented/highly-rated players he wants to, it doesn't mean anything if they don't work out or bolt at the first opportunity. Has he initially brought in some better talent? Yes. However, much of that talent has either bailed (Joseph, Cobbs, Iverson) or in White's case, never even made it to the court. At this point, people are chalking it up to bad luck. Personally, I'm beginning to wonder if it's something systemic. In other words, I have plenty of reservations about both Tubby's coaching and his recruiting.

No, it is crappy recruiting. You recruit to fit players. If he could not do that while recruiting personally, he sucks at recruiting. He apparently does not know how to have a conversation that reveals how a player wants to play in reality, and not just selling dreams. Pumping a kid full of sunshine wears off the moment reality sets in, like the first day of practice.

But, if you idiots, yes you are idiots, think that it is okay to bring a kid in and then have to fill that scholarship again the next year, that means you have to work that much HARDER on finding that additional good player. Don't pay for the same real estate twice. Pay once and pay at the correct price.

Okay relax, no need to get all amped up calling people idiots over a forum thread on if Tubby can recruit or not. It's really the perspective of how you look at recruiting. Am I saying he's a successful recruiter? Not really. I'm saying he has recruited good talent and landed good talent. He just has lost these players to whatever reasons. I'm dissappointed with Tubby as well. I've never been more excited for a team than when I thought Rodney, Royce, and Trevor were all coming in and going to play with Devoe Joseph, Cobbs, Sampson, Iverson, etc. You can't even say that wouldn't be a very talented team. He has recruited talent. He hasn't been successful at putting that talent on the court though. And that is coaching.

Okay relax, no need to get all amped up calling people idiots over a forum thread on if Tubby can recruit or not. It's really the perspective of how you look at recruiting. Am I saying he's a successful recruiter? Not really. I'm saying he has recruited good talent and landed good talent. He just has lost these players to whatever reasons. I'm dissappointed with Tubby as well. I've never been more excited for a team than when I thought Rodney, Royce, and Trevor were all coming in and going to play with Devoe Joseph, Cobbs, Sampson, Iverson, etc. You can't even say that wouldn't be a very talented team. He has recruited talent. He hasn't been successful at putting that talent on the court though. And that is coaching.


It's Tubby's fault that Maturi held out his best recruit indefinitely without real justification (White was never charged in the laptop thing and you don't suspend a kid indefinitely over the shoplifting incident) and that Joseph kept violating rules in an unspecified fashion (i.e. got caught smoking weed twice)? I didn't know Tubby was in the habit of telling the UMPD to slow play their investigations or dealing narcotics to college kids.

It's Tubby's fault that Maturi held out his best recruit indefinitely without real justification (White was never charged in the laptop thing and you don't suspend a kid indefinitely over the shoplifting incident) and that Joseph kept violating rules in an unspecified fashion (i.e. got caught smoking weed twice)? I didn't know Tubby was in the habit of telling the UMPD to slow play their investigations or dealing narcotics to college kids.

+1 Cobbs and Iverson looked at the depth chart and decided to go where they could get more playing time.

What's awesome is that the Tubby-bashing has now migrated over to the Football board as well. So instead of just ruining one board, the virus now gets to destroy two boards! Yippee!!

What's awesome is that the Tubby-bashing has now migrated over to the Football board as well. So instead of just ruining one board, the virus now gets to destroy two boards! Yippee!!

And another +1

Okay relax, no need to get all amped up calling people idiots over a forum thread on if Tubby can recruit or not. It's really the perspective of how you look at recruiting. Am I saying he's a successful recruiter? Not really. I'm saying he has recruited good talent and landed good talent. He just has lost these players to whatever reasons. I'm dissappointed with Tubby as well. I've never been more excited for a team than when I thought Rodney, Royce, and Trevor were all coming in and going to play with Devoe Joseph, Cobbs, Sampson, Iverson, etc. You can't even say that wouldn't be a very talented team. He has recruited talent. He hasn't been successful at putting that talent on the court though. And that is coaching.

The team, with Miami's horrid play, may have actually helped me to appreciate Tubby more than the previous 2 months. I am going to end my call for a new coach and will rally my support around Tubby. Of course, having RSIII on the bench, just may be the greatest gift the team has in terms of putting athletic firepower on the floor. The team moves so much more quickly without Ralph lumbering about. I can see the team making an NCAA run in 2 years. That said, I think the fb team will be 3 years away from making a solid run at a championship. So, on my nth look at this question... Smith looks like he should get a long comfortable extention with no changes in the supporting staff. I guess it took Williams, Coleman, and Dre to change my perspective.

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